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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. Has it occurred to anyone that the reaction from the General and his military entourage was one of genuine surprise and hurt?

    Reminds me of working with Thais.

    They were nice guys that would jump in front of a bullet for me (the Great White Bwana), but would pout like a 3 year old when I'd point out that they were doing something wrong.

    • Like 1
  2. Very true I agree. However I do not believe Thailand or Thai people are basically mature enough to hear/internalize anything that even remotely resembles Truth.

    What's scary is neither is the voting public in what is "Supposedly" the most advanced country that was ever built..

    You know, the one that bombs the shit out of people & such.

    Americans are mostly like this..

  3. I will come and shovel your driveway; and when I slip on the ice and break a bone I will then sue you for everything you have.

    Quite entrepreneurial, don't you think?

    Not sure if you are agreeing with me or disagreeing with me Eliot.

    Tort laws (class action suits) and ambulance chaser lawyers are the most rampant in the USA.

    USA Federal Regulatory Agencies pass new "regulations" every day that our congress has no say over. They create around 250 - 300 new laws every day in the "Land of the Free".


    I was once in my Dad's back yard in Florida shooting clay pigeons when a couple deputies showed up.

    They were looking for a felonious nephew that wasn't there.

    I'd been shooting guns all my life back where I was shooting guns & one of them said "They just passed a law saying blah, blah, blah" about shooting guns back there. Nobody told me.

    We had a single shot 12 guage, a single shot 20 guage, and two .38 pistols. Five miles of State forest in the background, plus we were on a hill & any shots would have been 30 + feet in the air above anyone standing more than 100 feet in front of us = all lead went into pine trees that you couldn't kill if you tried - HARMLESS RECREATION.

    I was there with family...Thai wife was there (be careful - I taught her how to aim & she hits what she's shooting at).

    The young cop wanted to give use a ticket as it would make him look good to know all about a new law.

    The older sheriff told him to leave us alone as there were 4 armed people there & he might piss us off to no avail. My sister-in-law overheard this conversation.

    Sadly, in today's world, they'd cite us for spitting on the ground in our own back yard, just to get that money from the ticket they'd be able to write.

    It's almost a carbon copy of the BIB in Thailand.

  4. No prior exercise = no muscle tone = skiing disaster

    Bit of fitness = might stand a small chance

    Insist that she do the "Tea-Bag" on top of you for a month, 5 times a day in the sack first....As prior training, to build up leg muscles ya know?! thumbsup.gif

    Just take the ditzy woman to see snow.

    What a load of tripe as far as leg training goes!

    If you take a Thai girl anywhere on Earth, whose legs are not the nicest you've ever seen, you might as well go grab some hog from the USA or the UK.

    I'm almost 48 and weigh the same as I weighed when I was 17 when I joined the Army.

    Flipping AMAZING to me to see American women my age. I just glanced at Craigslist in Georgia the other day YIKES!!! My 78 year old mother looks younger than some of those pictures!

    They all look like the bottom of my boot and the only trophy weight award they'd get would be in a salt water fishing tournament off the coast of the Bahamas.

    I'm old, just not old, fat & bald.

    If you are dating a whale Thai woman, then yes...........Go all out and get her in shape.

    If you are dating a typical Thai woman, then her legs are most likely drop-dead perfect.

  5. I once got smashed with Colonel George Geotzke (US Army Ret.) at his palatial house around Saphan Kwai/Pahonyothin in BKK.

    Col. George was a Viet Nam vet, was pretty cool & spoke great Thai, was friends with every thug Army, police & border patrol guy in his day. He died peacefully in his sleep due to a stroke at 76 years old in Hua Hin in 2009.

    If you ever see the Gene Hackman 1983 movie Uncommon Valor, Col. George had a bit part as the CIA guy in Bangkok. He's the bald guy that told Hackman to take his mercenaries & leave town while the BIB were trying bust his crew for buying weapons.

    I saw that damned movie almost 20 years later in Indiana, & said "Shit! That's Col. Goetzke!". He never told me about it.

    My point is......Got hammered w/ the Colonel & I was staying at the Sofitel a couple miles away. He was my ride.

    I told him I should go as I didn't think he'd want to drive drunk......He said, "Well, actually, here, IT HELPS!"

    His wife gave me a ride back to my hotel thank heavens!!!!

    If I make it to 70 or 76 I'll be happy.

    My Aunt's 82nd birthday was yesterday and, bless her heart, is in pain every day due to one ailment or another.

    To each his own. She had a bottle of cheap champagne that she'd bought around New Year. I'm 48, Mom is 78 & their cousin Johnny was here & he's 78 we all had a little tipple of Aunt Mary's Ripple for her birthday.

    I know Aunt Mary quite well (since I was born - she's Mom's older sister), but never had a drink with her. It took her about 3 sips and she was having a blast!

    "Pour me some more!"

    Good on her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    She drank two whole glasses!!!!!!

    • Like 1
  6. Democracy when every election is bought, come on it is going on all the way down the line. Mayor elect. 500 baht or 800 baht what a joke.

    Not disagreeing with you.

    It takes Khun Wuchit or Somchai or Pongpat a few hundred thousand baht to buy a uniform & badge.

    In the USA it takes at least a billion dollars to get elected President.

    Same same, but different.


    The Thais should LEARN ENGLISH a bit & trot out such as this video shows when it comes to "Corruption".

    It takes a whopping 2 seconds to find this on Youtube. The presenter does his best to make it humorous, but it's really sick:

    EDIT - I just noticed - Just type in civil forfeiture on Youtube & this one shows up as the number one result.

    I would LOVE to see Prayut toss this back at the USA in a statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    EDIT PART 2 - Just realized that the Thai could never flaunt this at the US.....Pot calling the kettle black...

  7. She'll LOVE IT!

    And You Hansum Man for taking here there!

    I have a picture of my wife in Florida of all places holding a big thermometer that read 0 degrees Celsius. It was N. Florida in January & gets that cold a few hours a day, a few days out of the year.

    She thought that was that was the Cat's Meow picture & hustled back inside the house after 3 minutes.

    She saw snow at the Chicago airport, through a big glass wall & I told her (I'm a Florida guy) that was the absolute best way to see it, was THRU a very THICK, INSULATED glass wall where it was warm inside.

    It''ll be a novelty to her for sure! I never saw snow till I was 30. I quickly hated it, but to each his own.

    Snow is like Pattaya..........Fun as hell to play in, just gets old real quick to live there.

    I'll take Pattaya over Detroit or the Swiss Alps any day though smile.png .

    I can always pour a bucket of water over my head or find a shade tree to cool off.

    Can't say it's all that easy to warm up in a blizzard & I've helped a friend in Indiana shovel snow at -5 F......It SUCKED.

    Please take a video camera.

    I'm sure we'd all love to see a sweet Thai girl in snow, on skis for the first time.

    Skis..........tell her she should have 17 witnesses video tape her inspecting her skis before she rents them, that way the nefarious Swiss or Italian ski renting mafia won't try to charge her 100,000 baht for imaginary damages!!!!

  8. Just 10 minutes ago I took a taxi to my uni. About 1.5 kilometres, traffic not too bad.

    Normally 39Baht. Today 53Baht.

    I mentioned that the meter was running fast, driver got abusive. Just after I got in he's talking to a friend on his phone, when I mentioned about the meter he abused me for interrupting his call.

    This cab has the sticker to say it's passed inspection which is simply not possible, exhaust super loud, shockers completely failed, and the inside of the car is quite dirty.

    He has stickers etc. for grab taxi - I called their number many times nobody answers.

    I called 1111, eventually got someone speaking English 'sorry all staff gone to breakfast', then he hung up.

    Not about taxi's but...

    Par for the course on the phone call.

    I moved back to Thailand in 2010 after being gone 6 years & needed internet hooked up in Pattaya.

    At the time you couldn't drive 30 feet without seeing a banner ad for 3BBB internet on the side of the road with a 4 digit number to call.

    The banner flags must've cost 1,000 - 2,000 baht each & were strung out from Jomtien to Naklua. Bloody HUNDREDS of them everywhere.

    I called the number about 15 times & nobody EVER answered the phone!

    I didn't even get a recording, just endless ringing on the other end.

  9. Sacre Bleu!

    I have no idea what that means, it just sounds cool to say when I hear about French things - even though these two are about as French as "Ali Baba & His Band of 40 Thieves".

    I spent 10 years in the Middle East (Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, Oman etc). I wonder why I never, ever heard of a Kuwaiti named Jones, Smith, Rodriquez or LeBlanc?

    I did meet one, mind you only one, Lebanese guy with the first name of Michelle which was a throw-back to French colonization I'm sure.

    • Like 2
  10. Here's a translation of the original article:



    08.00. Today (Jan 31) IV. Accidents Registration for Car Crash Course 7288 Chiang Mai motorcycle up to 605 Mt in the tunnel underpass Ring Road 2 Chiang Mai Provincial. People riding a motorcycle is Mr.Surachai intelligence, age 37, residing at 77/1 Moo 6. Simon spins in. Fang, Chiang Mai., Died at the scene immediately in the head, limbs broken motorcycle demolished. Parts scattered all over the floor surface. The front left passenger cars were damaged.
    The investigation Ms. handsome white stone is 43 years old Land Officials Mai. The motorist was driving the car that intersection as lucky. Headed the government center The tunnel This is the Way And a curve Motorcycle riding is deceased sneak back arrow on the left lane from the government center in Chiang Mai. That is their right lane
    Additionally, the curves make themselves invisible. Car was hit full force. Grant died on the spot They are not shocked by the incident.
    However, the authorities have checked the CCTV at the time again to be attributed to the expression of the investigation. The accident was considered as an example. Drivers who violate traffic rules.
  11. The US is getting into a new Cold War mode again.....Never learning from the past...or still living in the past.

    World changed.

    While the current leaders of wonderful Thailand are trying to take this country back to the 1800's. coffee1.gif


    You remind me of that Jody Foster movie, where she asks Chow Yun Fat if blowing up the bridge will stop his (Thai) political rival & he says "Only if he's on it".

  12. All I saw was US guys scared to go to Issan...Sounds like me.

    I don't mind Issan at all, (kinda boring - kinda enjoy it), it's the nail-biting 7 hour drive to go 200 miles (320 km).

    I average 30 mph (48 kph) and it's the scariest place in the world to drive or be a passenger.

  13. How do you arrest a venue! Right then, come along with me you naughty Nana Plaza, you're nicked!!

    How do you arrest a postcode or an entire part of a city or resort?

    The USA does it, the bastards...

    Civil forfeiture is a procedure that permits police to confiscate property without convicting, or even charging, the owner with any crime.

    The cases have names like these:

    • United States vs. 867 County Road 227

    • United States vs. $124,700 in US Currency

    • United States vs. James Daniel Good Real Property.

  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I am a farang from the US, and do not see threat to Thailand face because US has a few representitives to convey their thoughts! I agree Thailand should be able to conduct their bussiness with out actual interferance from outside influence. But, as far as that democratically Govt that took office, that was a complete joke! No one from the rural village did much of anything without being paid Payments and threats won the last election, and although this only my opinion and thoughts, I'm glad to see the military step in and help sort out a certain family from power. Sometimes you have spank the kids to get them listen, and I hope all goes with eyes wide open and see why this govt had to take over, and maybe they can now have a real democratically run election. The general is simply trying to rid out some of the riff raff, and he is doing it the only way it can realisticley be done! Again all this is my opinion!

    And it's an incredibly patronising one at that. You're suggesting the Bangkok and southern elite are the only ones with the intelligence and integrity to vote honestly. No, you're not just patronising, you're a patronising fool.

    Seriously you are from the USA and speak such pigeon? Get for <deleted> real and stop your trolling!

    I thought the exact same thing.

    Me too.

  15. You know what, they endlessly go on about 'face', yet millions in their population live in poverty with poor educational standards whilst the rich cream the lot. We can see it. Other countries can see it. Internationally Thailand has no 'face'. Hell, look at the human trafficking and slavery category they just won!

    Start sorting out the problems, get back to a democratic system and learn to live by the rule of law, take care of your people's futures and maybe, just maybe, you Thailand, might just get the 'face' you so crave.

    As an American I'll say:

    If we just had drop-dead gorgeous women everywhere we looked that were dying to jump in the sack for a few bucks, we'd have absolutely ZERO use for Thailand.

    We're stuck with mostly fat cows for women and laws against the world's oldest trade.

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