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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. First off, there are no corrupt nations just as there are no fascist nations.

    There are corrupt and fascist politicians. Disgusting puppets that are there to expedite the orders of the elite that got them elected.

    And when those elites are actually controlling the EU abolishing any sense of democratic governing and looking after only their personal interest, then it's time to run. Run as far away as possible.

    So, go Greece and let fourth reich Germany rule over the rest of Europe.

    AAAHhh, BUT, unless one is living under a coup-installed government, it was the populace that voted the corrupt politicians in.

    The USA is no different.

    Corrupt politicians buy their way in one way or another, usually with a promise of something for nothing (Rice Scheme in Thailand - Obamacare - Greek barbers that get government pensions at 50 years of age).

    • Like 1
  2. If Greece goes back to the Drachma it'll probably be like Thailand keeling over in 1997, yet it'll be the Euro that dies.

    They've painted themselves into regular old corner there haven't they?

    I saw another article today that said Greece had obtained independence in 1828 (from the Ottomans???), and had been in a state of default 1 out of 2 years since.

    Where's my buddy Costas?

    I'm sure he can set us straight.

    [@Costas - Love Ya Buddy!]

  3. You can imagine the shock and horror of encountering nudity on a visit to Pattaya.

    Shiver me' timbers Mate!

    If they want to "Protect" us from unsightly views, how about shutting down the Jet-Ski thugs?

    Rather unsightly to see people getting scammed for years on end isn't it?

    Let consenting adults do what we want.

    I may or may not ever find the place, but if I do, who am I hurting?

    The more they try to "Save Face", the more they Lose Face.

    Idiots is my opinion.

  4. Do you mean serving SAS members or some of the many that have retired to Pattaya?


    Need all the retired SAS, Pioneers, Green Berets, & SEALS in Pattaya to join in.

    Wish I had 10 baht for every one I've met down there.

    At least I'm honest (and had some sense). I started out infantry & moved to maintenance in the Army.

    Got out & went to staying in five star hotels & flying business class as a contractor instead of working for Blackwater in Iraq, flying C-147's & sleeping in tents, getting shot at.

    I did do a few stints in hairy places, but it's mostly pretty nice as compared to a grunt.

    • Like 1
  5. Hopefully this will instigate some Muslim on Muslim Hatred and end this Debacle...

    unless I have got it completely wrong - Muslim on Muslim conflict is common place in the middle east - they fight amongst themselves and everyone else on the planet

    Religion is evil and should be outlawed and wiped from the face of this planet - it has been the cause of more deaths in human history than anything else we know about


    Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion" should be compulsory reading in all schools IMHO

    But if we do not control the hairy unwashed with superstitious fears then what do we do?

    I kinda like my Baptist church.

    The Pastor is a guy I will call a friend to the day I die.

    Blaming religion is like blaming guns.

    Religious or not a HUMAN pulled the trigger...not the gun nor the Bible nor the Koran.

    While you guys are at it, banning religion, you should also make Pattaya go-go girls wear burkas.

    I say to each his own.

    I cuss, drink & chase women. I also enjoy going to church & reading the Bible.

    It's my choice. You are welcome to go to Church or a Mosque or Synagogue or Temple or do whatever floats your boat.

    I don't care, as it's up2u biggrin.png .

    • Like 1
  6. Sorry. Some times government final approval does takes years if you do not offer bribes so do not be so judgmental if you do not known when he applied. Maybe when and if you have experience with government licensing agencies you will find out that sometimes you must be in operation before they will even provide a final license, as demanding to see in operation to finalize the process.

    Lets use your expat brains and wonder why Nipon Chotibal why might nicely have stated they are in the process of applying.

    You bitch they corrupt and then if they are not willing to grease palms, then you scram they are illegal and full of arrogance . You do not always get to be right just because you want to be.

    My expat brain says "Why on Earth would I ever dream of farming snakes?"

    Then again, why would I ever stick my head into a crocodile's mouth?

    I guess it all boils down to a failure to communicate common sense.

  7. A three metre shark is considered a "giant"?


    I had the good fortune to go surfing with a friendly shark at New Smyrna Beach in Florida once.

    It was more of a boogy board body-surfing I was doing. I was neck deep & jumped up to catch a wave & a 1.5 meter (he was 4 or 5 feet long) shark was next to me!

    Sum-bitch surfed right next to me down the wave.

    Needless to say I rode that wave perfectly all the way to the shore & was walking on what little bit of water I had to cross to get to dry land.

    They look pretty big when you're in the water next to him unexpectedly!!!

  8. What possible difference has such knee jerk counter-reciprocity made?

    Jordan executes convicted jihadists after pilot's death


    All this does is justify the barbarous act in the minds of IS sympathizers, feeds the flames of recruitment.

    Again! Where's the strategy? If there was a strategy to conquer IS and what it stands for there would not be such knee jerk reactions.

    No knee jerk they deserved to be killed, it's just a shame they waited so long.

    Bullet between the eye on capture is the way to go.

    Would you sooner she spends time behind bar crocheting?

    Too simplistic.

    Whether these particular individuals already in captivity are alive or dead makes no odds. But in publicly killing them in response to the murder of the pilot simply fans the flames of IS recruitment and further escalation.

    IS will not care that these individuals are now dead, in fact it plays into their hands once again. They do kill their own with total disregard in any case.

    It's becoming worryingly obvious there is no strategy or global co-operation on strategy with regard to the IS threat.

    "I'm so worried". You sound like Obama.

    The world LOVED to HATE Bush.

    Just can't bring our little pathetic liberal hearts to mouth one bad word about a liberal, black president that couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag though can we?

    Nah, we'll just be "worried" and "Troubled", and wring our hands.

    Obama is a wimp.


    What would be cool is if King Abdullah got off his ass & did something on his own without waiting for some Holy Hand of Washington to say it's OK to do it.

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  9. Thai movies?

    Talent pool?

    All I see are the very badly acted juvenile soaps on tv.

    Soaps are soaps the world over it seems - all crap.

    If given the choice of watching soap operas or hot needles under my fingernails I'd go for the needles.

    What gets me about Thai movies is when they have an English movie & the Thai guy talks over it (is that called dubbing? I dunno).

    It always sounds like the same guy that does them all & his <deleted> must be hanging like a buffalo stud the way he does such a fake, deep voice.

    • Like 1
  10. Its clear the USA would not support this military lead regime.

    After all there is no evidence of the USA ever using the military to impose their standards on a democratically lead nation state.

    Except for Vietnam, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc.

    Sure the USA would support the Shins, because they have a recognizable dollar amount they can be assured of accepting to support any USA policy, however illegal. (eg. Black sights in Udon Thanee)

    Unless the regime is corrupt, the USA can't work with them. That's the real sticking point.

    Democracy is a dear concept to the USA, which is why the party that has the most money in an election, always wins the presidency. This isn't policy, its just a fact that has occurred in every election ever in the USA.

    The standard that the USA held Iraq to, stopping corruption and human rights abuses, should apply here. So its more than a little strange that the USA don't support this government, which is going a long way to re-righting the problems that have become endemic in Thailand.

    Buying votes at 1000bht a day is not democracy, nor is bombing cities and arming a militia if you don't get your way. Its called election fraud and terrorism in every other country.

    The USA has a very strange ethos, maybe a tighter alliance with china is a better idea.

    The USA is 10 times as corrupt as Thailand = That's why they want to charge us 10 times as much to visit some overcrowded national park!

  11. ^^ Jaywalker, I agree, but it's not that simple.

    Simply running bombing sorties and nothing else it'll just end up being one endless game of whack-a-mole.

    Sounds almost as fun as an endless game of whacking my monkey.

    I never said bombing sorties BTW.

    I agree boots of red-blooded folks like you and I that are sick of these sickos, on the ground are what is needed.

  12. Let us not forget where these terrorists learnt their trade.

    This from the Independent.

    The notorious Finsbury Park mosque became a breeding ground for terrorism during the six years that Abu Hamza held a "controlling influence" there.

    Dozens of anti-terrorism investigations led detectives back to the north London building, which became known as a first port of call, a meeting place and a haven for terror suspects arriving and operating in the UK.

    The list of those linked to the mosque features the names of some of the most dangerous terrorists to have been captured by the authorities in recent years.

    The shoebomber Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged "20th" 9/11 hijacker, were among the angry young Muslims who went there.


    Amazing how liberalism & socialism have made words like Rag-Head, Wobbly, , Kaffir & the "N" word so WRONG to say.

    Meanwhile the rag-heads scream "Kill all the white people!" for decades & we just allow more and more to come into our countries.

    I'm not racist at all, but they are, so I dislike them, which makes people say I'm racist.......GRRR!

    I'm a white-boy Redneck Baptist Christian MARRIED to an ASIAN Buddhist you MORONS!


    Sad hear about that pilot.

    I spent a few weeks in Jordan and really liked the place.

  13. Well, well. Up until today I've been told that attacking and killing them makes them worse and helps with their recruiting. I've been told that allied actions in the ME caused this jihadist behavior. I've been told that they are really peaceful and that pointing at them is "Islamophobic." I've been told I must be "inclusive." I've been called a bigot.

    I'm a bigot. Where are those carpet bombs?

    Is the present strategy working? I would say not.

    I've no problem carpet bombing insurgent positions, but having only this tool in the box doesn't seem to be doing the job.

    What strategy would you suggest?

    My strategy would be hated here on this forum. Let me just say this. Let those bastards try their stuff in my neighborhood in the US. End of.

    Still won't work, it needs fire and water.

    Now, Jordan vows to avenge pilot's death, as IS 'execution' video emerges . . .


    There should have been an "earth shattering" response to ISIS from day one. Where's the planning? Where's the strategy? Is there a strategy?

    The strategy seems to be for liberal hand-wringing Western leaders to wring their hands and worry, whilst mainly worrying about their own next election.

    Here's the way a liberal, socialist thinks:

    We should pass a law and call it gun control.

    I am a Libertarian, Right Wing, Gun-Carrying prior infantry Redneck.

    Give me the cost of a couple F-16's and I'd get 500 guys together & wipe them up....Maybe not that simple, but it makes one think about the logistics ISIS needs.

    Where are they getting their supplies?

    Did the Ho Chi Minh trail migrate?

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  14. Not just jailed but exiled to somewhere such as South Georgia in the Falklands and hard labour.

    They should be buried alive in bloody pig skins.....the kind dripping with freshly killed pork meat, while we sit around and eat pork chops and pork ribs and toss the bones on their graves.

  15. In reality a similar system occurs in many national parks and historical attractions in the west. In the UK it is very common for pensioners and local people to get reduced or often free admission to attractions owned by local authorities and for others to have to pay more. 200-400 thb to spend a day in a national park does not sound a huge amount but too much for many local Thais to be able to appreciate their own natural resources.

    They have much the same at many Florida (privately owned) tourist attractions. Show your Florida ID & get a discount.

    It's not "Hey YOU! YOU! You no look like us so you must pay more!"

    If you are from Colorado or California you have to pay more to get a fishing license (what a stupid license) in Florida than residents pay, but it's never judged on skin color or one's first language or whether or not they have slanty eyes.

  16. I pondered this for all of 10 seconds and have it figured out.

    Farangs have 10 times the reasoning abilities, 10 times the brain size, and 10 times bigger wallets...and 10 times bigger [whatever].

    You! You! Farang! Must Pay!


    I can see how it would work in the USA, UK or Europe.

    You! You! Dink Chink! Must Pay!

  17. That is why, I admire you Prime Minister.

    You are a patriot, and a man of honour.

    I believe that at the end you will succeed with your aspirations.

    Thailand will be a better country with you, in charge.thumbsup.gif

    that is why, I admire you Costas

    you are a FARANG, and a Greek moron

    I believe that at the end GREECE will go bankrupt with your absence

    Greece will be a better country without you and you can PRETEND you are a pseudo Thai in your Right Wing Paradise! (enjoy it while you can)

    that, dear Greek, will be your Tragedy

    Did you just say right wing and Greek in the same sentence?

    I enjoy Costas' banter.

    Half the time I agree with him & half the time I don't. I never attacked the guy though.

    I'm a Libertarian, Right Wing, Gun Slinging Redneck from Georgia, and the Greeks, my friend, are not right wingers.

    They do have some smoking hot women though, when young.

    Thought I was going to break my neck looking and leering as I made way thru the Athens airport once.

    A couple days later I saw a pack of old crones having lunch & it reminded me of the wives on Goodfellas. SCARY!!!!

    Leave Costas alone. He's a nice guy....Probably wears a toga & is therefore quite philosophical. biggrin.png

    @Costas....Love ya Buddy!

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  18. Shouldn't they be talking to the head Buddhism office about these things? The gov has no place in religion

    In a civilized society, a permit to conduct the march would be required. It has nothing to do with religion, but has A LOT to do with due process to prevent, or at least minimize, disruption of normal life among residents of the area.

    I agree with you, but would like to add

    ...and politicians NEVER cause traffic jams do they?

    It's a good thing Thailand doesn't have a Chief Dog Catcher.

    Can you imagine the number of Police it would take to protect his convoy block traffic as he made his rounds up and down every soi in the country?

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