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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. I don't get it, if they where just touristicing around, if they are not allowed to return in 5 years, who is the looser?? they or the Thai Tourist industry?

    I thought the law was in effect already last year? with big announcements and the "crack down" speech. I think technically if one overstay just a few days they could bar you for 5 years, am I right?

    Yeah, what are they going to do to take away jobs from Thais?

    Get a job teaching Russian?

    Be a Russian tour guide?

    Thais can do that (not)!

    Off with their heads!

    • Like 2
  2. Pass out the sticks so we can beat the sickos who did this and the sicko TV posters who support this cruelty.

    Thailand and the world will be a better place without people like these.

    It is a free forum.

    Just as well that these posters are permitted to show us how deranged they are so we can be weary of them I guess.

    Writing down a few names right now.


    I have a Maltese dog named Lolipop.

    I have a Pomeranian named Priscilla.

    I have a Chihuahua name Peanut.

    I don't hate dogs.

    I hate wild animals that are allowed to tromp around like they own the place and terrorize the populace though.

    Is it Lassy, or is it Cujo??????

    I like cats too.

    Have had few that were as good as dogs.

    Doesn't mean I agree with lions or tigers roaming the neighborhood.

    I believe in gunpowder & lead.

    Some folks are so liberal they'd sacrifice a daughter or grand daughter for animal rights.

    I wish you & yours the best, but an aggravating dog (look left, look right, look up, look down, look around) are simply too thick in Thailand.

    Mayhaps your bleeding PITA heart can explain to me why I've been attacked at least 2 dozen times in Thailand by soi dogs???

    Why can I count 54 of them within a 4 minute drive of my house?

    WHY, do the other 44 countries I've visited not have a bazillion stray dogs within spitting distance?

  3. I once tried to film an Issan funeral on my Blackberry. It was a pretty cool cultural rite (I thought).

    Was scolded & told to put it away.


    They DO, SO LOVE their posed photos though don't they?

    I honestly cannot tell who the accused is.

    They all look guilty.


    The guy on the left looks like "You bastards just woke me up"

    The woman is a bad typist with knobby knees & just stood there & smiled.

    Next is a fat guy, who is an undercover DSI guy (or something) looking like he got caught.

    Next, moving left to right, is a dude that hasn't been laid in a LONG TIME.

    He has his eyes on K. Knobby Knees' derriere.

    Am guessing the accused is the guy sitting behind the desk, looking like the Mayor. No idea what the clowns on the right are doing (besides looking like they've just been blinded by a camera flash).

    I suppose all that finger pointing really does have a use.

  4. They should be presented with a medal by the Mayor, given badges, a 12 gauge shotgun or 4, two hundred rounds of ammo per week & put on the city's payroll.

    If they beat you ?

    If I run around rabid, snarling and barking my brains out & defecate any and every place, yes.

    I'd say I deserve to be beaten or shot or something.

  5. I wonder what other holidays are high sex times ? There should be a study on what dates people get pregnant. Take everyone's date of birth and go back 9 months I guess would be a start. If valentines day is the number one sex day that would mean most Thais are born around November 14. Would be interesting to know what this really is in Thailand. The US has the highest birth rate in September meaning that Christmas and New Years holiday is heavy sex time. November is way down the list ....

    Trying to figure out if school kids are having sex you would also need to figure in the mothers age.

    My daughter (Nina) was born 9 months to the day (had to have been that one night I was bouncing her Mommy's head off the wall in the shower).

    I had just gotten a vacation after 6 months in the desert of Kuwait & January 20th was conception night. October 20th here came our bundle of joy.

    Wife's sister had a baby exact 21 days before she did - Can you say New Year's baby-making?

    Grandma & Grandpa were yucking it up in Surin with two brand new granddaughters within 3 weeks of each other.

  6. One side cracksdown against protesters, bad. Another side we like does it, good.

    It literally is that black and white.

    Nah, It's the purple-shirted crooks VS. the mauve-shirted crooks is all.

    Kinda like Crips & Bloods fighting in LA is the best way to describe Thai politics.

    EDIT - I should have said Democrats & Republicans in Washington... Same same but different.

  7. The sad and startling thing is that it seems as if this guy Moore is not just grandstanding or politicking but genuinely believes that homosexuality is evil.

    I expect that sort of sincerely held view from uneducated trailer trash, but not from an educated person.

    I guess it just goes to show what religion can do to common sense.

    The guy believes that Washington should have no say over what 81% of people in Alabama believe.

    State's Rights is what it's about.

    I know I'm talking to a wall though. The US Constitution is a dead letter. Has been for a long time, especially when any kind of "Politically Correct" issue arises.

    The people who go on about "states' rights" think only the states have rights. The thinking is in error.

    The first ten amendments which were adopted simultaneously, the Bill of Rights, guarantees individual freedom, liberty, justice, to each citizen.

    Note the ordinal arrangement of the Bill of Rights, which amendment is first, which is second....which is 10th and thus the last of the grouping.

    It is clear in the body of US lawmaking and jurisprudence that each individual citizen has inherent and "inalienable" natural and legal rights. The rights of the individual entirely eclipse the vague and reactionary claim of "states' rights"

    When each state was admitted to the United States it signed on the dotted line that the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land. When Alabama became the 22nd state in 1819 it signed on that dotted line. Yet Alabama was among the eleven states that were on the wrong side in losing the civil war. That alone should have brought the point home to the state and its people 150 years ago, but it apparently has not yet done so.

    Whatever this nebulous notion of "states' rights" may claim, the claims are superseded by the individual rights guaranteed in the Constitution to each and every citizen. That is what the Supremacy Clause is about and why it exists. In a conflict between a state and the federal government, the Constitution says the United States Government prevails. Always, every time, in everything.

    Can't argue with the Fed's.

    I won't dispute that.

    The Civil War was about State's rights (not slavery). Slavery would have went the way of the do-do bird on its own due to the Industrial Revolution.

    I despise the thought of slavery, but that was 150 years ago. Sorry to even bring it up, but one can't mention the Civil War without talking about it.

    My argument is that if I disagree with the Federal government interfering in what local governments decide, like this judge disagreed, we are IMMEDIATELY labeled, "Something-phobic".

    Somebody can call me a conservative right-wing fanatic (which I'm not) & that's politically correct.

    If I point out that local communities should be able to pass local laws via their local governments, I'm accused of wanting to stone people to death & compared to IS or Saudi Arabia.

    Personally I could care less one way or the other about gay marriage.

    The only thing I despise is Washington poking their noses into local affairs.

    OH yeah, I also despise people that want to stone me online because I have ideas that differ from theirs.

    HEAVEN FORBID that a relaxed Conservative like me express my views in a logical manner without being castigated as Racist or Homophobic or some other nasty word, which I resent as much a black guy being called the "N" word.

    It creates a great deal of respect in my mind for liberals that do that - NOT!

  8. "Noppadol Khuenphet, the museum manager, said the incident happened on February 3 when seven or eight Chinese tourists were visiting the museum."

    Absolutely IMPOSSIBLE. Now, if the article had said when "70 or 80 Chinese tourists were visiting" I might believe it.

    As for the 4,000 a day visiting, I believe that. Probably takes two whole buses to get them there.

  9. The sad and startling thing is that it seems as if this guy Moore is not just grandstanding or politicking but genuinely believes that homosexuality is evil.

    I expect that sort of sincerely held view from uneducated trailer trash, but not from an educated person.

    I guess it just goes to show what religion can do to common sense.

    The guy believes that Washington should have no say over what 81% of people in Alabama believe.

    State's Rights is what it's about.

    I know I'm talking to a wall though. The US Constitution is a dead letter. Has been for a long time, especially when any kind of "Politically Correct" issue arises.

    so if 81% of people in any state decide to enforce stoning people to death for some sin, should we respect that?

    Majority of people cannot legislate something that has been agreed by all states to be illegal. Discrimination is one of such thing.

    That is why Constitution exist, not to be cherry picked by conservatives trying to deny someone else of their equality and human rights.

    Talking to a wall.

    • Like 1
  10. The writer has overlooked Prayut's 'the military will return' should any elected government fail to 'solve' the country's problems.

    So is the junta leader's declaration to Abe of a return to democracy by the end of this or early next year sincere or just PR guff?

    It's guff.

    It's a viscous cycle.

    They'll go back to being a democracy long enough to get some more beans & bullets from the USA, that they can then use in the next coup.

    • Like 1
  11. According to Col. Sirichan Nga-thong, the explosion occurred while soldiers were attempting to repair a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) inside a workshop building.

    Seriously? They were attempting to repair a rocket propelled GRENADE? What sort of a brain dead moron does that?

    If it's defective you dispose of it, you do NOT repair it.

    Just being frugal ..

    They know the US will not supply more unless they hold an election!

    You've absolutely got that right.

    They got me involved in working on 4 Army trucks that had been demolished in the 2010 (or was it 2011?) riots when the folks with purple shirts were protesting against the folks with oleander shirts over their different tastes in shirt fashion.

    The trucks had been mobbed with hatchets and axes and clubs and knives - yes knives...They cut every wire they could find.

    Happened in April as I recall.

    They got the trucks back to an undisclosed location in NW BKK, called Pathum Thani with no hoods (bonnets) nor any covering over the various gaping openings where water could get in.

    A 100 baht tarp would have been good.

    They let them sit in the rain till November when the new fiscal budget got approved.

    Now, even though the trucks were 20+ years old, to replace them at 3 million baht each would have been 12 million.

    I thought they wanted new engines & transmissions & wiring harnesses......probably 800 thousand, maybe 1 million baht per truck.

    I didn't get that across though. I just said "Sure! They can be repaired", thinking new factory parts would be installed.

    They said "Great! Help us rebuild them!"

    The engines and transmissions were 100% FULL of rain water. FAR AND AWAY more damage had been done by rain than by the oleander (or was it purple?)-shirted mob.

    I got them running.

    They lasted about 6 months.

    They kept bugging me to remove the truck bodies from the frames....."WHY, oh WHY? I asked.

    "To repair them"......"There's nothing wrong with the frame & we can fix the body right where it's at" I explained.

    "But, how can we repair it if we don't take it apart?"

    It reminded me of when I was adding a deck to the back of my house & my 3 year old kid would ask me why I cut that board "To make it fit".

    Why do you want to make it fit?

    So we can walk on it.

    Why do we want to walk on it?

    So we'll have someplace to stand. You're standing on it now.

    Oh. Why are you nailing it? etc...

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