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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. The U.S. Marshals Service called him "one of the most intelligent fugitives ever sought"

    Not that intelligent... He stayed in the US, anyone with half a brain and a load of cash would be living in Thailand where even if caught, could simply buy his freedom.

    Thailand has its nose jammed so far up Washington's derriere it's laughable.

    He should have gone to Brazil & knocked up a hot favella girl.


    He could get Brazilian citizenship by doing that & they don't extradite citizens.

  2. OK Ok, lets give this island where so many foreigners die the most positive spin we can. Clearly there is a person or group on the island (or is a frequent visitor) who is untouchable but who has a thing about killing foreigners. Instead of raking over the coals in the British tabloids, this condition should be seen as a difficult-to-satisfy-need.

    But instead of hiding this fact, why not advertise the island for those who, for whatever reason (illness, depression, gone broke etc) want to be killed. It would be a simple matter of going there and wearing a certain type of teeshirt (an appropriate design could be found, say with a target on it!) so that the wrong person does not stop the bullet. Obviously, there would be a sign at the port warning those not wishing to be offed not to wear such a teeshirt!

    This might appeal to those who are too scared to do it themselves and just do not want to know when they are going to be offed. A separate method could be offered for those who want to go while they are doing their favourite activity (and this being Thailand there could be a certain kind of bar-girl who could supply the favourite activity side of the bargain) Any method of killing beyond a bullet in the head would cost more - you could choose a variety of ways of departure and they might even put torture on the menu as a special, depending on client's wishes.

    The person or group could both make money for the island and do a public service as well as bringing in much needed income to the island, now that the divers and others have moved on somewhere else. Just a thought . . . . . . .

    There you go.

    Rename it Kevorkian Island.

    • Like 1
  3. .

    to install automated external defibrillators at public places frequented by high-risk individuals.

    Like where? Hospitals?

    Or Villa Market, when the heart atackee reads the prices?

    Or at the 7/11 at tourist areas...When overweight Dieter with 3 Viagra in his stomach can't buy beer because it is out of time....

    Off topic here but.

    Dieter, viagra.......Dieter Dengler.

    Dieter Dengler was BAD-ASS though!

  4. That's gonna push more people up to Floor 4 Departures looking for a taxi, or to the Airport Link.

    Yes that is true..you know the system..Mafa payment of overpirced transport to city center when a trip up to departure taxi await in desperate Taxi driver's hand ways for attraction...once the taxi driver drops off his passenger..I usually await near a pillar to keep from security that keeps taxis moving out after drop off..well here it is...I rush out of building like I forgot my passport..or more believable one I use is... left my wife at hotel and need to get back ASASP...this is said to any security person whom approaches me!... once inside I speak Thai..assuring him he is LUCKY to have me! and give him my hotel address..making sure meter is on..or I know what the price is in the past...dam I give him directions! in Thai..again Thai-ness a way of working in a fare FAIR way..!!! Mr. Ron

    To save 50 baht???

    Sounds like you burned off 150 baht worth of calories there Mate.

    Maybe you like the exercise.


    I think it's stupid to have an airport surcharge for taxis, but they do it in Chicago, Orlando & probably London & Paris & Sydney too. It isn't unique to BKK.

    A 50 or 100 baht surcharge is CHEAP compared to Orlando.

    I recall 25 years or so ago, I gave it a shot, driving a taxi for ONE DAY in Orlando Florida.

    We had to rent the taxi for $65 a day (this was late 1980's) and whatever we got on top of that was profit. Also had to keep log books of everything we did plus buy our own gas.

    Like I say, I lasted all of one day.

    The guys that were "Allowed" to pick up airport customers had to pay about $100 a day to get that approved route.

    Orlando Police would fine any taxi that wasn't approved to pick up airport passengers.

    I could drop passengers off there, just not pick them up there.

    I worked about 12 hours and netted about $35 bucks.

    As I said, I only did that for one day & thought to hell with this!

  5. I know I'm beatdeadhorse.gif here, but can you imagine Obama or Cameron addressing such a municipal issue?

    If the Godfather-In-Charge this decade wants to address something, his attention should be on far and away more obvious scams. Can somebody say jet ski and Pattaya?

    In 17 years of Thailand I've met a few taxi drivers that didn't want my business, but I just say "NEXT!"...kinda like being a lonely single male in Nana Plaza. You won't be lonely for very long.

    Unless you are so thick that you need to be watered (I love that British saying), it's not all that damned difficult to find a decent taxi in BKK.

    Pretty pathetic that the PM of a country of 70 million or so even has to bring this up

    • Like 2
  6. This is a good Idea , make sure they are placed in a well marked area in both Thai and English language , places like bus stations, Major shopping centres, anywhere where they could be needed, lets try and ensure that they will always work and they don't end up in the Night market at Kalasin.coffee1.gif

    Somehow I see a lot of passed-out farang bar patrons ending up getting a rude awakening ... or possibly a public execution ... especially by equally drunk friends who qualify as medical experts after watching too many episodes of ER.


    I hope my wife never hears of a defibrillator. She'll want to use it on me every day.w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

    • Like 1
  7. The Brits probably had to pass thru Charles De Galle airport en route to BKK and have had a grudge ever since.

    I only went thru there once, going 'Domestic', Portugal to Greece or something like that (I used to fly way too much - it was an EU trip).

    Has to be one of the most confusing airports I've ever been in.

    • Like 2
  8. A really wonderful idea in theory, but I cant help but wonder about 3 things.

    1) The defibs are as useful as a chocolate tea pot without trained people to use them, and 2) , Who will stop the recyclers from stealing them ?, and finally, will there be clear warnings on them to stop the people rechargeing their Iphones with them.

    Tell us what you know about defibs?

    The ones we use at work are pretty much fully automatic.... IF YOU CAN READ YOU CAN USE THEM.... U follow the instructions the machine gives you. It won't discharge, unless criteria is met in regards to the heart beat of the patient..... Nothing to do with the operator.


    That unfortunately is one reason this idea will fail - most cannot read

    Not my experience.... but hey, if that's your experience, then so be it.

    My guess is these will be bought from outside Thailand.

    Not saying Thais can't read, but they'll probably get TBS or similar to translate the instructions & people will wind up getting zapped on the bottoms of their feet or other sundry places.

    They'll be made for 110 volts & plugged in to 220 volts which will blow a fuse so they'll hard wire it.

    They'll fall into a pool somewhere & kill somebody.

    Most likely some guv'ment "Official" will get a kick-back to install a few dozen of them, and they will collect dust and NEVER be maintained.

    I don't know diddly about defibrillators, except they toss out a lot of juice & some doctor is supposed to yell "CLEAR!" on television before they zap someone.

    I was taught CPR though when I was about 12, in public school in Florida plus had some military training on it when I was 18.

    I wonder if they teach CPR in Thai schools?

    • Like 1
  9. A really wonderful idea in theory, but I cant help but wonder about 3 things.

    1) The defibs are as useful as a chocolate tea pot without trained people to use them, and 2) , Who will stop the recyclers from stealing them ?, and finally, will there be clear warnings on them to stop the people rechargeing their Iphones with them.

    Modern defibrilators talk an untrained operator through the process.....

    Defibrillator: "put him chest. ZZZZZZZ!!!!"

    Thai: "Arai nah? Mai kow jai."

  10. I salute to the government. Alcohol is the worlds biggest epidemic. Much more than soft drugs. Alcohol claims millions of fatalities all over the world. Traffic accidents, violence, vandalism and fatal diseases.

    Its about time to reveal the mask from the hypocrites.

    So ban it completely then and there's a fat chance of that happening. Actually, maybe we should try prohibition here in Thailand, that was REALLY successful in the states wasn't it?

    I don't think it's ever been legal in Kuwait, but there's plenty of booze to be had there.

    Prohibition does not work.

  11. In Thailand, living here for the last almost 6 years, I have always been amazed at the total lack of understanding for the need for copious amounts of public garbage cans. Thailand just doesn't seem to get it. They do not seem to be very bothered by garbage strewn everywhere and in every empty lot. I know of one empty lot next to the beach in North Pattaya that is one of the most disgusting impromptu garbage dumps I've ever seen for an empty lot. The city just doesn't seem to care or they are simply oblivious to garbage.

    ...But heaven forbid that you drop a cigarette butt on the sidewalk in Bangkok.

  12. Either my englisch is so bad or the article is poorely written:

    >Airports however are given the same allowance as before while entertainment venues which in the past were allowed to sell alcohol from 9.00 pm – 2.00 am can only do so up to midnight.

    This means that in total, night time entertainment venues can only legally sell alcohol for 5 hours every day which in total is less than regular restaurants.

    So this means according to the new regulations that discotheques, pubs, Bars, Karaokes etc. are allowed to sell alcohol from 9.00 pm up to midnight? That would be crazy! And that would by the way only be 3 (!) hours instead of five as stated in the article.

    Yeah, the only way I can make the math work on this one is if they are trying to say that regular restaurants can sell alcohol for five hours less per day than entertainment venues.

    Restaurant: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm - midnight.

    Entertainment venue: 9:00 am - midnight.

    So the bars in Bangkok are really going to stop serving alcohol at midnight now?

    It means that restaurants will serve your red wine in a coffee cup instead of a wine glass.

    Been there, done that on more than one election day when a booze ban was theoretically in effect.


  13. The alcoholics aren't going to like this.

    because they are too dumb to buy their booze during "times allowed?" huh.png

    Why must people be "allowed" to do ANYTHING?

    People should be "NOT ALLOWED", to kill, rape, steal, drive while drinking etc.

    Yet if some blow-hard politician says something 1,000% STUPID, some folks will scream, "But it's the law!", and fall into lock-step with them, utterly failing to think, even one second, for themselves.

    I daresay it's us boozers that think more clearly about freedom sometimes if not most of the time.

    USA President Grant & British PM Churchill were well known boozers.

    I saw a documentary once where they said Churchill didn't normally wake up until noon.

    Then again, the masses are programmed to punch a 9 - 5 clock like zombies & think anyone who isn't like them are just wrong somehow.

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