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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. so as usual the farmers only care more about their wallets than the health of the people .

    How about getting the farmers to grow organic brown rice instead, as that would improve people's health and not wreck their lives.

    The land tobacco is grown on is not suitable for growing rice of any sort, however there are alternate crops, whether they would give as good an income I wouldn't know.

    No I don't smoke and think its a disgusting addiction.

    I was just thinking today I need to plant a few bushes.

    I bet they'd grow good in a big pot with the right kind of soil mixture.

    Probably illegal for some unknown 1929 law that hasn't been enforced since 1929.

    Does anybody have a cop friend that knows the answer?

    Is it legal to grow a few tobacco bushes for private use?

    I'd be willing to wager a beer that that they HAVE NO EARTHLY IDEA whether it's legal or not, but they could make something up real quick, since the question has probably never arisen.

    I wouldn't know a tobacco bush if you smacked me upside the head with it & doubt they would either.

    I'm sure there are a million Youtube videos showing how to cure the stuff though.

  2. hope they do this with alcohol also

    and guns

    And...and...and... 1 liter fountain drinks by God!

    The NERVE of some people, wanting to buy what could, potentially, might, may, be harmful!

    Gimme a break...

    While we're at it, banning things that is, why not ban all balconies in Pattaya? I'd wager they are the root cause of more deaths there than smoking.

    • Like 2
  3. so as usual the farmers only care more about their wallets than the health of the people .

    So as usual, it's always "For the children" when it come to yet further, and further government control.

    Pfff! It's not like this new "Law" would be enforced anyhow.

    They can't keep motorcycles off sidewalks, keep helmets on motorcycle driver's heads, nor stop murders from happening, although all are "against the law".

    • Like 1
  4. As I said, nothing new with the expected 30'000 tourists for the full moon party, that's since

    years petty much the same, a little bit up, a little bit down, depends on the season but the

    estimated 30 Million baht income for the economy astonishes me a bit.

    Looking at the TAT figures from 2 years ago, the average spending per tourist per day

    was around 4'200 THB. Now Koh Phangan is still mainly a backpacker island, but during

    the 3 days of the average party tourist on the island, that might probably be considerate

    higher. So lets assume, a good average for party people would be around 6'500THB for

    the three days

    (3 days accommodation <high season> around 2400 THB, food 900 THB, motorbike 450 THB, transport

    to and from party 500 THB, entry to party 100 THB, Alcohol 1200 THB, Ferry to and from the island 1000 THB)

    As there are already at least 25'000 rooms booked for this full moon party and 30'000 are

    expected, that would more likely generate around 160 to 200 million THB. So I wonder ......

    If there is only 30 million baht flowing in to the local economy in who's pockets are the

    other 130 Million baht flowing?

    Yeah that's the first thing I did was some basic math, such as 30 million baht/ 30 thousand tourists = they expect to get a whopping 1,000 baht per tourist???

    • Like 1
  5. I'm no Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, but I could probably put together a database of every driver's license in Thailand with 50 Filipinos working 40 hrs/week in 6 months or so and make it a searchable database = a cop could punch a license number into an iPhone & see some clown's record along with validity of their license.

    It could probably be done with a $10 USD/month hosting account.

    That way they could toss repeat offenders under the jail.

    • Like 1
  6. What's the difference here between hit by a car bitten by mosquitoes or a soi dog? The owner said he let his guard down which implies lack of responsibility on his part...all three are known risks...

    Was the dog on hotel property which would include hotel responsibility (maybe not in Thailand vs western laws?). In the west the hotel would have a policy and communication plan about known risks in your confines...

    This would be an interesting court case well at least in the West...

    In theory all accidents are preventable; in reality should be minimized with due diligence...


    The guy didn't let his kid go play in the middle of Sukhumvit, nor did he let his kid go play in the wolves' den at a zoo.

    The kid was on a BEACH, normally enjoyed the world over as a family destination, unlike the middle of a roadway or in and amongst wild, vicious, and dangerous animals.

    And.....what do mosquitoes have to do with this?

    • Like 1
  7. .

    While at Tuckom recently to deal with our internet connection , the Missus asked if I wanted to look at dash cams since she knew I had an interest in getting one since reading a compelling thread over a year or so ago where a motorbike rider was killed entering a boulevard without even looking at oncoming traffic.

    The OP said he felt it was the evidence on his dash cam that saved his butt from becoming the responsible party for the ladies death. I agree with what he said.

    A dash cam does not protect our physical safety but at least if the safety features of the car made in Thailand keep us alive, possible the dash cam will keep me out of jail.

    I don't drive like I'm in a rush to get anywhere. The Missus knows I don't like speeding.

    The thing was around 3300 THB and works great. USB power and we can still charge our phones and whatever.

    So you are usingyour phone when you are diving???? I thought that was against the law also, besides speeding.?

    He said dash camera.

    It starts with the ignition. It mounts (of all places) on the dash. It records what happened such as your speed, the date & time of day and GPS location, as well as what the other motorist did or did not do.

    It seems like a great idea, and a pretty cheap way to prove what happened should you get in an accident.

  8. .

    While at Tuckom recently to deal with our internet connection , the Missus asked if I wanted to look at dash cams since she knew I had an interest in getting one since reading a compelling thread over a year or so ago where a motorbike rider was killed entering a boulevard without even looking at oncoming traffic.

    The OP said he felt it was the evidence on his dash cam that saved his butt from becoming the responsible party for the ladies death. I agree with what he said.

    A dash cam does not protect our physical safety but at least if the safety features of the car made in Thailand keep us alive, possible the dash cam will keep me out of jail.

    I don't drive like I'm in a rush to get anywhere. The Missus knows I don't like speeding.

    The thing was around 3300 THB and works great. USB power and we can still charge our phones and whatever.

    I wonder if they have a dash cam that will pan 90 degrees to video the cops asking for bribes for imaginary offenses?

  9. Driving down the 1095 yesterday i had to stop on a hairpin to allow a truck coming up to swing round the corner. It was 10000% obvious we would collide if 1 of us didnt stop. 5 series bmw on bangkok plates behind the truck and with full view of the situation instantly swings round the truck to overtake. He then finds himself bumper to bumper with me on my side of the road....even a bicycle could not have got through trying what he did...... they are just brain dead. He held us up for 10 minutes then as no one behind him would let him reverse back onto his side of the road.

    Where's that Khao Yai elephant when you need him?

    • Like 1
  10. Have Europeans play the role of administrators. This was done in Thailand over 100 years ago in ministries governing logging, railways, etc. Working day in day out under European management would lead to much more competent and effective performance by civil servants.

    I recall reading about some Greek guy that was a top advisor to the monarchy around the turn of the last century. He got murdered.

    EDIT: He was an advisor to King Narai in the 1600's & got executed in 1688.


  11. 14 years ago, my wife couldn't drive a 10-penny nail into a piece of cake, even after 3 months of driving lessons!

    I can only assume her Thai instructor was dumber than a bag of hammers. I had neither the time nor the nerve to teach her back then.

    I took her to the driving test in Surin & she failed miserably.

    600 baht later she came out with a new driver's license.

    Mayhaps end the corruption at the DL office would be a huge step in the correct direction.

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