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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. “They think Thai people must be dumb. Such a process looks down on its own people. ... “What’s the point of having a referendum if people have no participation in the drafting process and there’s no freedom of expression. It would be like ugly coercion. Do they think the international community is dumb too?”

    neatly sums up the position of these self-appointed dinosaurs.


    "The Election Commission is weighing a penalty for those using any media to “distort” the content of the charter draft. This comes as the junta-appointed Constitution Drafting Committee has appeared twice daily on all free TV and radio stations to promote the draft with no airtime given to critics."

    This will bite them, which is probably what they actually want, as it will give the little general a 'mandate' to prolong military rule.

  2. The dangers encountered in Thailand have not changed much over the years but the type of tourists has changed. The large increase in tourists from countries that have little experience in international travel has cause a significant increase in deaths and accidents. Improving the statistics will take both changes in Thai and tourist behaviors.

    I'd imagine there's a lot to what you are saying there when it comes to first time travelers.

    My first ever visit was in 1999, and luckily I had been to Latin America twice before as well as lived in the UAE for 6 months.

    I also had a work associate that had lived in Thailand for 26 years to show me around my first couple nights in BKK. I was on vacation, single, and he showed me around Nana & Cowboy & told me the basic ground rules.

    I was 31 and (while still naive) certainly had many advantages that many first time travelers do not have, mainly the fact that people drive like utter, absolute maniacs in many places outside the USA.

    It was also my first ever visit to a country that drove on the left side of the road.

    I moved to Thailand in 2001 and hired a driver for the first year for work.

    I recall renting my first (self drive) car in BKK and I was terrified....not of driving on the left, just terrified in general of driving in BKK.

    I should STILL be terrified of driving in BKK, but hey, walk a tightrope over the Grand Canyon enough times & you get used to it I guess.

  3. This will soon be complimented by the Personal Enumeration Nationality Immigration System, or...

    Which is what these clowns are.

    If their system is so hot, why not prevent the passenger from boarding, instead of waiting for them to arrive, only to deny entry, and what? Lock them in the IDC? Pay for their return ticket?


    Nah. It's an Advanced Screening System. wink.png

  4. Remove all the calculators from the Mom & Pop shops & see what happens. CHAOS!!!

    Most can't add 2+2 in their heads.

    I can usually do the math of most purchases I make in my head long before they can get done banging on their calculators.

    I once took a moto taxi ride for 80 baht one way & asked him to wait 1 minute as I ran inside and did something real quick, so he could take me home.

    You should have seen the poor guy struggle trying to add 80+80 in his head.

    I only asked him how much at the end of the ride to watch this phenomenon. I think his helmet is the only thing that kept his head from exploding.

    I gave him 200 and told him to keep the change.

  5. Yes, I'd be just as upset if men were assaulted. But assaulting women is about the lowest thing man can do, so yes, I am more upset if victims hapoen to be women.

    I can't believe several posters here side with perps, and blame victims. This is so insane.

    Small Thai man assaults white woman twice his size ..... Is the lowest thing he could do?? Sounds quite brave to me.


    Love the comment, but I think you're a bit off.

    As I understand it, this was most likely a butch vs cat fight, with Butch trying to do a runner.

    I have a lesbian butch cousin.

    I'm 5' 10" and 190 lbs, and I wouldn't pick a fight with her. I'd lose, but of course in a bar, the staff always have lots of backup and aren't scared of anything.

  6. This was posted on Jan 21:

    Former national police chief disqualified to contest FAT presidency election

    BANGKOK: -- Former national police chief Pol Gen Somyot Poompunmuang was disqualified to contest for the presidency of the Football Association of Thailand for applying his candidacy at the wrong place.

    and then it was quiet for a couple of weeks

    and now he is president of FAT

    obviously, "Disqualification" has a different meaning in Thailand than in the rest of the world (like many other words)..., so, no wonder there are so many misunderstandings.

    The "disqualification" was all a misunderstanding, satisfactorily resolved for all stakeholders. No doubt that methodology will continue.

    Rules and laws only apply to minions, not former senior officials, especially police officers. Besides, Thais would always apply commons senses and never enforce such a silly rule ever whistling.gif

    Unless you're an 84 year old farang playing Bridge in Pattaya.

  7. "The District Chief stated on Thursday that if he did not pursue the case it could set a precedent and encourage others who play cards to challenge the authorities in the future, if it is not completely evident that money was exchanging hands. He would prefer the case be heard in front of a Judge who can then decide if Bridge is illegal to play in Thailand or not."




    and from my news agency:

    In a nation wide crackdown Thai police want all Farang Bridge gamblers to report to them within one week.

    After a world wide laugh fest in social media over their arrest of elderly Bridge "players" in Pattaya, the police stated they are not fooled by the obvious gambling that is taking place.

    The police insist that it was necessary to conduct the raid with 50 men because criminal elements like these are dangerous and Farangs are highly unpredictable. The police saw a group of "chopper" style motorcycles parked three blocks away and this only added to their suspicions that some sort of gang activity was taking place.

    As for the age of the Farangs gamblers, Thai police are well aware of elderly Farang women going berserk while trying to shop at Tesco Lotus. The Thai police stated "We were ready for anything".

    "Bridge" is obviously a code word for Poker. And the points system is the way the gamblers divide their winnings. Thai police know from their own experience that no one would sit for hours playing cards without some money changing hands.

    The police went on to say as no money was found during the raid, it must be stored off site, and divided up later.

    Raids will be conducted not only in Pattaya, but in cities like Hua Hin, where nests of Farang Bridge gamblers could be found at golf course club houses or other locations.

    Police are also looking into the Bangkok Bridge Festival being held April 5th-9th sponsored by PTT Group. This type of corruption involving big corporation must be stopped.


    Quit it. Please? clap2.gifclap2.gif

    The cops must have been watching 'Bad Grandpa' too much lately.

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