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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. This is great news for the USD. Things such as this will perpetuate the Breton-Woods Accords a little longer.

    The USD will not be the world's reserve currency forever.

    The end is nigh, but moves like this just keep kicking the can down the road and add more puss to a festering worldwide boil that will explode like Krakatoa....And then it will reset into a system of gold backed currency.

  2. Can't see wild tigers being much use in the countryside.

    Specially if you live in a village and one eats your kid.

    Some large predators are better off dead, or only alive in captivity.

    Must be a wind-up. You can't possibly believe this

    I guess lions and tigers and bears are necessary, but I don't want to live around them.

    Actually, my house in Florida has many bears that visit.

    They are a pain in the ass at night, getting into everything edible (dog food/cow food/horse food plus they attack the garbage can)

    Would you like your kids to live in Lion country?

    I once saw a video of an Amazonian Indian lady where her 2 year old kid got taken by an anaconda snake.

    I have seen some traumatizing videos before, and that is the only one I wish I could un-watch.

    The kid was there one minute, being a kid and the next, he was a victim of a large snake and gone forever, destined for a snake's intestine.

    I don't like that.

  3. Might as well put yellow stars on all Jews, then. blink.png

    That one has already been done to death

    I'm not Jewish, but I fail to see where tarring everyone with the same feather could ever be done to death.

    Poor choice of words on your part too.

    I was having sex before I was 18 with girls less than 18 that were quite willing to participate.

    Luckily I had the brains to use a rubber, otherwise I could be on this list.

  4. Most folks think the B2 are innocent.

    Most folks think these Uighur guys are guilty.

    I fall into both categories.

    I still do not think ANYBODY's lawyer should be threatened with defamation of the police.

    It's a defense lawyer's JOB to destroy the police.

    If a defense lawyer is not allowed to attack every single flaw (in a very inept police force that paid themselves a reward for 'catching') these guys,..........There will never be any hope for any defendant ever.

    I think the guy is guilty.

    I think his lawyer should be able to defend him too as best can.

    His lawyer might be right. He might be full of shit up to his ears, but he should not be threatened with defamation.

  5. Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


    Torture finds what it wants to find.

    It is the use of violence to extract results.

    It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

    The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

    the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

    Scum are scum because of what they do.

    Those terrorist scum who torture and kill are evil.

    So are the authorities who do the same thing.

    You can't fight evil by doing evil.

    There is no difference, the claim 'we are doing it for what is right' is the cry of both sides.

    Ignorance is the defence of such tactics.

    Ultimately torture is used to obtain what the torturer wants to hear.

    Truth and facts are not required when such goals are set.

    Wake up.

    I pretty much kept my mouth shut on the B2 trial, BUT I'd wager that a lot of folks that want to 'Hang the Muslims' (trust me, I would too...if found guilty), are the same ones praising the RTP in this case.....same ones that slammed the RTP as corrupt and incompetent in the B2 case,

    I'm still, mainly pissed off that the defense lawyer, poor guy, that got the case slapped into his lap, 99% sure he did not want it, tries to do his job, and gets threatened with defamation??????????????

    Can anyone say banana republic?

    It's ludicrous to the extreme.

  6. Depends entirely on which country in the world the 17 year old boy and the 15 year old girl are. Or in which state of the union, even...... These laws are arbitrary - only the religious puritans claim absolute certainty of knowledge.

    My Dad was 19 & Mom was 16 when they got married.

    They made it 51 years together when Dad died at 70.

    Mom is 79 now.

    Had 5 kids.

    Pops was an outstanding fella. We were never rich but never poor.

    Mom (to me) still has the mind of a 16 year old. She has made the 6 hour road trip to where I am now 25 times at least, and gets lost every time.

    Dad sure did love Mom to be able to put up with her is all I can say.

    I'm probably not alone in saying that my Mom drives me nuts.

  7. Now, I tell ya what, the FIRST thing I do when I see bubbling gases in water, is try to see if it will burn.

    Same as when I see a pair of scissors, I just want to pick them up and run.

    When I see a fan, I have this burning desire to stick my hand in it.

    This video should be used to show Thai folks the dangers of methane gases.

    I mean this as an insult to the idiots telling people not to set water on fire, not to Thai folks in general.

  8. I'm glad to see that these checkpoints actually catch a few bad guys once in a while.

    Well done, Pattaya Police.

    Doesn't necessarily need to be a "bad guy" just because

    he conceals a weapon in his car or happens to have a

    small quantity of drugs for personal consumption. In fact,

    I would guess that at any given moment, there are loads

    of otherwise law abiding folk in this fair country doing

    exactly the same thing. He just got caught coffee1.gif

    Are you serious? Yeah, we all go around with guns and drugs

    I have driven all over Florida with a loaded Smith & Wesson .38 in my glove compartment.

    I have also had a stick or two of weed on me at times.

    My gun was completely legal.

    I never got caught with a small amount of personal use weed.

    This guy was just unlucky in that he had both at the same time and got caught at an idiotic 'checkpoint'.

    The article does not mention whether his weapon was legal or not, but I suppose the two together would automatically make it illegal.

    Random searches seem to be fine for socialists/fascists/communists, but the cops in Nanny State Florida (20 years ago) at least needed a reason to stop me.

    It was dark and my tag light had burned out = he had a reason to pull me over.

    Cop asked me if I had any weapons in the car.

    I said "Yes, there's a loaded .38 in the glove box".

    He was cool about it...somewhat...called for backup & asked me to step out.

    He pulled it out and unloaded it, as his Sgt arrived.

    Dispatch came back with NOTHING wrong about me or my license.

    He insisted on reloading it (told him no problem I'd take care of that).

    He said "No, I'm going to put it right back the way I found it", and he did.

    He reloaded it, put it back into the holster, and back into the glove box.

    He gave me a verbal warning about my tag light.

    Today they'd probably tackle me and release the hounds.

  9. Sorry, but i dont get this.The guy is a /or said to be a Muslim radical.He maybe/.is guilty of planting a bomb killing people.If the man is a Muslim radical,wouldnt he be wanting to die and go to Paradise,see Allah,claim his 72 virgin's? etc.So, knowing that he could get the death penalty(which as a radical muslim he would accept,because they are not afraid and want to die)Why would he deny that he is guilty.Surely he would want to be a martyr for Islam,one of the glorious.But he claims he was tortured,by admitting his guilt he would have avoided torture.(unless the bib want to hurt him anyway for doing what he did)

    Can someone please (in simple wording) explain to me how this works 'cos i'm a bit confused.blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

    I'm pretty sure one look at Susan Boyle put a big dent that idea of blowing oneself up and going off to meet 72 women like her.

    She's a hero!

  10. Its funny how every criminal is playing the torture card. I believe the thai police on this one.

    The Thai cops can't find their asses with both hands.

    There is absolutely a 50/50 chance this guy is guilty/innocent......but I'm sure he'll be found guilty.

    They found bomb making equipment in his residence. Why would someone rent a house in a shit part of neighborhood where there is no nightlife action nearby? This guy is one of the people responsible for getting bunch of innocent people killed.

    I say he deserves to be tortured.

    They also found lots of dubious evidence in the B2 case.

    If the guy is guilty, let the evidence prove the case.

    As for what I believe, yeah, he's probably a low life scum bag that should be hung/dragged to the nearest tree.

    As for what the facts and evidence say.... I could be wrong, which is why I believe in a strong defense.

    If the guy was beaten into a confession, that's wrong.

    I he's lying about the torture, that's wrong.

    My main problem is with his lawyer being openly threatened with defamation against the police for trying to do his job.


  11. A very slippery slope.

    Only if you are a kiddy fiddler. Great law. Keep the deviants out of circulation.

    Many more sex offenders than just kiddy fiddlers. How about statutory rape e.g.? 17 yo boy has sex with 15 yo girl, mark in passport follows. At least that is the impression I get.

    I met a guy in the US a couple years ago that had gotten a 15 year old pregnant when he was 17.

    He had just gotten out of jail, in his early 30's after doing 15 years in the penitentiary.

    I hired him to do a few odd jobs (trimming trees etc) and did a background search on him. He was telling the truth.

    Guy did 15 years and is a felon sexual predator in the eye of the law.

    'Lawmakers' all too often have no concept of real life.

  12. "After that the officers who told me to admit to being the person in the (CCTV) pictures, which were shown to me by the officers who kept saying that if I do not admit to being the man in the yellow shirt who set the bomb at the Erawan Shrine at Ratchaprasong intersection, I would be sent back to the government of China.

    “I refused to admit anything because I did not do anything wrong and was not the man in the picture, so I was punched in my stomach several times by the officer who served as the English interpreter and threatened by saying they will kill me if I do not confess.

    “Sometimes some of the officers would tell me that they will send me back to the Chinese authorities, and let loose a military dog to bark and threaten me at a close distance all the time.

    Source: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1455613757&section=12

  13. This is the part that sticks in my craw...

    "Sriwarah said he’s ordered Schoochart’s statements be investigated, saying the lawyer will be criminally charged if they conclude he intended to defame the police or nation."

    I'm no judge, so I won't judge the defendant. I believe everybody is entitled to a rigorous defense, but that can obviously never happen in Thailand.

    It's EXACTLY the same as the B2 case in Samui which was a complete circus act, replete with clowns.

    The defense lawyer is being threatened.

    That, in my opinion is a HUMONGOUS crime.

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