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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. Is there a link to the VDO?

    Yes. But I won't tell you where.

    Aww, here's a hint. Click the LINK, that blue bit of text in the first post of this thread. Scroll down a bit and click the PLAY button on the video there.


    Here is a clue for you JayWalker - that video would not be of interest to me.

    So you asked for the link because???

  2. Not a mark on them by the looks of it, did the two males not even make an effort to fight them off

    Getting really tired of the internet warriors here who think they would have won the fight, 2 guys versus 5 with knives, fighting was the best way to get killed for sure.

    They survived... So I guess they did the best they could.

    As for those saying the man who escaped was a coward, I have a different view, I think he actually saved everybody by alerting people.

    In the end don't you think that being raped is better than being dead, it s crude, but that is basically the choice there was.

    Show some sensitivity, you have absolutely no idea how it happened and it is really easy to say you would have done better, but you are comfortably sitting on your chair, not in front of 5 armed guys...

    Don't see anything in the report about knives being used, had the two men stood up for themselves and their women the outcome for the two poor ladies might have been very different, nothing to do with me being a "keyboard warrior"

    It was a passing motorist that alerted the police according to the report yesterday

    PS edit, looking at the picture again i mean really, hardly a scary bunch are they

    Surely you jest?

    Every one of them looks like they have rabies & are one step away from the set of the Walking Dead.

  3. "As several tourist destinations always have traffic congestion and accidents during holidays due mainly to people ignoring traffic laws, now the Royal Thai Police has contemplated the issue seriously and will come up with tough enforcement of traffic laws against traffic violators."

    This says it all... Up until now, they have never taken the law seriously.

    The sad part is they don't realize just how buffoonish this makes them look. crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

  4. They were surprised to learn he had died

    Did they think there wouldn't be any consequences of giving someone a right good kicking ?

    Too drunk to know or care.

    39 and 42 year old guys leading the pack no less???

    One would think they might have a clue about the world around them, but, apparently not.

    Glad they were caught. I hope they at least wear leg irons till the day they die.

  5. "Pankacha, 42, was just released from prison in April and had a rap sheet including fraud, gambling, gun possession and more. Suspect Kwanchai Yamtoe, 39, had priors for drug-related crimes, robbery, interfering with a peace officer and escaping detention. He had been free since October 2014."

    And some folks still argue against the death penalty.

    These two guys with prior convictions should be dragged to the nearest tree.

  6. "The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Gen Prawit Wongsuwan"

    His job title is 9 words long.

    It's like calling the guy that cuts your grass an "Under Foot Foliage Lowering Technician".

    By the time one finishes rattling off the esteemed title of the under-General, you've forgotten what the question was to begin with.


    Oh yeah, forgot what I meant to say.....

    "He believes that it is more likely for the government to hold campaigns to encourage the general public to vote rather than forcing them through the use of law."

    There is no law, only the law of the Military rifle, so what are they going to do? Force people to vote at the point of a gun?

    I'm sure that would be a fair vote.

    Prayut needs these spin doctors for sure, but this guy is just as bad as he is with what he says.

  7. That is the front end of a road train as can be seen from the coupling unit. Many reasons it could have rolled over. Most likely is being cut up by a car driver so had to take evasive action.

    Not sure why he had to kick the windscreen out, opening the passenger door would have been far easier.

    Edit, just noticed he blamed his speed and some pot holes for the accident, TERWAT.

    I guess picture #2 in the article of some guy on his phone is newsworthy because....maybe it's showing the driver didn't flee the scene???

    Now THAT, my friends is newsworthy.

    It's unheard of!

  8. "Burmese hackers say they have attacked Thai government websites since early January and stolen data"

    "Thai police said they had yet to determine who was behind the attacks, but denied those responsible were from Myanmar." blink.png

    Either the Buffoons in Brown can't admit the Burmese kicked their butt, or they don't read the papers...


    How do we know they are truly Burmese, any evidence???? clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Cops are on the lookout for pancake sellers in Samui who are alleged to have done all the translations for the hackers.

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