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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. RIP & hope we all live to 101 or better.

    Some older Thai friends told me a funny story about this guy.

    His English amounted to nothing, so he was coached about his visit to JFK.

    He was taught to say "How are you?" to which JFK would say "I'm fine, and you?" to which he was to reply, "Me too".

    It came out "Who are you?"

    Kennedy said "Well, I'm Jackie's husband".

    Me too.

  2. The only good thing is they were lucky the explosion was not an hour or so later when the boats are packed solid. Also being near a pier people could be rescued from the water, a few weeks ago a guy who fell into the canal near where I live, people couldn't reach him and there is no life saving equipment along the khlong, though there is on the boats, police divers pulled his body out of the water about an hour later.

    What do you mean there is no life saving equipment?

    I see many of the piers have several plastic containers with rope

    Certainly where I live there is no life saving equipment, either along the footpath or on all of the piers.

    No need for life saving equipment in the klongs. Once your head goes under that polluted water you're a goner.

  3. begging licence? you could not make it up

    I love it!

    Beggars will need licenses under a new begging law

    Can't seem to quit laughing!

    Am thinking I should get this engraved on a plaque & mount it somewhere, so, when I'm feeling down, I can look at it and cheer myself up.

    It absolutely, positively does not get any stupider.... Until tomorrow in Thailand. clap2.gifclap2.gif

  4. There was a rash of idiocy & young people dying in Daytona Beach, Florida about 25-30 years ago during spring break.

    The idiots were getting hammered & trying to climb balconies on 20 story hotels.

    I was 20 in 1987 but balcony climbing never appealed to me. Eventually the Nanny State put an end to all fun whatsoever & the balcony deaths stopped.

    Today going to Daytona Beach is about as fun as a visit to the dentist, thanks to idiots who cannot have a good time and live to tell about it.

  5. Could you please post your full post as I only saw Baht 75,000 which I wouldnt call an offer. That was a signing fee, right?

    Why do so many people judge the attractiveness of a job by the number of zeros in the monthly salary? Is money your only motivation? If so, you have a lot to learn about life.

    You are correct. Finding something you enjoy doing means more than zeros at the end.

    I had a job once where all I did was sit in my truck all day and supervise a work crew.

    It paid $15,000 USD a month.

    I HATED it, and quit after 18 months.

  6. The vast majority of TVF members need not apply, as they can't even spell.

    I fall into this category of highly specialized skills. I have a Thai company BEGGING me to work with them for 75,000 baht a month.

    I'd rather be beat in the ass with a mad rattlesnake than take that offer.

    So you prefer to be unemployed?

    PS. If/ when company "begs " someone and they turn it down on the basis of money offered, said company would up the offer IF they were "begging" wink.png

    The issue isn't really the money. It's the headache of them hiring me to direct a project, and then ignoring every thing I say.

    I have been there done that on a couple smaller projects in Thailand.

    I wouldn't take the job for 500,000 baht a month.

    As for unemployed... I am not.

  7. Movie script:

    one officer hides in the back office, one under the counter, another behind the owner and the last one disguised as a store mannequin loaded down with bracelets and necklaces. ding-ding-ding

    Enters the suspect. da-da-ra-da

    Undercover cops jump out. crash-boom-bang-doiiinggg (except for the mannequin who is too heavy to move)

    Suspect, surprised and shocked, offers: drink, anyone? Ta-daaah!

    You forgot the whistle and 'booooooooing' noises.

  8. Every time I got a ticket or stopped I had to pay the ticket on the spot or go to the police station and pay. I never had the option to pay later. Is this special for Thai only ?

    I must've gotten close to a hundred tickets in Thailand. All for imaginary offenses except maybe two.

    Only one guy in Nonthaburi gave me the ticket & let me go. I never paid it.

    All others were paid with a couple hundred baht tucked into my Int'l drivers license booklet.

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