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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. Why is it that in other countries we nearly never hear about "break failure" - but in Thailand all the time?

    Maybe it's because other countries teach their commercial fleet drivers to use the gears correctly when descending inclines?

    I have seen older trucks having difficulties on steep down hills in the UK so it is not a problem unique to Thailand. Just appears to be far more common!

    Plus air brakes, so if pressure is low an alarm goes off.

    Does no good to lock the brakes when the brake shoes and pads have been worn away to nothing.


    Automobile drum brake

    The brake shoe carries the brake lining, which is riveted or glued to the shoe. When the brake is applied, the shoe moves and presses the lining against the inside of the drum. The friction between lining and drum provides the braking effort. Energy is dissipated as heat.

    Modern cars have disc brakes all round, or discs at the front and drums at the rear. An advantage of discs is that they can dissipate heat more quickly than drums so there is less risk of overheating.

    The reason for retaining drums at the rear is that a drum is more effective than a disc as a parking brake.


  2. Why is it that in other countries we nearly never hear about "break failure" - but in Thailand all the time?

    Maybe it's because other countries teach their commercial fleet drivers to use the gears correctly when descending inclines?

    I have seen older trucks having difficulties on steep down hills in the UK so it is not a problem unique to Thailand. Just appears to be far more common!

    No hills at Pattaya Klang & Third Road.

    Most likely the company 'No hab budget' to maintain their trucks.

  3. About six months ago flew in from Kuala Lumpur and from the plane touching down to getting outside 30 minutes.

    I like the city of KL a lot, but my memories of the airport were always standing in line with many people who had not bathed in several months.

    I won't state facts about where they were from, as that would make me a 'racist', and I'd be 'defaming' a nation, I'll just say sub-continent.

  4. Felt like each and every one of them were there last time I used the place...

    It is not too bad for domestic flights where you can check in online. Checking in for an Air Asia international flight, however, is a nightmare. I actually think the airport itself is tolerably well run. The problem is airlines that consider their flight schedules to be optional guidelines, and have totally inadequate numbers of ground staff to handle the number of passengers they sell tickets to.

    Air Asia is OK if you have just carry-on...then you can avoid the counters....I went to Bali without check in

    That is interesting. When I went to HCMC recently, I could not get a boarding pass without a passport check. I almost always travel with carry on baggage only.

    Does anybody recall, about 2002 or 2003 getting OFF the plane at DM, they'd ask for your boarding pass?...The one you got in Tokyo or Chicago or Taipei?

    It was MADNESS!

    3 or 4 cute gals standing in the jetway "Must to see boarding card preese?" as you were EXITING the airplane!

    About 75% of the people had left them on the plane & had to go back & dig around for it.

    I was flying in and out of DM a lot back then and always had a book to read in the air, so my boarding pass was always my bookmark. Not too much of a biggie for me, but it caused utter mayhem for many.

    I still have no idea why they did that.

  5. Well i am finally interested.

    Can someone tell me what is so interesting hidden under the skirt?gigglem.gif

    Absolutely nothing if she is minding her own business and has no intention of showing it to you/me or anyone else.

    If some gal gets a candid photo taken of her topless at a beach, or totally nude at a nude beach, fair enough.

    This is just a sick invasion of privacy in the sickest fashion. It's utterly revolting.

  6. Wow..

    I can't stop laughing right now.

    1st, The influx of tourist accidents, especially Chinese... I agree, these guys can't even walk safely...

    2nd, Any vehicle will require special license for vehicles that pack more than 9 people. Has anyone seen those morning wooden Thai buses or construction dump trucks filled with Burmese workers? I thought I was watching Slum Dog Millionare live.

    3rd Chinese don't ride motorcyles. This will sure hit all on Bike Week. It will now! Smart thinking here.

    It's pay day!

    "3rd Chinese don't ride motorcyles."

    I've only been to mainland China (Beijing) once for a week, but have been to Taiwan too many times to count.

    Spent hateful weeks on end all over the island.

    The motorcycles there are thicker than hair on a dog's back.

  7. The Harpoon system is an excellent (expensive) bit of kit, ideal for engaging the fast, large sophisticated and powerful warships which...which... no one has got in the waters around Thailand.

    Why would anybody invade Thailand?

    I doubt the WW2 Gestapo could make them change their ways.

    It's a wholly unfeasible idea, but the generals want their boondoggle.

    No need for any outsiders to rape & pillage Thailand. That's a job reserved for Thai's.

  8. went into big C yesterday bought 2x cd at 99 baht, young girl needed the aid of the calculator to work out 2x 99, they have a long way to go.....

    I took a moto taxi once to run a quick errand. 80 baht & told him if he wanted to wait 3 minutes I'd catch a ride back with him.

    He almost had an aneurysm trying to figure out 80+80 in his head.

    I only asked him what my bill was just to watch this phenomenon & didn't say a word, but was ready to blurt out "roy hoke-sip!" if he started flopping on the ground.

    I tipped the guy 40 baht once he came up with the right number.

  9. "The woman in the clip did not file a complaint" said the commander. So does that make it right? This is insane! From the style of skirt, it looks like this "woman" is a student and probably a minor. If the victim is a minor would that make the crime even more serious? The cop should uphold the law and must abide by it at ALL times. Clearly this breaches the trust of the Public from whom he draws his salary from.

    Everywhere else in the world if the victim doesnt file a report the police can. Thailand is obviously different

    They do not seem to be very fond of paperwork, unless you are a foreigner trying to live in Thailand. Then they love it.

    Cop commits a sexual pervert crime & gets a 500 baht fine.

    The guy should at least be fired (and castrated).

    What he did would quite rightfully be considered a felony & carry a 5 year jail term in the US. Probably the same in Canada, UK, AUS, NZ etc.

    I hate the Nanny States of this world, but I hate perverted sickos even more.

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