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Everything posted by Bkktodd

  1. Thank you making this so clear. How one…even just one can be confused is beyond me. Deniers still exist
  2. August? I got double vaxxed in April with Pfizer …some of us have families too just like you have your Mrs. kinda rude to assume massages and etc are what sitting in quarantine hell is all about.
  3. I have little pity for anti vaxers and their conspiracies. It irks me to to have to think i would need to do another 14 day quarantine (3rd) to spend any time leftover in my condo whilst others in that condo REFUSE to get vaccinated. I hope immigration make getting vaccinated an ABSOLUTE requirement for extendending retirement visas.
  4. Still vague news because Pattaya, Huahin said they were ready 1 oct. BKK was the major city behind. How does one even begin to make preparations
  5. 1oct sound great but people seem to forget that if that date holds true…it takes at least 2 weeks to get all the paper work in order since that wont be going away anytime soon. Make it 15 oct. win win for all.
  6. Plenty of hotels are at the ready.you haven’t obviously looked at the ASQ LIST
  7. Community infections among vaccinated doesnt mean death. Forget about zero covid. That aussie /nz mentality needs to be put to bed
  8. Many of us want pattaya opened to arrivals (especially expats) . It’s not all about bangkok. Still no news
  9. No doubt a paid 14 day “quarantine “ ,health insurance, 2-3 tests,coe …..
  10. You seem to forget that those vaccinated arrivals get test FOUR TIMES . And present little danger to others. The numbers might soar but most wont even know they are sick if vaccinated. Even testing postive and vaxxed is not a concern. Covid wont go away. Numbers mean nothing. Severe hospitalization and Death numbers are what should be noted
  11. How so??? Worried about vaccinated and multi tested arrivals being infected by unvaxxed thais and farangs ? Seems abit unfair that i cant go to my condo fully protected while some unvaxxed farang has a swim and enjoy s his condo with no recourse
  12. Maybe can be used to verify the CEO as they receive the orginal covid docs to issue that certificate of entry.
  13. Still beyond me why fully vaccinated arrivals are deemed a risk and need 4 (four) pcr tests.
  14. The same happened to my mate but he got a call and picked up his vaccination card properly prepared. Maybe back home in your country they go things better. Oh but you choose to diss Thailand for all its flaws. Pension goes along way here. Price you pay for misspellings
  15. Maybe they spell thai names better in thai. English is not their first language….guess you forgot. “My friend you” should remind you. ????
  16. Works both ways. Farangs or Thais getting vaccinated or tested in Thailand will travel too. Other countries trust that piece of paper too
  17. Exactly….some? Most here complain about everything. If i was thinking of jumping off the condo the last place i would ask for intervention is from posters on this forum. EMBRACE THE CHANGE
  18. Why is it always a clueless selfish farang that is always photographed WITHOUT a mask. Not a care in the world. “Put the damn mask on” so we can all get back to normality
  19. Everybody here is an expert so it seems ….most posters already in Thailand are saying keep it closed. Gracious of you. Donate your pension checks to the starving Thais we so dearly love. Whilst you enjoy your cheap beer maybe consider that the government will decide whatever… not you or I . A reduced quarantine, or status quo..but definitely vaccinated only. Protect the arrivals from the already infected locals should be a concern.
  20. Wouldnt want vaccinated tourists infected by the locals. He hasn’t figured out that the arrivals are NOT the problem
  21. Dont forget the pcr test before travel. That’s 4 expensive tests on a double vaxxed so called tourist
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