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Posts posted by Bkktodd

  1. 8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Perhaps they learned from what happened in NZ. We opened to quarantine less travel with Australia and got delta and more lockdowns to our despair.

    Quarantine less travel is IMO a bad idea.

    Delta is already in Thailand.  Factor in vaxxed only arrivals.  EU is dropping the quarantine.  NZ shuts down with 2 cases. Hardly worth a mention

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  2. 2 hours ago, charmonman said:

    I'll head to my local Thai consulate tomorrow to register for this new plan. I anticipate they will have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.

    Why can't these people just shut up until they've made the plan, worked out the details, informed the consulates and embassies of the procedures and are ready to implement it.


    Otherwise it is just more talk. 

    Id wait to register. Maybe stuck in quarantine …after they decide to abandon that idea

  3. 2 hours ago, drenddy said:

    Regarding Sandbox infections and opening the country.


    It is safe to say, given nearly all Covid cases are Delta, and if we look at studies who shows that people get positive earlier after exposure, with a peak time of 3.71 days, that those poor souls got infected on the island.

    Of course, positive at arrival means exposure before travel.


    With this in mind...I want to ask TAT and dear Prayuth, how are you gonna protect me from infection, because it is me, who is at risk, not the locals?



    Remember, na, we will bring 475766357788765436899987536788221567 THB into the country.

    How you ask?  The same you do in your own country.  Wear masks, wash hands, and socially distance.  You can get COVID just as easily in the USA or UK the locals to lazy to get vaccinated 

  4. 1 hour ago, yimlitnoy said:

    Then they should replace the PCR antibody tests by an antigen rapid test approved by WHO which cost less than 250 bht for each test.  I wanted to go to Samui but when I found out about the 3 tests at 9000 bht then I changed my plan.  There are also the health insurance and COVID $100,000 USD insurance that is stopping us to travel. I was quote at $7000 a year for both insurance, I am only 70, I have never been sicked.

    You only need insurance to cover your stay. Plan to stay a year in Sami?

  5. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    The people have been given little choice. Either the Sinovac, which many believe does not have the efficacy of the better ones, or not much else. Alot of this falls on the tiny shoulders of Anutin, who should have resigned, or been replaced in March of 2020, after Covid broke out. He was in way over his head long before Covid came around. He lacks experience, a background in the health field, and the only reason he was appointed, and is still in this position, is due to the power and the influence he has over his party. There is NO other reason. 
    Get out. Get out now. The people will no longer stand for your gross incompetence. Not during an emergency. Not now. 
    You completely blew the vaccination program!
    You blew the response to Covid!
    You blew the response to the outbreak in Samut back in December, which led to the 2nd wave!


    You blew the recent outbreak by not shutting down the constructions sites early enough (and when you did, the workers were given a weeks notice, so they could all flee, and infect the entire nation!) You refuse the shut down the zombie canning plants. 
    What have you gotten right? It now appears the lack of cases during the 1st wave was dumb luck. 

    So many questions, and so few answers.
    1. Why are the good vaccines still months away?
    2. Why not Pfizer in the interim?
    3. Why can't the private sector import the vaccines directly? Why does the stunningly incompetent government and health ministry need to be involved?
    4. Why was there seemingly no planning, when it comes to the vaccination program?
    5. Is this really the best they can do?
    6. Why has Anutin not been replaced? His political connections aside, Thailand really needs competent leadership at this emergency juncture.
    7. Do the people of Thailand finally see how they have been misled, mishandled, bamboozled, forsaken, and abused by the hapless army, and the goons in charge? If they could not see it before, it is so obvious now. 

    99.9% of the Thais I talk to are so far beyond fed up. And if the 3-5% who drank the kool-aid still believed, after this latest covid debacle, Prayuth, Anutin and the gang have been truly unmasked to a humiliating and inglorious degree.
    Who could possibly still have any faith in their competence, and sincerity, at this point? 

    Well though out and written.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    The U.S.'s current experience would seem to argue against your position. Lots of people have been vaccinated and fully vaccinated there. And the vaccines for some time now have been readily available to those who want them (in your words, everyone who wants a vaccine, gets a vaccine)."


    However, that still leaves a sizable minority overall, and a majority in some certain vaccine skeptic areas, of people who aren't getting vaccinated despite abundant supplies. And what's happening? A resurgent pandemic of the unvaccinated, with rebounding illness and hospitalizations in those areas.


    And as a result, now many communities there beginning to reimpose mandatory mask wearing rules and other kinds of preventive restrictions, even for the fully vaccinated. Because, having vaccines for everyone who "wants" a vaccine alone isn't going to be enough to stop the march of the coronavirus.




    Red states the problem 

  7. 15 hours ago, Wildliferescue said:

    Again all these negative foreigners (read *deleted*) with their Facebook doctor degrees and utter disliking of Thailand and its people. There is not other path to walk than the reopening of Thailand right now, with more people going in to poverty than people suffering from covid. Step-by-step we will need to see Thailand opening up and this is the next step. Covid is not going away and the daily vaccinations of up to 900,000 people are leading the way. 


    Thank you. Thought it was just me reading all the gloom and doom by experts and those in charge of governmental affairs…..5555 it gets old.  Ill take any good news i hear and see. My mates got 2nd jab of Pfizer today. Thongs are rolling

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