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Posts posted by Bkktodd

  1. 54 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

    what makes me laugh is thailand to allow fully vaccinated people in as if they are not going to spread the virus or get the virus which fully vaccinated people can still spread the virus and fully vaccinated can still get the virus so what's the difference between fully vaccinated been let in and non vaccinated been let in ? The answer is NOTHING THE unvaccinated also could have proof of being naturally immune to the virus by having antibodies against covid by already of had the virus and now recovered from covid and now not got covid , NATURAL IMMUNITY HAVING ANTIBODIES AGAINST COVID IS HIGHER IMMUNITY THAN VACCINE , AND THE VACCINE ONLY LASTS 6 MONTHS NOT LIKE NATURAL IMMUNITY THAT LASTS FOR YEARS AND ALSO FUGHTS VARIENTS. THEY SHOULD BE ALOWWING IN UNVACCINATED NATURAL IMMUNITY PEOPLE LIKE ME.

    Humm… i know plenty of people who got covid at work .  Then eventually tested negative and got vaccinated as an extra layer of protection.  Your natural antibodies may not last for years because the covid hasnt been around for many years to prove that with science.  Many now get the vaccine to get access to the world, hence , your shouting to us being denied because you HAD covid doesnt hold much water..  Take precautions and dont let your guard down …again.   Get. Vaxxed and youll be able to go anywhere    

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    "Will consider" isn't good enough to get people to commit to come here.

    Not many are going to book to fly long haul, if they are unsure as to whether you have lifted your Draconian measures or not.

    Exactly. Im already booked for 21oct with the 7 day quarantine.   Mates say wait until 1 nov. no quarantine.  I dont trust Thailand. Prayut wanted everything opened 1 oct.  he got pushback 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Sure yes, it is open for people who do not need to stay up late, do not need or have to go to bars and drink, and those with common sense who realize wearing a mask may actually do some good. 

    I hardly drink nor stay up late. Nor do i need a beer at 8 am.  You missed the point.  The entire COE process and expense related to getting permission to to go to Thailand makes TAT rejoicing  a farce.  As a fully vaccinated PLUS Pfizer booster i STILL wear masks everywhere.. commonsensical yes. But,  i dont make assumptions like you do about all arrivals  with a stroke of a brush 

  4. 6 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Neither is Sinopharm.... Even if it was my "Vaccination Certificate" (That's a joke, it's a print out from the hospitals website so could easily be doctored) doesn't include my date of birth so no doubt wouldn't be valid ???? 


    Anybody know where I can go & get re-vaccinated at a place that not only has a vaccine that is acceptable for travel to the UK but will also issue a proper vaccine certificate?


    Failing that, if I were to return to the UK does anybody know how quickly I could get fully vaccinated there before returning to Thailand?  



    Edit: Still great news though & real progress in opening up being able to travel between Thailand & UK ???? 



    Usa can get vaccinated day you arrive.  Free

  5. 20 hours ago, smedly said:

    are you suggesting that this massage shop might have been a front and was offering something more sinister or the mentioned 12yo was the womans daughter and the woman had a current or past relationship with this American


    I have to admit the original report on here made no sense to me, I just put it down to poor reporting


    I think you are right - there is a lot of stuff missing from this story


    Either way glad they caught this scumbag before he butchered or abused anyone else, very likely not his first rodeo 

    Wouldnt be suprised if he left a trail of abuse in the USA.   

  6. On 10/1/2021 at 11:16 AM, Clarkey611 said:

    I have not paid anything for the COE, but the COVID Insurance.... that's another matter!

    Nor have I  3 times already but insurance (40 day stay 5100b) , quarantine hotel and airline tickets add up. Sadly  COE requires confirmed return airline ticket. $$$.  I work for airline and my sorta free staff tix wont do ????.  

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  7. 9 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    Assuming Thailand reopens countrywide and gets some sort of high season, come February the case load will rise to 50,000 per day imo, and deaths will be 200 plus even with 80% vaccination. UK might wear that but not Thailand. And what sort of normality will it be anyway?

    By February most if not all Thais will have been vaccinated. Love how you throw numbers out there.  Work for the TAT?

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, ebean001 said:

    in the USA, up to 80,000 die each year from the flu. maybe down to 60,000. i think the main thing about the flu is it dies out in the summer. Also, the world does not seem to care about all these deaths. USA provides vaccines good for the year but not enough get the shots. even if they did, the flu seems to come back each year. CDC in USA seems they like huge funds from the gov but does not do much is my opinion. Covid is not going to stop unless people stop from getting it. each person is responsible to prevent themselves from getting the virus. A person who gets it, in some cases, (not all)  has failed society...again, in some cases. they have kept it going. nothing will stop it. not even the summer months. We have to stop it  or the deaths will continue. 

    Covid 19 has overshadowed the death by flu. Each year i get the flu shot for flu season …winter months.  Ironically because of covid and the protective measures being used ….masks washing hands, socially distancing the flu was less a problem for the elderly. Both are viral infections and prevention or death are key to vaccines and common sense 

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, problemfarang said:

    With all respect to people... there is a pandemic going on.. and you know or not but covid is a very dangerous one and its no joke. 


    With that been said, i understand people want to travel or else but i cannot understand why trying to avoid the rules given by the country or your own country just to protect you and other people... To be honest i still want 14 days back. Staying in a hotel room is boring, yes no doubt. But better than dying or killing other people. You have vaccinated or not, i know at least 2 cases vaccinated 2 times and still got covid. in 1 case the whole family. other case lost the father and the rest of the family is trying to survive. I cannot understand why people cant see the truth that these 2 examples could be you or someone you love. There are many nurses got covid even though they had 3 doses. 


    Again with all respect and not trying to start an argument but i do believe instead of avoding things just you will feel better or more comfy, we should obey the rules and be safe. 



    Wow profile name suits  you. I did 15day quarantine twice not fun. I disagree with you 100%. Why should i be (triple vaxxed with Pfizer)  willing to sit 7 days plus the 3 tests whilst a non vaxxed sits only 3 days longer?  It should be 7/14. When i arrive my condo unvaxxed farangs are freely swimming and frolicing about.  Hows that fair?  Yes vaxxed can get covid. But it shouldnt kill you if you live a healthy lifestyle. FYI Most dying or on incubator are the NON vaccinated.  

  10. On 9/24/2021 at 8:56 PM, sqwakvfr said:

    Yes for October 1 from the Los Angeles Thai Consulate.  I will have the joy of doing the full 15 day run in a hotel room in BKK. 

    Maybe because you applied using old COE rules and requirements followed by embassies.  It’s subject to change any day now so worth the risk of delaying and reapply under new rules (possible lower ASQ) or go with your scheduled flight

    • Like 1
  11. 19 hours ago, aussiexpat said:

    Lift you up and then smash you back down. With 7 day ASQ I'd be booking my flight right now...but no, they still want 10 days, which would mean 11 nights....


    ...so much for half ????

    7 days for vaccinated/ prc test pre and on arrival. Pcr test day 7…i read in another thai outlet. 10-14 for unvaccinated. Why reward bad behavior and not get vaccinated since its so easy to be in the  USA/UK/EU.  no excuse.  Should  be no vax/ no entry. 

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