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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. OMG look at his earring! This guys was lost long time ago and grew up very sad prob..

    Well let all the stories begin again (lol)

    By the way i see Thai also with the same symbol on a T-shirt but little know what it is here.

    The swastika is an important symbol for Hindus and Buddhists. The oldest evidence of its use in the East is from more than 2,500 years old.
  2. First of all, most of the quotes in the article concern predicting tsunamis, which can be done. After the devastating tsunami of 2004, the Indian Ocean now has a adequate warning system. But of course, even the scientifically advanced Japanese cannot yet predict specific earthquakes. The activeness of faults is mainly based on the history of the fault.

    The second scientist quoted is a meteorologist. Meteorology is the study of weather and climate, which has nothing to do with earthquakes. I hope they are kidding whenever I hear people say, "This feels like earthquake weather."

    What could be done is the upgrading of building standards along major fault-lines in Thailand. I'm joking here! I mean, how many current building statutes are followed now. Standards are determined by how much money the builder can slip to building inspectors.

    Tsunamis are a direct result of earthquakes. If you can't predict an earthquake, you can't predict a Tsunami. You can warn that a Tsunami may occur after an earthquake but that's not a prediction, it's a warning.

    • Like 1
  3. Thailand is sounding more horrible all the time, it all seems to be immersed in sexuality, and little else, i have been looking for a thai for a long time, i have have a lot of offers but i just didnt trust the ones i met, but now i am going off the idea of being in Thailand and marrying a Thai girl.

    All sounds so mangy, and low class, seems like it would be near impossible to get an honorable girl to be and honerable Wife.

    So much death and crime in Thailand, what a hole

    Sorry but i hate what it has become there, once the Thai were the most honerable and proud people

    Look at them now

    Although these sorts of problems are common, they are very much amplified by the selective experience and cynical POV of the posters here. I'm American and I can assure you that Thailand does not have a monopoly on being "immersed in sexuality" and "low class".

    However I suspect your cultural programming about the meaning of "honorable" in this context would lead you to judge most Thai women in a negative way, even if they are completely respectable in their own culture's terms.

    Stick with western women, they know how to more completely hide the fact they're just after your money better, and a higher percentage will actually follow that feeling of being "in love" as the basis for a long-term relationship.

    Best of luck with that. . .

    For 10K baht he can make the problem disapear permanently.

    I think you'd need to double that, given that the wife most likely has real feelings for the tom

    I don't think he means pay off the wife or tom. My feeling is that that's the cost of a hit. "Disappear permanently" kinda gives it away.

  4. Send the teachers back to school or sack them, the tablet is a glorified mobile phone, everyone has one of those right. If you can't get your head around a user friendly tablet you shouldn't be teaching. Simple.

    Well put.

    I teach at an international school in HCMC and we use video projectors in every lesson. All teachers have to have computer skills in order to function in the classroom. We make and use PowerPoint shows, etc. daily. I'd be lost without my computer and internet access.

  5. Hang on didn't the U.S strongly deny they had any such thing in Thailand and torturing of people was not the American way? Either this guy is lying or the prim and proper U.S.A is lying. Either way I think this guy is going to be in a lot of trouble and the U.S are not going to like what he is saying. "Dead man Walking"

    Waterboarding isn't considered by most as torture. Much ado about nothing really. This will certainly bring out the USA haters and cry babies. The author is perfectly safe and the sky is not falling.

    If, by most, you mean more than 50% of the world's population, I think you'll find that you are wrong. How can any civilised person think that waterboarding is not torture?
    • Like 1
  6. An other clear message for the "what will they do without us" brigade.

    I also predict the end of the western expat. Two month ago, we had to fill urgently an expat position and the best candidate was a young Hong Kong Chinese guy. It's a fantastic success. He get along very well with his local colleagues, we don't need to babysit him like his western colleagues. After two month he is able to speak basic Thai. We know realize that in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan we have a big source for our future expat executives, we will now think twice before hiring European expats.

    Make sure to let us know when he replaces you.

    Done already. My two previous position are now held by Hong Kong people.

    And now instead of European interns, we start hiring Chinese (mainland) interns. While it's difficult to find senior executive in China (typically people over 40), I'm really impressed by the quality of the young graduates.

    So why not hire Thais instead - quality not good enough for you?

    You've just answered your own question.

  7. Laughable! Really! Notice they are increasing penalties, not enforcement! If they were serious a simple sweep of any outdoor street market anywhere in Thailand or MBK will produce enough fines to run the country and pay off all the MPs for the next 20 years! My wife just bought a nice fake designer name purse yesterday right across from Siam Paragon.

    You sound like you are proud of her committing a crime.

    Selling counterfeit goods is a crime. Buying them is not.

  8. sorry for that, i just hate junkies, Thailand is a no drug zone, you can see what happens with junkies in prison, dont fuc_k around here with drugs

    Where does it say he's a junkie?

    He bought a small bag of weed in the same way that a drinker might buy a six pack.

    Of course he was stupid as everybody knows the potential punishments in Thailand are out of all proportion when it comes to drugs but, don't you think it's a bit strong to call someone a junkie just because they smoke a bit of weed?

  9. Populistic policies are implemented not because they promise any real progress, but because they are, well, populistic. They sound good in slogans and re-election campaigns. Nobody ever expects any improvement from them, at least not those with an IQ above room temperature.

    Celsius or Fahrenheit?

    Thailand being a metric country, that's in inch, er... no... pints.. fl.oz.... oh all these US/Britsh units! In Celsius ©. Room temperature thus about 28 C.

    Yours is a very hot room temperature.

    Comfort levels

    The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has listings for suggested temperatures and air flow rates in different types of buildings and different environmental circumstances. A comfortable room temperature depends on individual needs and other factors. According to the West Midlands Public Health Observatory (UK),[1] an adequate level of warmth for older people is 21 °C (70 °F) in the living room and 18 °C (64 °F) in other occupied rooms, although most people (at least in the UK) will find this quite warm; 24 °C (75 °F) is stated as the maximum comfortable room temperature.[2] Due to variations in humidity and likely clothing, recommendations for summer and winter may vary; one for summer is 23 °C (73 °F) to 26 °C (79 °F), with that for winter being 20 °C (68 °F) to 23 °C (73 °F), although by other considerations the maximum should be below 25 °C (77 °F) - for sick building syndrome avoidance, below 22 °C (72 °F).[3]

    Scientific use

    For scientific work, room temperature is taken to be about 20 to 25 degrees Celsius with an average of 23°C (about 73 degrees Fahrenheit or 296 Kelvin).[4] For numerical convenience, either 20 °C(68 °F) or 300 K (80 °F) is often used, without being specified as "room temperature".[citation needed] However, room temperature is not a defined scientific term, unlike Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP); admittedly, STP has several slightly different definitions.

  10. There is a hidden problem in this, this HIV virus is adapting to its human host and becoming less aggressive, put simply where at one time infection was a one year death sentence, now it is more like 5 to 10 years. Putting this in perspective it means a much longer period of support and medication for those infected.

    I have a friend who was infected when he was 22 years old. He's now 45 years old and going strong. As long as he gets checks regularly and takes the appropriate drugs he could live as long as you or I.

    • Like 1
  11. Oh dear, oh dear oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

    Someones grassed him up, he's <snip>.

    Who cares? Lock him up and throw away the key. He might just spend the latter years of his life drug free!

    boring, old boring news. If you can't do it, don't do it! closedeyes.gif


    Throw away the key for 3 grams of graz and "some heroine residue" ?!?!?! Hopefully he will get a fine and a red stamp in the passport as thai jails already is overcrowded.

    Any gram of grass or heroin residue is more than enough in my book! How do you know he didn't frug up his fecks for free? How do you think he said it was for his own use? I care not if it was for his own use, nor the quantity. Drug users are the lowest of the low, weakest of persons, and pains in the ass to others. Be he 'exported' or locked away I care not. He is a bad man, and that's all that counts!


    The worst drug on the planet is alcohol. It causes more problems around the world than all the illegal drugs put together. Are you teetotal?
    • Like 1
  12. If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

    Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

    They should use the odd/even tag numbers to work alternate days. Cut number of cabs in half, they will save gas money and still get the same number of fares on the days they work.

    How would you feel if you were suddenly told that your salary would be halved because from now on you could only work alternate days?

  13. Why not put the free wi-fi in the city but not on the expressway.

    Thailand is more advance than Vietnam in terms of IT, isn't it?

    I can find free wifi in saigon almost everywhere. when I went to Bangkok, it was so frustrating to find any free wifi.

    Went to starbucks, I had to buy 150 baht for one hour.

    In Saigon, you go to Coffee Beans, free internet, Highlands coffee, free internet, you go to the malls, you'll get free internet.

    I live in Saigon now, and you're right. Just bought my first smart phone and have found wireless everywhere. I have also discovered that we don't have 3G here, we have 3.5G (HSDPA) which can be 10 times faster than 3G. Has Thailand got its 3G sorted yet?

    Re: The Original Post. All I can say is, stupid idea TIT.

  14. Today is Friday 13th, perhaps terrorists want to make a day we won't forget. We ought to take these warnings seriously.

    friggatriskaidekaphobia or fear of Friday 13th is almost exclusively restricted to English speaking countries. Spanish speaking countries fear Tuesday 13th.

    It means nothing to most people around the world. I know my students, who are 10 year old Koreans, knew nothing of it until I told them.

  15. So I guess they will be released back into the soi's to fight over food scraps or they will simply become land fill. Yep they were certainly saved.

    Better than being on a dinner plate. They are innocent animals.

    So, what exactly are cows, pigs, chickens, deer, wild boar and all the other animals that people eat, guilty of, if dogs are innocent?

    One of the great joys of living on this planet is the diversity of cultures around the world. What is right for one culture is unacceptable to another culture. The Vietnamese eat dog. Who's to say that's right or wrong?

    Food for thought!

    • Like 1
  16. As was mentioned, no mention of jet ski or tuk tuk scams, but then those are probably above his pay grade.

    He's been in the job for 10 days, give him a break.

    Narcotic use is a big problem in Thai communities. It seriously damages family cohesion and the crime that comes from drug use affects every aspect of Thai society.

    Has he said that he won't tackle crime that affects tourism? Surely his priority initially must be to concentrate on the problems that affect the majority.

    Traffic congestion is a completely different matter that is down to the traffic police so that dealing with that wouldn't have any impact one way or another in the investigation of "tourist scams".

  17. Forget "truly asia", this is just truly pathetic.

    Exploiting transexuals for cheap headlines to exploit sad sexpats to pay premium prices for crap flights, boy sounds like Hooters Air, another memorable commercial disaster.

    Let's hope it's another short-lived tacky gimmick masquerading as an airline.

    oh, here we go.. exploitation.. who is exploiting who exactly ?

    totster :D

    Try reading the post.

    I've read the post and can't see any hint of exploitation. Where exactly is it?

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