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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. Yay! Hundreds of billions in debt and higher food prices for all!

    As the election slogan pointed out in the last Campaign " Taksin Thinks PT Does." This is what the people voted for - A moron doing the thinking for them - so let them have it. No sympathy for any of them, they have no one to blame but themselves. At least some of their kids got a crappy PC tablet, so it can't all be bad can it?

    I must first point out that I'm not a fan of Mr. Shinawatra but I have a question for you.

    If Thaksin Shinawatra is a moron, how did he become such a successful business man before becoming prime minister?

    • Like 1
  2. There is also the chance it was contrived, i.e. posed. It wouldn't be the first time.

    I really don't spend alot of time having my 5 year old pose with a joint, though she does light my cigarettes for me.

    I think you need to have limits.

    I hope this is a joke.

    Spending any time, let alone a lot of time, having your 5 year old pose with a joint is obviously wrong.

    As for lighting your cigarettes, I hope it's outside and you're not smoking indoors with a child present.

  3. Don`t believe it.

    I guess that this poor old man was set up.

    An elderly man, probably has life savings and assets, ripe for exploitation.

    poor old man? if the charges are true he will have ruined the lifes of those just about to start on what should be a wonderful life. If guilty I'd stick him in stocks in the centre of pattaya until he dies to set an example of what will happen to any other sick vile human being preying on kids.

    Innocent until proven guilty. Trial by media or trial in a court of law; which do you prefer?

    • Like 2
  4. Surfing the Internet along highways? No - getting maps for GPS turn-by-turn driving! Sorry, not with iOS6 wink.png

    On another note: where ARE those free hotspots???

    1) if you are trying to put emphasis on a word by capitalizing it, you would want to capitalize "WHERE" and NOT "are" because it sounds like a ridiculous sentence by emphasizing "are"

    2) There are free WIFI spots advertised at a lot of the bus stops in Bangkok. If you live close enough to a bus stop, you would be able to grab a signal and surf the internet free.

    1) The emphasis on ARE is a deliberate choice. On WHERE, it would be (a bit) like asking for a list, whereas on ARE it comes with a certain amount of sarcasm - putting the claim of 30,000 hotspots across the Kingdom in question. Which brings us to...

    2) Bangkok isn't exactly country-wide - still haven't experienced any free hotspots in the general Banglamung area.

    ...and Mike is knocked out with a single blow.

    You're right, you would say it with rising inflection on "are" so it's the only word you could justifiably capitalize.

    I've never seen a free WiFi Spot either.

  5. I have found a connection, to a much lower price but I doubt they give me the free ticket. It is with Thai but they probably refuse it is a Thailand site.

    Probably the standard way in Thailand - you are the looser even that you are right ?? I expect to buy the ticket at Thai, if I do it at CheapTickets.co.th I just buy a high price ticket and loose the money to them ?

    It's a shame you didn't read the post properly.

    "The comparison is to be done on the same day of booking, flight, dates of travel, with the fare and seat bookable, applicable for an adult/round trip ticket departing from Thailand. Low cost carriers are excluded."

    You comparing two different airlines. The CheapFlights offer is based on comparisons between ticket prices for the same flight not routes.

    I wonder how many of the sites they face as competition on the web are registered in Thailand. I think that may be their "get out clause" that makes it an affordable offer.

  6. This article was a nonsensical childlike transcription of who said what in and out of context regardless of fact or verification.

    The problem is there is no way to accurately measure rain fall in Bangkok. here in Chiang Mai we will often get rain in one part of the city and none in another.. Bangkok covers a much larger area and it is easy to get different figures if you measure in different areas.

    I know it may be a small thing but with the amount of rain they do get unless some thing is done about the drainage systems the problem can only get worse. As Bangkok sinks the drainage systems also sink.

    There is an easy way to accurately measure rainfall in Bangkok. All they need are tens or hundreds maybe even thousands of electronic rain gauges connected through the internet to the mainframe computer at the Meteorological Department. That way they will know the level of rainfall in any given area at any given time.

    Of course none of that would help since they don't have, or are unable to maintain, the infrastructure to cope with large quantities of rain anyway. TIT

  7. "The SRT will emphasise cleanliness, punctuality and friendly service, he said, adding that internet wi-fi will also be available on the four routes."

    This is so far from today's standard that it's not even on the same planet. The new dual track to Chachoengsao has been ready for years, but nothing has been done with the rolling stock and the last train still leaves Bangkok around 18.25 hrs. The train services in Thailand are bad even for a third world country.

    You've obviously never been to Vietnam.

  8. Advanced Members

    856 posts

    Posted 49 minutes ago


    The editorial is preposterous rubbish. It never occurred to this editor once that the reasons that the reason "Thais too easily forgive and forget" is because the newspapers let these issues drop under pressure, incompetence, or plain unwillingness to do follow up and investigative journalism and pound the table.

    There are countless examples and illustrations of shoddy journalism and no presence of good reporting on numerous cases. Just pick up a copy of The Nation and select a story that should be grounds for following the law and right and wrong. When the offenders know that the newspapers won't follow up if they are privileged, then all they have to do is wait it out or get the newspaper to divert to another topic. The hypocrisy is preposterous.

    As a case in point, take the Red Bull Ferrari case of cop killing, obstruction of justice, hit and run, drunk driving, bribery, corruption and abuse of power. What happened to that case? Where are the indictments? Where is the relentless newspaper follow up? Get serious The Nation, the newspaper is a farce. There is a powerful flatulence pervading the editorial offices of The Nation. and everyone know it and smells it.

    Thai at Heart, Orac, clockman and 3 others like this Like This Unlike

    . And so you think the newspapers are at fault for Thailand's lack of justice!!! WOW you sure have your thinking cap on a different side than I have mine.

    I think he has a fair point. If the cases were regularly followed up by newspapers and TV then the people would be more aware of the rampant corruption and be able to make more informed decision, especially when voting. I

    It's almost a feudal society. Control the media and maintain a relatively low standard of education to keep the masses under control.

  9. "The Public Health Ministry warned people against drinking alcohol while half-soaked."

    What does this mean? Is it possible to drink alcohol if 'half-dry' then?

    It looks like your taking the mickey out of The Public Health Ministry for bad English and that's not fair.

    It's almost certainly a translation of what was said in Thai, so it's quite likely to be the fault of the translator not The Public Health Ministry.

    Remember they speak Thai not English.

  10. Another statement of the bleeding <Snip!> obvious... coffee1.gif

    I though so until I read another thread and saw the rest of the paragraph.

    "The Public Health Ministry warned people against drinking alcohol while half-soaked. Inebriation is blamed for 30 per cent of drowning fatalities during floods, Deputy Public Health Minister Surawit Khonsomboon said."

    With a percentage that high it may be not so obvious to a lot of Thais. Remember, he said in Thai, to Thais not in English to Westerners.

    You could put it down to cultural differences, to be polite, but what may be obvious to us is often not obvious to Thais.

  11. She was correct in what she said first that the dam was not broken.

    What she she should have followed up with is, "it is a reservoir and not a dam and I am not up to date on that particular problem, however I will get someone to check it out and let me know".

    Nobody expects her to know everything though she gets the blame for it all but if there IS a problem like that her various flood committees should have kept her up to date. Overall the responsibility stops with her but if she isn't told then a lot of the problems are not hers.

    Of course she doesn't know everything.

    It's the same in any government in the world.

    Her problem is that she won't admit that she doesn't know. She's apt to making sweeping statements based on nothing more than optimism.

    Once the Thai people can overcome the culture of "face" then, and only then, will things start to get done properly in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  12. Compulsory driving lessons by a qualified instructor followed by a driving test on the road, not a piece of concrete would be a good start.

    The UK has the safest roads in the world because it has one of the toughest driving tests in the world.

    Imposing stricter traffic law will have no effect unless the police are prepared to enforce it. Somehow that seems a little unlikely.

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