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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. The RUTI also reportedly demanded the Thai government to solve these issues within the end of November, otherwise it will consider responses necessary to maintain the safety of Russian citizens by canceling all scheduled charter flights from Russia throughout the period of December 2013 - March 2014.

    Have they considered how the Thai government gonna solve a serious issue like this within the next 2 weeks.

    I guess we may expect a statement from the Thai government soon, similar to the one they made some time ago, that Russian and other tourists have to adjust to Thai road behavior.

    Case closed.

    Oh, I forgot, they can announce a crack down, we haven't had that in the last 2 days.

    So, where is Mr. I-fix-it-in-90-days when they really need him?

    Jimmy Saville is dead and buried (thankfully) or he would have fixed it (inbetween his kidy fiddling of course)

    Alywn, that's not funny.

    You have a disturbingly sick sense of humour.

  2. From the angle of the picture taken, the guy looks asian not european. Anyway, I hope they treat his leaking boil. Maybe he was on some kind of meds that made him happy to be singing. I hope he gets home safe and leak-free.

    As I'm sure you're aware, nationality and race are two different things.

    I have friends of asian, negro and caucasian ancestry but they are all as British as I am.

    • Like 1
  3. I once had to fly all the way to Nigeria because I just wanted to go to samui with a gf.

    I told the then wife, I am off to Africa to see about business. She kissed me goodbye at home. I drove to the office, left the car there. Took a taxi to the airport, met up with the gf, flew local samui. Rented a car, and spent three days. Set my phone to barring all incoming calls.

    Three days up, we flew back to bkk, she got on THAI to narita, I got on emirates to Lagos. Wife been calling my family non stop for three days. I called back, told her I had to make a stop in Dubai. She asked me if one needed to be a Dubai citizen to use a phone there?

    I did some imaginable things cos of tail. So many.

    I once visited lopburi from bkk 4 times in a month just to do it once with a tail. Once the deal was closed, I never went again. I was one a very confused man

    Now I got sons and as straight as an arrow.

    Infidelity is not something to be proud of.

  4. Again? Road safety in Thailand is far below international standards. Dangerous to travel in this country. TAT should force better safety standards (not only on the road, in train travel also). Nearly every week derailments.


    you think that the Tourist Authority of a country should take over the responsibilities of:

    1) the rail network

    2) the road network

    3) all aspects of health and safety in Thailand

    Which country do you come from, that follows these principles of governance?

    • Like 1
  5. "That's when the rest of the suspects boarded the ship, stole the money, shot the seven crewmen in the water, picked up Arkhom and fled.

    Getting rid of vessels - This not a sentence. It is a superfluous jumble of words that serves no purpose in the article.

    The attackers then sank the towboat and later sank their speedboat before being picked up by a second vessel and returning to shore."

    Now, that's clever. They were able to sink the towboat after they fled. The Nation really should employ a sub-editor who is able to do his/her job properly.

  6. What one person or race perceives as common sense is not neccessarily the same as anothers.

    That's a fair point. There are always cultural differences at play. That having been said, western countries have a level of sensibility that is common to all of them. These sensibilities are not as common in SE Asia, in general.

    Examples of lack of common sense, by our standards, are:

    Allowing people to leave a lift before getting on.

    Servicing a vehicle, or any mechanical device, at predetermined intervals to decrease the chances of it breaking down, inconveniently.

    Going through a red traffic light without looking for traffic moving perpendicular to their own direction.

    Most westerners were given the common sense gene but it seems that most Thais were not.

    • Like 1
  7. I witnessed a dispute at a Thai owned business and the farang (very polite) demanded the police come to help settle the issue. The Thai manager went across the street and spoke to a policeman in a motorbike.

    The police sent 6 motorbike taxi drivers instead and stood nearby.

    Hoping to escalate the incident into a fight ....and make a few bucks?

    I saw what was happening and spoke with the farang, explaining the police were not coming until the gang of Thais beat him to a pulp, then taken to jail to pay 10,000 or 20,000bt fine.

    Maybe you'd like to finish your story. What was the final outcome? Please don't leave us on tenterhooks.

    • Like 1
  8. The rise of phubbing - aka phone snubbing

    Practice has spawned an online backlash that has gone global

    “While you finish updating your status, we’ll gladly service the polite person behind you.” “No Tweeting, No Facebook, No Instagram, No Foursquare, No Sexting: respect the food, the music and the company you’re in.” These are the posters you can download from the elegant Stop Phubbing website – the online home of a campaign against digitally derived rudeness that has started to go global.

    Coined by Alex Haigh, a 23-year-old Melbourne resident, phubbing stands for “phone snubbing”, and describes “the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention”. Tongues are firmly in cheeks when it comes to some of the stats (“if phubbing were a plague, it would decimate six Chinas”), but the intention behind the campaign is serious enough: to highlight the scourge of glazed faces in public places, text-tapping fingers during supposedly intimate dinners, and reunions that might as well have been held via Google Hangouts given the screen time involved.

    When it comes to smartphones, tablets and other mobile delights, many of us have the unfortunate tendency to behave like teenagers: prodding and poking our shiny toy to the exclusion of anyone and anything else. And that’s partly because, so far as mobile tech goes, we are all adolescents. Mass-market smartphones are barely 17 years old; iPhones only six; and iPads just three. Little wonder we’re playing etiquette catchup, or that it has taken a digital native to unlock this particular cabinet of fascination.

    <snipped for fair use>

    Source here - http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/features/the-rise-of-phubbing--aka-phone-snubbing-8747229.html

    I wasn't aware of the source of this article when I posted it. I was given it as a printed piece of paper which I scanned and OCR'd.

    I goes without saying that I would always credit a source if I knew what it was. If I didn't it would be plagiarism and that is unacceptable, even on TV.

  9. The rise of phubbing - aka phone snubbing

    Practice has spawned an online backlash that has gone global

    “While you finish updating your status, we’ll gladly service the polite person behind you.” “No Tweeting, No Facebook, No Instagram, No Foursquare, No Sexting: respect the food, the music and the company you’re in.” These are the posters you can download from the elegant Stop Phubbing website – the online home of a campaign against digitally derived rudeness that has started to go global.

    Coined by Alex Haigh, a 23-year-old Melbourne resident, phubbing stands for “phone snubbing”, and describes “the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention”. Tongues are firmly in cheeks when it comes to some of the stats (“if phubbing were a plague, it would decimate six Chinas”), but the intention behind the campaign is serious enough: to highlight the scourge of glazed faces in public places, text-tapping fingers during supposedly intimate dinners, and reunions that might as well have been held via Google Hangouts given the screen time involved.

    When it comes to smartphones, tablets and other mobile delights, many of us have the unfortunate tendency to behave like teenagers: prodding and poking our shiny toy to the exclusion of anyone and anything else. And that’s partly because, so far as mobile tech goes, we are all adolescents. Mass-market smartphones are barely 17 years old; iPhones only six; and iPads just three. Little wonder we’re playing etiquette catchup, or that it has taken a digital native to unlock this particular cabinet of fascination.

    <snipped for fair use>

    Source here - http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/features/the-rise-of-phubbing--aka-phone-snubbing-8747229.html

  10. I would think jail cells like this would be more of a deterrent to individuals having a propensity to break the law and end up in one of these welcoming cells.

    Obviously you misunderstand the role of detention facilities at a police station.

    Persons detained at police stations are unconvicted, hence they are assumed innocent... they deserve to be treated as humans.

    So taking this to its logical conclusion, the police only arrest innocent people.

    Hang on, TIT, that's probably true anyway, looking at how high-profile cases are solved instantly 'the butler did it' as it were.

    As you well know: Innocent until proven guilty.

    • Like 1
  11. The British embassy are about as much use as a chocolate spoon ,dont know why they bother having one here.

    Although I get your point, you must remember that the Consular Department is only a small part of the Embassy and, in fact, the Embassy do a lot of work dealing with inter-governmental communications and working to get the best trade positions for UK businesses trading with Thailand.

    All Embassies are a lot more than a Consular Department. Most of us only ever see the part that deals with individuals, be they UK citizens or overseas nationals looking for visas.

    In conclusion, the Consular Department sucks!

  12. What cracks me up is they justify it happening by blaming corrupt officals and corrupt police; as if that absolves Thailand of any responsibility.

    Surely it is happening because of corruption within the ranks of both government officials and police. I didn't notice anyone justifying it.

    Please share with us how you believe a country can take any responsibility. The government, be it national or local can make a difference. Some individuals could make a difference but a country is nothing more than a piece of land with internationally recognized borders. It would be like asking your garden to take responsibility for mowing your lawn.

  13. The insurance issue is puzzling. Thankfully a large number of donators have stepped up to the plate.

    The insurance issue is not puzzling to me.

    The medical insurance I have from the international school I work at in Vietnam does not cover motorbike accidents. If you require additional cover you have to pay for it yourself. Even if you pay the extra yourself you must have a Vietnamese motorbike driving licence for the insurance to be valid for motorbike accidents.

    I know that most schools here is Vietnam only supply the lowest level of insurance coverage to their teachers. I'm fairly sure it will be the same in Thailand.

  14. "I can assure you that there will be no reconciliation this year or next, thank you for your continued support." The PM said, naturally she said it Thai as she does not yet speak Swiss. The Swiss gentleman was also rather confused by Thai as he had never heard anything like it before ( thats why he looks confused ) THe PM confirmed that Kit Kats would be put on the agenda at the next meeting along with a few cuckoo clocks and a picture of William Tell ( Switzerland's answer to Big Ben).

    I'm sorry to shatter your illusions but there's no such language as Swiss. There are four languages spoken in Switzerland. The most spoken is German, followed by French, Italian and, with less than 1%, Romansh.

    William Tell is Switzerland's answer to Big Ben? William Tell is a 14th century folk hero and Big Ben is a 19th century bell. Where's the connection?

  15. First of all and one more time I can see Russian bashing ...... This guy is UZBEKISTAN citizen , so why they put Russian ???????????????/ ridiculous !! How come he could take a boat out of the marina ? there are guards at the entrance asking question ( I know I have a boat there) , then you need a key to start , you need knowledge in sailing .... sounds very strange to me !

    You neglected to read the OP. The owner of the boat was Uzbekistani.

    The 20 year old man who stole the boat was Russian.

    As mentioned in the story on PDN he used the key to start the boat and when he ran out of gas he hot stuck in the middle of the sea. This would imply that he didn't have the ability to sail and was relying on more fuel than was onboard at the time.

    Maybe I'm a traditionalist but I always think it's a good idea to read a post before commenting on it.

    • Like 1
    1. Defeatists on here

    Never heard so much crap,Ulot moan more than my mum lol.Lets give it a try and see how it goes.I bet some of u who have moaned,drive on the pavement,wrong side of the road,and try to bribe officers

    Maybe your mother has had good reason to moan in the past.

    As people have pointed out, this is almost certainly a case of closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.

    If they addressed the problems then there would be no need of this new "magic" court.

  16. What M4 students aren't fluent in Russian? huh.png

    M4? Isn't that Grade 9?

    Grade 4 is IMHO Prathom 4........or is the Thai information wrongly translated?

    Yes, you are correct in your thoughts. I used to teach English to year 5 (grade 5) P5, average age 10.

    I've been teaching Grade 4 at a Korean School in Vietnam for the last six years and nearly all of my students have their eleventh birthday in Grade 4.

    That's a western 11th birthday, not an Asian one. They were all a year old when they were born, Confusing sometimes.

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