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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. " The spokesperson at the forensic laboratory at Ramathibodi Hospital, which conducted the autopsies on the bodies of the two women, today confirmed that she had heard of the reports identifying DEET as the possible poison that killed the two women.

    However, she declined to comment, citing a request from the Belanger family to not publicly reveal any details of the case".

    More like a "request" from TAT.

    What evidence do you have to back-up your comment? I would be very interested to see what the basis for your insight is.

    • Like 1
  2. why do you think its only the thai woman who does that?

    20 replies and i shall start the ball rolling first

    its a Buddhist thing

    I see your point but I think you need to qualify it a little bit. It's a Thai-Buddhism thing.

    Thai Theravada Buddhism is by no means pure Buddhism. It has a lot of superstition and ancient cultural additions that are nothing to do with Buddhism itself.

    That's all I have to say on the matter.

  3. now the scam would be to charge super high transport fees from one hospital to another one "more specialised" so the 1 million baht would melt like snow in now well know pay off bribe scheme

    It's a shame you didn't read the article before you posted. It clearly says that the families of the four people who died would receive compensation of 1 million Baht.

    Why would they transfer dead people from one hospital to another? Surely a morgue is a more appropriate place to keep a dead person.

    Lesson 1 - Think before you type.

  4. Fines should be applied based on the convict's income to ensure that wealthier offenders do not enjoy any advantage

    Good idea, but the problem is many rich people in this country hide their income, so they won't get the fine they deserve while middle class salaried employees would get hammered. Needs to be based on their net worth somehow but they hide that too. Regardless I don't expect it with this government in power, their priorities are pay outs and pardons to the rich not fining them more.

    Rather easy to overcome. Have those convicted declare their assets before sentence is handed down, and any assets they "forget" to declare be subject to seizure and forfeiture.

    So, your answer was presuming a new system all fines are related to income. Does that mean that when I get fined for Drinking & Driving I will have to declare everything I own, down to the 20 year old Honda Dream and Corrugated Iron shack before I'm sentenced or is that rule only for rich people? I wouldn't like to be given the task of finding a system that works in Thailand.

  5. Somebody should conduct an investigation into the number of workers who have died on the job at this airport. Suspected to be a chemical poisoning from the materials used to build the airport. This has been hushed up by somebody.

    How many people are searching for chemical poisoning now? lol cheesy.gif

  6. Is this the office that was raided in Sukhummvit then?!

    Remember the kids' programme, Rainbow? With teddy and Brian Cant?

    These guys were fans of Brian Cant, called the "Cants"......

    Hope they drop dead with shock, like Bill and Ben, when Andy Pandy came out to play! wink.png



    Brian Can was never in Rainbow. He was, however, in Play School.

  7. Seems thailand has forgot about that little country to the north called china who have an excellent track record of exporting construction projects to garner favor amongst foreign countries in exchange for resources.

    China is far from Burma.

    You need to travel all the way to Singapore, make a U turn and all the way back to reach Burma.

    However, Thailand is just next door, and have land border access.

    You must be Thai, with your non-existent knowledge of geography.

    Myanmar's border with China is 2,204km in length. hat is only 196km short that its border with Thailand.

    Maybe you should go back to school before posting again.

    • Like 2
  8. So far 2,871 out of the 4,750 targeted warehouses have been surveyed and 28 were found at unacceptably high risk, 241 at high risk, 436 at moderate risk, 207 at slight risk and 1,862 at acceptable risk.

    28 + 241 + 436 + 207 = 912

    "BANGKOK: -- At least 1,000 chemical/hazardous product warehouses are at a higher-than-acceptable risk"

    Somebody's not very good at basic maths. Will they ever learn? Don't quote numbers in a story unless your sure the maths is correct.

  9. Solar powered calculators are affordable but won't teach the kids maths

    Not mental arithmatic, but calculators do have a role in teaching children maths, as tablets do in teaching other curriculum areas.

    The question is, are these cheap Chinese knock-offs good for the job, and do the teachers have first clue how to use them to the best effect? I'd say no on both counts.

    They're not knock-offs. They may be of a lower standard than tablets made by some other companies but they are not copies or imitations of a better known brand. Whether they are good for the job will be largely dependent on the software installed on them which is down to the Thai Department of Education not the Chinese manufacturers.

  10. It was a nonsense idea from the start..........I'm not against wages rising but it's madness to impose this type of rise when the global economy is stagnating, the competition is getting fiercer, and the country is recovering from the floods.

    Let the market find it's way, the market will pay higher for skilled workers, the market will pay higher to attract and retain the workforce in industrial production, and the market can share profits.

    Governments shouldn't interfere, especially this one.........market forces will find their way, they always do.

    High skilled workers just made me laugh really hard sorry ... laugh.pnggiggle.gifcheesy.gif

    Read it again. It doesn't say "high skilled workers", it clearly says "pay higher for skilled workers". What could possibly be funny about that?

    The humour is in your mind, not on the screen.

  11. As I'm writing this I'm wearing a 23 carat Thai gold chain that weighs 14 grams. It' s been around my neck for 10 years and has never broken in all that time. It's value has increased nearly four fold since I bought it. Money well spent, I'd say.

    Have you had it tested for authenticity?

    As a matter of fact, yes I have had it tested. Not in Thailand but in Vietnam. It was a few years ago now but if I remember rightly it was 95.8% which was exactly what I was told when I bought it. Now I only buy fine gold which is 99.99% pure.

  12. Thais seem to be limitied to the higher carat rating but impracticality in terms of strength?

    Thais and most other Asians don't believe in the same rubbish 18 carat fairy tales in which you believe whistling.gif

    Hi N.

    Not sure what you you mean about the tales?

    It could be the way I worded my comment!

    My purpose for the chain was to hang a beautiful pendant given to the GF.

    The gold paint faded from the nasty fake chain she was using and she started to develop a skin rash.

    I'm mindful of metal fatigue and breakage over time if 23 carat is used.

    Hence the 18 carat solution which is not only stronger but cheaper as jewelry was the sole intention, not investment.

    Naturally knowing what I've learned about the Thai market is excellent if my funds can extend to investment opportunities. smile.png

    As I'm writing this I'm wearing a 23 carat Thai gold chain that weighs 14 grams. It' s been around my neck for 10 years and has never broken in all that time. It's value has increased nearly four fold since I bought it. Money well spent, I'd say.

    • Like 1
  13. Oh how I wish Thai people take heed of how they are being perceived from the outside and foreigners. To ignore it is ignoring self critique which is important for self improvement.

    Any Thai with half a brain would recognise that the ignorant sneering that goes on in here doesn't reflect on them at all, but rather on the posters themselves.

    Any poster with half a brain would recognise that the Thai people have been conned by their government and that their gullibility is a reflection of their education system as a whole.

    • Like 1
  14. Shame on the OrBorJor for penny-pinching on water safety in "one of the worlds great tourist destinations".

    And, what a refreshing attitude on the part of the Lifesaver guy. Good luck and best wishes to you and all your lifesaving staff.

    Do you know how much they get? How many hours they "work"?

    And the point of your question is... ?

  15. Manufacturer's set retail prices? I didn't know that.

    Haven't purchased a vehicle have you? Automobile manufacturers have minimum prices they demand dealers respect.

    Have you considered an ultralaptop? Intel has set the minimum prices on its key components which has a direct impact on the final price of the product. Do you think LG is going to tolerate a dealer selling a current TV for below cost and damaging its retail network?

    Those are minimum prices. The problem here is maximum prices. You have also just given two luxury goods as examples and the main problem here is cost of item required for day to day living.

    I'm sure you're right but it's not relevant to the topic.

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