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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. 15 hours ago, Ratt Thai said:

    Get over it... She has diplomatic immunity period. It does not mean that she not has insurance or is evading justice. Nor is she declining being responsible for the tragic accident.  Justice is there to determine what happened and conclude how much in damages need to be payed. 

    This was an accident, not a mayor crime...

    She did not have diplomatic immunity prior the accident.

    She was given it after she killed the young man.

    That could be why it's not so easy to "get over".

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    But in Thailand gambling is illegal, yet there are so many addicted to gambling.


    In counties where gambling is legal there is not such a problem. 


    Seems so many things are illegal here, but people still do them and take no notice of the law.  That is Thailand.  Do you really think removing these machines for toys is going to stop people gambling?  55.


    In the UK, where gambling is legal, there are more than 400,000 people who have a problem controlling their gambling.


    Problem gambling estimated at costing the U.K. between £260m and £1.16bn per
    Primary care (mental health) services (£10m - £40m)
    Secondary mental health services (£30m - £110m)
    Hospital inpatient services (£140m - £610m)
    Unemployment benefit and lost labour tax receipts (£40m - £160m)
    Statutory homelessness applications (£10m - £60m)
    Incarcerations (£40m - £190m)

    Figures above are from peer reviewed academic papers NOT the Daily Mail website.


    If that's not a problem then what is?

    • Like 2
  3. A blood test would have told them in minutes how much alcohol he had in his body at the time of death. The longer they leave it to do the test the more inaccurate the results become.


    His slurred speech could be the result of a previous stroke or one of several other illnesses.


    When will the police learn that sometimes it is better not to speculate rather than imparting information that is not based on incontrovertible evidence?

  4. 12 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Why no link to the source ? :mellow:

    Very often than articles made by ThaiVisa "News Team" don't show a link to the source :sad:

    You should know that many readers may want to read more about some of these subjects,

    and it's not always easy to find the source, even with Google help...



    Here you are: http://poundf.co.uk/pound-to-baht-forecast-gbp-to-thb


    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Gonzo the Face said:

    I would humbly request that the person who wrote that news article cease doing so until they go for further education 


    How long have you been fluent in Thai? I'm full of admiration for anyone who can read it.


    Although I speak a little I've not even contemplated learning to read or write the language.


     Unfortunately I had to rely on Google Translate to give me a general outline of the story. We all know how inaccurate Google Translate can be in its translations so I can't begin to comment on the ability of the journalist to report on the facts of the incident.

  6. 3 hours ago, smedly said:

    and how about getting into the modern world and allowing motorbikes over a certain engine size on tollways 600cc +


    all other SEA countries and in the west allow large motorbikes on motorways - Thailand claims to be a modern hub and leader and yet their traffic laws are still from the 1970's

    Really? I wish that was true in Vietnam which is an SEA country.

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