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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. "He had been suffering with some serious health problems which had intensified over the last two weeks and had told her of his plan to commit suicide earlier in the day.

    However, she dismissed his plans as she did not believe he would be able to remove himself from his wheelchair and jump from his condo without assistance."

    Could it have been assisted suicide? Sounds likely.

    Against the law? Almost certainly.

    Morally wrong? Definitely not.


  2. I don't think anyone has been permitted to bring a vehicle into Cambodia for a long time...even from Thailand.

    People buy motorbikes in Vietnam and go to Cambodia, Laos and sometimes Thailand on a daily basis. Literally dozens or more every day.

    I've been to Cambodia on my motorbike many times. Never once have I told anyone at the border that I'm driving a motorbike. They don't care, either in Vietnam or Cambodia.

    EDIT I've also seen Cambodian cars, trucks and buses in Vietnam and vice versa.

  3. Maybe while their at it they might check the balcony railings of the condos to ensure there safe !wink.png

    Don't you think that might be more appropriate for the Health and Safety Executive, or the Thai equivalent, if there is such a thing?

    Would the immigration department in your home country check safety issues in condos?

    I wonder if some people feel a little foolish after pressing the Enter button.

  4. 6000 baht fine? Tell that to mother and kid who broke their legs.

    They should pay her much money to clear their name, Siam Paragon is responsible for this.

    Why don't they mention how much they pay all the victims? When they make profit they always love to brag about how many millions/billions.

    Yes wind can happen but here in our moobaan when we have tents they secure them with huge watertanks filled as contraweight. But i;m still waiting untill the first thai kid gets electrocuted by all the open naked wires with have everywhere in the common parks.

    Nowhere does it say they will not pay compensation to the victims of this accident.

    This an article by a journalist.

    It's up to the journalist to ask the right people the right questions.

    There's only one person to blame for bad reporting.

    No, it's not the event or people that the report is about. It's the...

    wait for it...


  5. I just love the "if you don't agree with everything about us go home" brigade. Hardly original and mature. These are the anti western everything, except for their western mobile phones, western cars and designer western clothes. Hypocrisy at the highest level.

    Western phones made in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, infact anywhere except the West.

    Western cars, made in Thailand, Vietnam, China, in fact everywhere in the world. According to Forbes the world's largest auto company is Toyota. They're not western.

    I see your point but it's a bit out-dated.

  6. One country one rule,,,Not every beach has it own rules,,,,Public beach,, public can use their own table/chairs/loungers,,,,if they don't want to use their own they can rent them,,problem solved,,, C'mon Government get serious get your shit together and make it a Law!

    You mean just like the Australian Governments serious "beach rules" ?


    A proposed law in 2010. Was it finalised as a law?

    It's good to keep up with current affairs.

  7. Meanwhile interest rate given at BKK Bank for long term deposit has gone down year by year a few years ago it was over 3%, last year 2.8% and this year 1.8%, asking the bank why they don't give higher interest rate, the answer is government doesn't allow us.

    That's equally true in any country. The Treasury determines a country's interest rates. Check the interest rates in some Western countries. A lot lower than 1.8%.

  8. Fare increase but same quality of service

    So... when the price of a box of cornflakes goes up does something else have to improve to justify the increase? When the cost of a litre of petrol goes up do we get better quality petrol?

    Of course not.

    How is an increase in fares correlated to an increase in service in any transportation system anywhere else in the world?

  9. Another fine reporting Job by Thais cheesy.gif

    Don't they get it that all the Farang that Speak and write English and come to this forum want real English not pigeon English .

    But then its because they think they know how to report in English from the INTENSIVE English courses at University gigglem.gif

    You really shouldn't have written that!

    Pigeon English? Really?

    I suspect you might have been referring to pidgin. There is pidgin English but there are also other pidgin languages. They are all a grammatically simplified means of communication that develops between two or more groups that do not have a language in common: typically, a mixture of simplified languages or a simplified primary language with other languages' elements included.

    A good example is this, describing Prince Charles when he was visiting PNG. "nambawan pikinini bilong Misis Kwin"

    Are you familiar with the expression, "pot calling the kettle black"?

  10. A truly heart warming story but probably marred later when the graduate findhe/she cannot secure a well paying job due to his education obtained thru a

    " no fail" policy plus, Asean competitors, ( S.Korea/Japan/China), will be

    arriving soon and make apparent his lack of real engineering knowledge.

    Latest reports suggest that up to 50 % of Thai University grads.,who don't

    have an influential family/friend/sponsor,( and he doesn't ), end up

    stocking shelves in mini marts !

    I'm sorry to do this to you but, you're misinformed.

    S. Korea, Japan and China are not ASEAN countries.

    If you want the list of ASEAN countries use Google.

    The clue is in the name: Association of Southeast Asian Nations

  11. <deleted> Racism here. I am absolutely sick of it. Applies in every corner of this land. I refuse to pay the additional and if they insist I walk away.

    I see exactly where you're coming from and completely agree with the sentiment but...

    it's not racism. The dual pricing is for foreigners be they Asian, European, African, American or anywhere else.

    There is an element of racism in Thai culture, they're not very keen on black Africans by all accounts, but their dual pricing is not racist. It's nationalism that is the crux of the matter.

    IMHO :-)

  12. I worked at a school in Bang Bon where a lesbian Thai teacher had one of her 6 year old boys drop his trousers then squeezed his balls until he was shrieking in pain. We reported this to the director who basically told us foreign teachers to mind our own business.

    Thainess at its finest.

    So what'd you do then man...accept Thainess at its finest?

    Hows a slap in the face and the offer of fresh split timber up her?

    It's child abuse; not Thainess at its finest.

    I think you'll find that the Thainess he was referring to was the attitude of the director not the teacher.

    How is assaulting the teacher going to solve anything? Immediate dismissal would be a good start followed by a criminal investigation and then time in the prison system if found guilty.

    Members of the public taking the law into their own hands is never the solution to crime.

  13. One of the reports says that police and immigration officials are to be transferred because of their involvement in human trafficking whereas another report says ' alleged ' involvement and there can be quite a difference.

    If the first version is correct it would suggest involvement has been proved and a transfer hardly fits the crime but all too common here and the reasons are many.

    The problem is that whether proven or not there is only one way to determine someone's guilt or innocence and that is in a court of law, not the court of public opinion.

    Until each and every one of those public servants are found guilty in a court or law they must be presumed innocent. That is if we want to adhere to the standards we have come to accept as normal in our home countries.

    Of course, when they are found guilty, which they must be if there's any justice in Thailand, they should receive the worst punishments that the court is able to give them.


  14. "while the government and the Navy are now providing assistance to the affected fishermen and entrepreneurs who cannot continue their occupations due the government's human trafficking crackdown."

    This is a joke, right? People who have been involved in an illegal trade will be compensated because they have to stop breaking the law. If all the drug dealers stopped dealing would they be compensated for stopping breaking the law? It's really no different.

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