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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. England & Wales with a lower population than Thailand is reported to have approximately 85,000 women and 12,000 men are raped in England and Wales alone every year; that's roughly 11 rapes (of adults alone) every hour. So one assumes rapes in Thailand are either under reported or sexual violence is a lot less in Thailand; personally I would go with under reported.


    I hope people will look at the info. on your link and think twice about laying into Thai people so readily.

  2. The learning curve of my college students:

    They have studied English sins first year in primary school but when they get to the college they can still not write their names in English and their hand writing looks like something you expect form a student in 1st grade.

    I asked/teached them "How are you?" everyday for 5 months and then after the 2 month break (April-May) they didn't remember the meaning of the question or how to answer it.

    Then I'm supposed to teach them subjects like "Principals of Animal Husbandry", "Agricultural Industry" and "Poultry Raising" in English... there is now way in hell that they will be able to speak English in 3 years!!!

    They have studied English sins first year in primary school...."

    As long as they are the seven sins (PEGS LAW) https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins

    You missed the other one.

    "I asked/teached them"

    Teached, really? Taught might be a better word to use.

  3. I'm amazed he was allowed to attack a teacher in front of an entire school and no one seems to havedone anything to stop him.

    Why on earth wasnt he given a good kick in ? I am not a fan of violence but sometimes its the only way.

    Violence is never, ever, under any circumstances, okay in a school, either by teachers or students.

    EDIT Addition:

    Just because a student has been violent it does not give any teachers any right to reciprocate with violence. Restraint, yes, but violence, no.

  4. 40 grams of ice in the possession of "Bua" but yet "Or" is the one put in jail while Bua is not.

    "Next day Bua turned up saying that she needed 5,000 baht in connection with the bust"

    "A day later Bua arrived again and said she needed 15,000 baht"

    To me it seems like this Bua character is in on the extortion with the police in some form.


    Your deduction skills are amazing leaving me feeling somewhat humbled considering the backbreaking research you armchair sleuths put into your theory's.

    Definite candidate for Gumshoe of the month.

    Just saying .......

    It could of course be that Bua is being threatened by the police and is doing it simply to avoid severe punishment herself.

    What you do, as a Thai, to avoid abuse by the police?

  5. I'm sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this that does not have anything to do with corruption, theft, greed, or misappropriation. . . but for the life of me I can not think of one!!!! cheesy.gif

    Let me help you.

    Wang Namyen dairy farm cooperatives packages their milk for more than one customer. The accidentally packaged too much for this customer. Rather than throw it away they sold it to a Cambodian company.

    There you are, mystery solved, maybe. :-)

  6. There's almost certainly similar research being done all over the world.

    Most university research is mundane.

    Society is rapidly changing throughout the world. The underclass is expending exponentially.

    The differences between the generations are far more extreme now than they were 100, 50 or even 10 years ago.

    To view the problems created by these changes with a dispassionate analytical eye can only be of benefit in the long run.

    Yes, it's easy to laugh at this because it's in Thailand but does anyone actually know the content of the seminar?

  7. These figures are to be expected with the volume of motorcycles on the road.

    There are far, far more on the roads of Indonesia and Vietnam. And yet both have lower tolls by a margin.

    Cant talk for indonesia, but Vietnam each time I have been there the police seem to be doing there job, better and better it really is leaving this place sinking further and further down the swanee.

    Really? I've lived in Ho Chi Minh City for over 10 years and have noticed no improvement in police behaviour there at all. At every red light if I'm at the front I'm always the last person to start moving simply because I always wait for the light to turn green. I see police daily on point duty at major junctions waving people through red lights without any thought to the safety of other road users. I could add more but I have to go to work.

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