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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy


    The lockdown is working .. cases today down to low thirties and country Victoria will have rules relaxed significantly in a couple of days. 

    Whether the cure is worse that the disease is a different thing.  I am careful about judging others and their views who have lost so much.

    There's a case that they went to far, but there's a good case that it worked well in New Zealand, and the rest of Australia. Victoria just stuffed up the quarantine and the Australian Government seemed to stuff it up with regulating  nursing homes.

    A number of the protesters appear to be dingus trying to get attention.  That may be unfair but the ones I have seen interviewed, and one of the leaders, believed in a whole raft of, what seem to me, ridiculous conspiracy theories. Lazy ideas and lazy thinking. Whether that is the majority of the protester's I cannot say.

    It would just be good in my opinion if some of those against  the lockdown didn't  resort to bizarre conspiracy theories to make their case. If they just waited a bit longer to see that , for better or worse, lockdown will be over and we can do our thing.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I think Yul Brynner, Telly Savalas and Conleth Hill would disagree with you, and I daresay any of them has made more money from their work than you.

    Lots of people with dirty hair. Bald is very easy to keep clean. You have some strange ideas.

    I think it depends on the size of your neck how good totally bald can look. Too thin and your head can look like a lightbulb or you can look sick. Too thick and you look like you just got out of prison. 

    • Haha 1
  3. Parts of human nature seem to like the actions that improve their own lives and that of the majority. Other parts of human nature see a different reality that wants to become solitary or join their mob, discourage and blame others, and enjoy schaudenfraude.. I guess we all have both parts depending on our genes, education, mood, the pain and hurt we've suffered, stage in life etc.

    Not sure which parts of human nature are going to win. Will we end up with a Star Trek Utopia or an idiocracy or just struggle on somewhere in the middle. 

    There's a lot less poor than before so that's hopeful.

    Covids not helping. Climate change isn't helping. Thought the internet would help but some people seem to stay in their silos. Me too sometimes.

    Often meet young people and see them on the internet who seem nice and smart so that's hopeful.

  4. How many times has Trump done shockingly appalling stupid things and then the polls just tighten up again. Just him being in the news, good or bad, seems to keep him up in the polls. It seems like some people like Trump's go for it attitude and think there will always be someone sensible to reel him in if necessary. But what if it is 100 per cent yes men around him and there's no one to reel him in. I'll give him one thing - he hasn't started wars. 12 points is one of the highest gaps I've seen. You beauty. 

    I think Biden has improved a bit. His gaffes seemed to mainly happen when he was trying to be young and spritely and entertaining . He is best when he accepts he is a bit old and just talks sincerely and straight.  

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, pookondee said:

    I hear you there. Your story sounds exactly like my motivation in making the the thread.


    The question remains though..how long are you happy with parting with these "chunks of money"??


    If i was heading back at Christmas time, as i did every year, it wouldnt be such a problem.

    But with what Faucci is saying, and the stance the Thai army us taking, it could be 3 months, 1 year, 2 years?


    I myself am not on keen giving "chunks of money" away for years on end,when international travel and entry to the kingdom is forbidden and likely un-jumpable hoops of entry look the norm for the future


    You can be rich AF, but who wants to keep giving away their retirement money??


    Especially in Australia, where we up paying tax 4 or more times on our earnings.

    I know. I have a pile of Jetstar vouchers ready to go. She is coming up for one year in a 3 year visa for Australia. I am not sure what the answer is. It's a test of the strength of the relationship that's for sure.

    • Like 2
  6. 26 minutes ago, pookondee said:

    You probably do have a good one. 

    Its pretty much Thai female 101 to never admit making or having money.


    Unfortunately, if shes made 1000baht and told you about it, i bet its gone the next the next day, or thats what she will tell you anyway.


    Frittered away on shopping for junk, or given to Ma and Pa or whoever.

    She will soon be  broke again and awaiting your next donation for power and water bills.

    Normally she had been good like that.

    It's a tale of two halves. The first 5 years I didn't help much, good exchange rate, lots of holidays in Australia and Thailand, everyone happy. The last few years she's had a couple of problems with buffalos and whatnot, actually old debts,  and now covid so you try and do the right thing without feeling ripped off. 

    I gave her a chunk of money last October, and normally she's not too bad and makes it last, but yes she bought jewellery and this and that. The money was supposed to last a year. It may have had got close if covid had not happened but I can't blame her for that. She's made an effort on a couple of small businesses and seeing her trying like this makes me proud, a little bit sad , and it doesn't look like I'll be asked to send money for the foreseeable future. The fact is I'm working and locked down so sending a bit won't kill me.  

    • Like 1
  7. Hi I thought maybe those who know religion and Thailand might be able to help. My girlfriend considers herself a buddhist. Her main temple though is a hindu temple in Bangkok though she goes to other classic thai buddhist temples. She says she believes in hindu gods such as ganesh and I see other thais are the same. This is despite buddhism not having a god as such. One time we were in Karon Beach in Phuket and there was a statue of a snake or dragon and she seemed to believe in that as a type of god too. Can someone tell me how this makes sense. I ask who is in control . I am guessing it's just a set of beliefs that doesn't have to make sense as such. Maybe different aspects control different things. Seems to make her feel good so good for her. 

    For what it's worth I don't believe in god as such. Have had coincidences and feelings in life that made me think twice but nothing I can confirm as more than wishful thinking.

    • Like 2
  8. 22 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    I rent, I don't buy here.  Each to their own. 


    There are thousands of guys from all around the world that should be enjoying their retirement here, instead, they have returned home, broke, and living on government benefits, all because they thought it was "love" in a country that grants no rights to foreigners.    

    I like the idea of retiring in Thailand and just leading my own life and seeing casual girls. I think it comes down to your personality if it is possible or not. I have known people who live like that and they seem a bit depressed but they don't link the two things. My girl is lovely but kind of painful at times. I have my freedom of sorts albeit in lockdown in Melbourne Australia. I am not sure I want to live with her fulltime. She seems to like being apart a bit too. How that will work in the future I am not sure. Hopefully I can work it out with her together. When she comes to Australia it is really nice and we have fun holidays in Thailand mainly in Koh Chang. Thai girls know how to look after you like a king. 
    On a different topic I hope Poster of the Year is someone down to earth this year and a regular poster. Not a Hua Hin playboy or some outsider, though I do like Yinn's posts,  but one of the bread and butter posters. Britman Too Thaibeachlovers, Onemorefarang, Owlseesall, or one of the many others on this forum. Felt like saying that for some time.
  9. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Plenty of women on ThaiFriendly that'll overlook Buddha day, if she won't.

    It's never a good idea to allow any one woman to control your access to sex.

    She'll think you're weak.


    Just read her age,

    at 46 she's coming to the end of her interest in sex, move on, the younger ones don't cost any more and are generally better company.


    Just as a point of interest, as a massage girl, did she refuse to give massages on Buddha day?

    From personal experience, Buddha is OK with a hand job on his 'special days'.

    There are contradictions with the Buddha day thing. Yes she would work. Sometimes in Australia she would be watching murder shows on Foxtel cable tv but my touch is somehow bad. She made up for it on other days. I think her lifestyle has kept her in good shape. That's why I like your posts.. appalling and honest at the same time. 

    • Haha 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    You are lucky, your Thai girlfriend is probably ''different''















    Batman someone?


    She can see how I handsome I really am. What's your problem. No she had her share of boyfriends in the past. Her difference is that she spends the whole month of October at a temple, doesn't drink smoke or eat meat as should be the case for anyone calling themselves Buddhist, meditates for ages per day each day for an hour, all that stuff, and believe me sometimes I wish she could be less serious about the whole thing. Doesn't prove she's not cheating but I just doubt it. She's just different.

    • Haha 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    How old is she?

    How long have you been in a relationship with her?

    Why did she need more money to go from Phuket? 


    She's 46. 9 years. I like to think the distance relationship works for both of us. So she's no spring chicken but neither am I. Still hot though believe it or not. Her that is. I like my time alone. So does she. 3 to 6 months in Australia. 1 to 2 months Thailand. 4 to 6 months alone. I have thought of getting married as she is a good fun person if not a bit serious but when the wicked temper comes I thank Lord Jesus that I didn't.  

    She lived in Phuket with her sister and mum. Her mum hated Phuket and wanted to go home so given no work in Phuket I agreed to help. She started with a low amount but that ballooned. Won't bore you with the whole story. 

  12. 23 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    1. How do you know?

    2. Offer her cash, and magically you can touch her.


    Her: No, darling I can't because it's Buddha day 

    You: how about I give you 1,000bht?

    I have been looking at this website for six months and it's kind of cool to get a response from Britmantoo himself.

    Believe me I have had years of Buddha days one day a  week. Money makes no difference. She has a book and it's a different day each week I think depending on the phases of the moon. I have not heard other men talk of this so I think she has made it up just for me. Sometimes it kind off adds something to the relationship but sometimes it's just plain annoying. To be honest she had a Mother's day thing for a time, some Hindhu thing,  but I put a stop to that.

    I am confident she is not cheating. She always answers the phone, well almost always, and is so often at the temple or with family. I know most thai girls are fairly big on the Buddhist thing but she really takes it to a new level. 

  13. I am in the same postion as the poster working from home in Australia. My feelings cover the gamut of responses on this post - sometimes being annoyed and having to send funds as she couldn't  work and other times feeling like a cheap Charlie for thinking this way. If I was 100 per cent sure about the relationship one way or the other it would be easier. She kind of lied to me as she wanted funds to go from Phuket to Ubon Ratchatani but it ended up costing much more to move than initially stated. She generally doesn't lie and never cheats so I no complain. She is a sweet heart and a full on buddhist. Am I the only one where a girl has so called buddha days where I have to leave her be. Yesterday she worked and got a 1000 baht so I was impressed. No not doing that.

  14. My thai girlfriend loves this show when in Australia known as Midsomer Murders. She records lots of episodes and watches when I am at work. Some say it's a bit racist as it's rare to have a black person or say a muslim make an appearance. But there is something charming about it and I'm not sure how diverse areas like that are in real life. Like most of these shows the solutions to the murders are often not that thought provoking or imaginative but it is a bit of fun.

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