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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 20 minutes ago, Nout said:

    Hilary Clinton has told Biden to ignore the election results if he loses and never cede to Trump. But that's ok I guess.

    My Aunt Marge has opinions too but she isn't Joe Biden.

    Most of what Hillary says make sense but I agree that one sentence is not good. You have to pick out one sentence from Hillary, possibly out of context as it is not fully explained,  as against many clear direct statements from Trump.

    I was a Hillary fan. Still don't get why Americans hated her.

    There is a difference though between someone  outside the current process making a one off comment and the president himself continually saying it. Joe Biden is the leader. Compare the leaders. 

    I must say the latest Fox News polls are looking good for Biden. Here's hoping.

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

    For someone who is not saying that Trump is Hitler you sure make a lot of comparisons of Trump to Hitler. To those who know what I mean, mark this as another one of those strange uses of language I have been speaking of.


    Now back to you, Donald J Trump has been given the responsibility by his position and circumstance of having to nominate a new Justice to the Supreme Court. Some would say this is divine providence. Others not. In any event, the task will be carried out in accordance with the law of the Republic and a nomination will be made. The Senate controlled by the President's party will confirm a nominee and we will have a new Justice. It is actually, when looked at over the course of some 250 years, a routine matter. Blessed with such a solid foundational document inspired by great wisdom, that is what is going to happen. Exactly. No one doubts. Donald Trump does not blame minorities, he has lifted them. Unlike his Conservative predecessors he is gaining black and Latino voters.


      As for Hitler, he represented a rise of totalitarianism which declared absolute disdain for the existing Republic that existed in Germany at the time. Democratic norms were a roadblock to him. He had an army of violent supporters who rioted and burned the streets of Germany prior to his taking power. He was anti Jewish and had strong anti-jewish supporters as his followers, he was not one who had Jews within his own family or who was friendly to aspirations of Jews. He was supported by the Arabs of Palestine at the time. Hitler was certainly not a victim of the bureaucracy of Germany, on the contrary he controlled it, as well as controlled the Press. All of it.



    If we are to make comparisons Hitler, say about 1936, I would look at the rise of a totalitarian power in this world, one in which has begun to make claims of vast swaths of territory which has been rejected by international law, one which is building its military steadily, and threatening its neighbours on several of its borders. One which just like Germany or Imperial Japan only contained one Party, and appears more militaristic by day.

    Fair discussion. As I was saying I used Hitler as an extreme example regarding the particular and specific point of he himself saying he may not accept the outcome of the election, and the way he hobbles the free thinkers around him,  and people just yawning like it's another Trump comment or action.

    You replied on my most controversial point but didn't on other points, such as why someone outside the US might be concerned about Trump. I'll take it that  you can see my point on those issues.    

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    My apologies, Owl. I thought you were reasonably proficient in Thai. Or is it only spoken word, a la Henry Rollins?

    Kaow pat goong is rice with beans and shelled shrimp with an egg stirred in, teerak eats the heads. Pad siew gai is large flat noodles with chicken and cauliflower. Pad pat ruam, as per the attached photo, is stir fried vegetables, which I normally have with sai ua, northern Thai spicy sausage. Excellent for bowel movement, if that is not TMI.

    4 baht eh? I did not realize I was living the high life.

    I confess I have never been in any armed forces, apart from cadets in college. I guess that makes me unusual among TV posters.


    For me  the irony of Thai food is that the stuff our wives make us tastes good but, in my case, the food they eat themselves is something else.

    My ex would prefer her fried salty fish that would  stink up the kitchen, cooking tiny crabs with no meat  in some black sauce, funny soups with some herbs that would make me gag. Some of it was nice but most not to my taste.

    The she’d cook  a big fish for me that looks like it came from a restaurant.



    • Like 1
  4. Sometimes I think Trump was born under a lucky star.

    Winning by a few votes in the key states.

    Inheriting a good and growing economy from Obama. You could argue his tax cuts for the rich, and ridding of some regulations, helped but the already growing economy was to his advantage and his tax policy has probably just lead to higher debt. 

    The way he seems to be able to avoid getting in serious trouble while those around him fall by the wayside.

    And now when the country is mainly focused on his poor efforts on Coronavirus this Supreme court thing falls into his lap.

    I can't see him winning still but who knows what's next. I just hope this issue energises democrats more than republicans.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Just looked up Crosstown Traffic on the youtube . Nowhere to be found.  Apparently the Hendrix estate removes them. 


    Devo did a fun cover of Are You Experienced. They couldn't show the wideo because the Hendrix estate wouldn't let them show a bit where Hendrix gets out of a coffin to play the guitar bits. 

  6. It's really windy here. The downside of being around gum trees is if they're not dropping branches or burning they're falling over. Had a few people killed in cars in the last year within 10km of here and a few houses smashed  in a recent storm. Mine aren't too close and more likely to fall on the neighbours.  

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:


    I just saw the part where you said she may have been beaten by her first husband. I guess that puts in a special category and I imagine the doctor option is probably most relevant but better not to give advice at all as it is obviously a complicated and difficult situation.  

  8. 8 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    I think there is a syndrome with younger wives where they get self indulgent and have delusions of grandeur. They are used to being the special, pretty, and sexy one and of being told as much. By what I see you have a nice smart daughter and, as stupid as it sounds, sometimes the younger thai wife wants to be the centre of attention. Not sure of the age difference between you and your wife in this case. Maybe let her go crazy, act up, and play her bluff, call the police. Sounds like your neighbours know what's what and will support you.


    A second option is that what you are, or aren't doing, may be a factor. Sometimes you can ask your partner 'Do you want to go out' and can feel relieved when they say no. You may be busy. In my case the first wife was a good cook so I was happy at home. In retrospect I probably could have made more effort. We could sometimes go months without going out. Just push her to go out, give her flowers, a small holiday, she'll say she doesn't want it but watch the smile come back.


    A third possibility is that she has an illness e.g. depression or bipolar. Hard to get people to get treatment  but you seem to be  good at deescalating stuff and listening and you might be able to get her to see a doctor. 


    A fourth is that the marriage has run its course. I was surprised how good separating felt - getting that ball and chain off your leg. We are so much more friendly now given we have separated. That's why I am hesitant to marry a second time.


    Free advice isn't worth the price they say.


    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


    If you are going to use poker analogies at least get them right. You can't see and raise that's an illegal bet. You simply raise. To see is technically a flat call and to raise is a completely separate bet. You can not call and raise in one in the sequence of the official rules. It would be considered angle shooting to see a reaction before you finally raise.  So don't lecture me about what is possible when you seem to have a hard time understanding basic rules.


    Anyway you are assuming the dems gain the senate and can simply appoint whoever they want at will. If that was the case Obama would have not left a vacant seat. I am not sure what would be involved to change the law to load the court. If it's that easy both sides will do it until we have more judges than people 



    A bit pedantic on the gambling thing Crying Dick. And I hope the picture of Nancy is a tribute. For she is my hero. 

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  10. 15 minutes ago, Poet said:

    That isn't what you said. You suggested that Fox News was labeling small, unaffiliated violent groups who were not Antifa as Antifa. That happens to be incorrect.

    I have no doubt that Fox News and any of the deeply partisan TV news organisations on the other side will make the maximum use of whatever cards they are dealt. You can hardly fault them for that in the current hyper-reality.


    It might be painful to face this reality head on, but any solution will require more cops, not fewer. The actual Democrat establishment knows this, which makes their use and endorsement of BLM deeply hypocritical. This has become a "By Any Means Necessary" election for the Democrats and, even if they win, the legacy of that will be more damaging to America than anything Trump has done.

    In any case, while I respect your exposition of your views, we are clearly experiencing different realities. It would be foolhardy of me to try to argue fact-by-fact, so, I shall wish you a good day and head out in search of a strong coffee and a delicious banana pancake ????????


    Fair nuff. Enjoy your pancake.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    Not at all FFF.


    Considering there are just a few million people in Australia, their athletes have conquered the world in many sports.


    I've great respect for some of Australia's athletes; Dawn Fraser*, Ms Goolagong, Rod Laver, more recently Shane Warne and their distance swimmers. A group of world beaters; Ian Thorpe, Grant Hackett, Glen Housman** and Kieren Perkins. Too many to mention. Not as enthusiastic about their politicians; especially Brundage. 


    Ned Kelly's spirit lives on; needed more than ever in these tyrannical times.


    My mum took no nonsense from anyone. No sisters, but seven brothers. Irish father; London mother. Passed away aged 84, in the same month as my wife, 13 years ago. That's why I find myself here. We all have a tale to tell though.


    * Harshly treated by a nasty politician.

    ** Cheated out of the world 1500m record.


    We struggle a bit in Tennis now though we had a good result in the recent US Open. They took away a lot of the  tennis courts and built apartments so for the average person there's not many places to play.

    It's funny seeing how some portray the Aussie slang. Just finished an interesting series, though slow to start, called the Leftovers. Voted best series of the last decade by many in the States about what would happen if a whole lot of people just disappeared. The third series was set partly in Australia and though it wasn't too cliched there were lots of blokes eating tucker and having a coldie and fair dinkum shielas. Like if the English were portrayed saying 'Cor Blimey' all the time.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Poet said:

    No, they call themselves Antifa. They are not "sometimes violent", their raison d'être is violence and intimidation. Such groups have been a key tactic for all extremist groups to attain power, whether on the left or right. Yes, all such criminal networks operate in cells

    It is a self-damaging blindness on the part of Democrats to ascribe everything you are uncomfortable with to Fox News.

    Again, I am saying that this election is yours to lose. A president has never been re-elected in a situation this dire. If Trump does get re-elected, it will be 100% down to the Democrat failure to react appropriately and bravely in realtime to the overreactions of those with whom you are associated.


     I think you'll agree that their motives of combating fascists and racists such as neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other far-right extremists, has some merit, though I 100 per cent agree the use of violence should not be tolerated. They are not democrats.


    If you don't think Fox News saw Antifa as a go to scare tactic on the law and order issue then we can agree to disagree. The violent protests is a fair issue of concern but Fox News coverage, and blaming of democrats, is over the top. 


    I will say gun violence in say Chicago is a different issue and it shocks me it is allowed to continue. I put it down to kids being allowed access to guns and breakdown of families. If anywhere there should be a crackdown its there. Probably getting off topic.

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  13. 10 minutes ago, JusticeGB said:

    The American system of political parties choosing judges stinks. The judges are appointed for life so the Court can swing to the left or right dependant on who dies when a particular party has control of the Senate and is President. 


    It's tasteless to begin appointing another judge when Ginsburg hasn't even had her funeral. In the UK judges are appointed by fellow judges. The Law Courts are separate from Parliament. 

    I saw some where that when they made the lifetime appointment rule people didn't tend live so long. Maybe in 2020 they could limit it to 20 years. Still long enough to be independent but not so long that it's a bit ridiculous.

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