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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

    Long ago I came across a great analogy which fits perfectly into this thread.  It was told by someone this way:


    The only time everyone gives two hoots about what anyone else chooses for themselves is in a restaurant.  In the hypothetical restaurant of the analogy you get a menu with every conceivable food item on it.  You peruse the menu and what you don't like you skim over and focus only on what you do like.  And order just that.  But in this amazing restaurant rather than the menu offering food it offers you ideas.  And again, every conceivable idea which exists is listed.  Again you skim over the ideas you don't like and focus only on the ideas you do like.  And you order just that.


    Now imagine, the next time you go out to eat, walking around the restaurant going to every table to criticise, ridicule, admonish, and spew hate on all of the patrons for what they're eating.  But . . . only if they're eating what you wouldn't choose for yourself.  And patting everyone who is eating what you prefer on the back and calling them 'friend'.  :laugh:


    Isn't that what's happening here?  :laugh:

    In the restaurant there's actual food. You are talking about something in your mind that you think is a thing.  Imagine someone saying they are tasting something so yummy but there's nothing in front of them to see. You might then question, admonish, or ridicule.  So if you believe something and wish to talk about it you have to cop it as a reasonable thing to be criticised when nothing can be seen on the table. 

  2. The hope of eternity was much more tempting, as you say, when life was much more unfair, people dying and in pain all over the place, still true for many in the world.

    Simply lighten your load and believe that god serendipitously arranged for your parents to meet, for that seed to get to the egg, for you to enter the body somehow depending on the religion, and eternity waits, and there it is. Faith means that for confusing bits - God.  

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  3. Putting aside money, appearance and age, a reason why some expat types may not be seen as an attractive option is their thinking - their perception of superiority based on not much and their outspokenness and extreme opinions on politics, social issues and world news, culminating in a tendency towards conspiracy theories. Strong opinions that are not open to suggestion. Stubborn. Boring. Not fun for girls who want to have fun.  A fair few of this type. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, ozimoron said:


    garbage. It's the academic study of how racism is pervasive in society., Nothing more than that. The right wing have a problem with sloganeering.

    Maybe so.. but you have to acknowledge that woke has taken on a different meaning regardless of the dictionary definition. Based on the wider use of it do you not see that people can go over the top in trying too hard to be inclusive and non racist etc. Doesn't mean being racist, or non inclusive as such is a good thing ever, but simply that trying too hard in the opposite direction can be tedious and damaging and can result in people being judged too harshly for having different opinions that may have some merit, or for saying something out of turn or making a mistake.  

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  5. I come across things here and there - in tv advertising, tv shows and films, at work, where there is a clear attempt to seem hip to the jive of what young people are thinking, and on occasion they go too far or muck it up. Mainly harmless - and hardly new for the powers that be to try and win favour for dubious motives.

    It's impact, in my opinion, is somewhat overblown, mainly by the right wing politicians and media, who will scour the world for more extreme examples and say - fear this - this is what democrats or other lefties want to do to you and your children. 

    For sure, point out where things are over the top, but be honest about it's implications on our lives, and being a bit kinder and aware of the feelings and point of view of others, is not so bad. 

    • Agree 1
  6. Suspicious with some of these posts. This guy Jan1970, first post, starts with 'thank you for accepting my membership on the forum' and talks about his real estate issue involving someone wanting a deposit back. There's a post by Robyn2222, first post, that starts as 'thank you for accepting my membership on the forum' that talks about his real estate issue where he is looking to get a deposit back. Take from that what you will. 

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  7. 16 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    The problem with government tax schemes, is that the people that actually earn enough to have to pay the taxes, are generally smarter than the people in the government that develop the schemes. 

    They introduced a scheme that has some elements of fairness initially with a carrot and a stick. The stick got bigger as it was harder and harder to avoid the extra tax while the cost of the private insurance you are somewhat forced into, goes up and up, in the past well above inflation.  The carrot got smaller too as the benefit of the rebate is chipped away going down and down. Not fair but there it is. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, gearbox said:

    If you make more than X amount of $ in Australia you are going to have Medicare surcharge if you don't take private health cover. For income of $180k plus the surcharge is bigger than the private cover premiums.


    I think Lil Johnny introduced it.

    Exactly. That too.

    One trick had been for years, as part of that, they didn't increase the income cut off limits meaning as people's income went up bit by bit people went over the limit, or went to a higher tier, that were forced to get health insurance or cop the tax.  

    The one sweetener was the rebate you got on the cost of the insurance. But they had a further nasty trick too, brought in by Abbott I think, where that rebate percentage is decreasing a bit each year as well. So initially you got 30 per cent off if your income was lower than the lowest tier but that has now decreased in 2023 to 24.6. Same for higher incomes. Thanks Tony. 


  9. 33 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

    That's a difficult one because you have to be in Australia to use the medical services (private health insurance Australia)


    You may never need it and it's expensive, the question is ,why do you need it ?


    If you say do get cancer in Thailand or wherever you are , you can come back to Australia and use the free  public health system,

    ok the public health system is not the best but at least your saving that $150 a month or whatever your paying in private health insurance when you probably won't need it 

    Fair point. The problem is that they have that rule in Australia where if you are over 30 and you don't get health insurance the premiums go up by 2 per cent each year. I haven't look that much into it but as far as I can tell if I stopped, then wanted to start later at say 60, I have to pay the going rate plus say 30 x 2 = 60 per cent extra. When you are over 60 you are most likely to need it most. The other thing is I have an old plan that is a bit better than the latest ones in terms of coverage and price so if starting a fresh they are a fair bit more expensive too.. 

  10. One example. Friend was in Patong. Caught Dengue. Got quite sick. Covermore were fantastic. They can't reject most proper claims. Haven't seen them denied except on here and other media and normally the reasons make some sense. Don't see how talking about successful claims is narcissistic. 


    I am trying to work out the best way to keep health insurance in Australia but be covered in Thailand. Credit card insurance should do the trick for initial 2 or 3 month trips. Some say it's useless but mine is identical to the paid for ones. Still have to pay in Australia though if both here and there. 

  11. 9 hours ago, VincentRJ said:

    Sorry! I was being sarcastic. A Google search revealed the following:


    "Exceptional purity from pristine wilderness artesian water with a balance of minerals filtered through the best system that exists. Uncontaminated Nature."



    My google search found this. He is a christian after all. 


    Later in John 7: 37-39 Jesus once again speaks of living water, saying, “'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. ' By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.



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  12. 23 minutes ago, GypsyT said:

    Do you put that strange stuff - Vegemite - to pizza too?


    PS. What is it made of?


    No. It would be too much of a salty taste as far as I'm concerned. I knew it as yeast extract but apparently it is more specifically brewer's yeast extract - a left over from the beer brewing process. 

    • Thanks 1
  13. Pineapple on pizza is one of those things that sound bad but if done nicely the combination with ham once in a blue moon is nice. In Australia we put beetroot on hamburgers which seems strange to some too but is a nice combination. 

  14. A lot of Australians feel a bit 'Been there done that' with Bali and Phuket and go elsewhere. Me too as a tourist. Apparently Japan is the popular place for Australians which I can understand as it is really different.

    Suppose for Americans being so far away makes it seem a bit exotic still but also an awful long way to go so closer places may be better. 

  15. 1 hour ago, georgegeorgia said:

    I had to laugh at this , funniest thing I read , A Government Public Servant doing a "hard days work " , 🤣🤣🤣


    As a matter of interest which Government department did you work for that you did a hard days work?


    Ones blowing a trumpet and your blowing a whistle 


    Not easy to do nothing like may have been in the case in the olden days. It is clear in the computer age if there is an errant worker or boss not pulling their weight. 

    There is a good work life balance though. Working from home helps. 

  16. 13 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I didn't get a choice in it.


    If I can go back in time I'm going to make my father be elsewhere on the night he impregnated my mother, so I never get born.


    1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:

    Mindless and senseless consumption, accumulation and waste. 



    To be happy and carefree like these two

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  17. Fight the Power    Public Enemy


    Elvis was a hero to most
    But he never meant s- to me you see
    Straight up racist that sucker was
    Simple and plain
    Mother f- him and John Wayne
    'Cause I'm Black and I'm proud
    I'm ready and hyped plus I'm amped
    Most of my heroes don't appear on no stamps
    Sample a look back you look and find
    Nothing but rednecks for 400 years if you check


    People say this sort of look back in history is a recent thing Ha Ha


    Two others:


    Meat is murder The Smiths

    No you don't The Sweet

  18. 8 hours ago, Walker88 said:



     Some woman who has the determination to drag her kids for 600 miles just to get a chance at working in a safe environment is quite likely to work hard and pay taxes, which will help sustain the US Social Security System. Unlike the clown who forever babbles about 'prisoners' and 'mental cases' and people 'destroying the blood' of the US, immigrants are what keeps the US economy vibrant and the entitlement systems somewhat flush. I would much rather have that woman from Guatemala who walked 600 miles to find work than the masses of bloated SSDI parasites in Red States, who bark about 'keeping government out of my SSDI and Medicare'.

    You make some good points ... but... the woman travelling 600 miles example is a concern in my opinion. James Carville, Democrat commentator, said something similar on Bill Maher. When he said that I appreciated the sentiment, and there is likely some truth to it, but it amazes me how relaxed and almost naive some Democrats can be about the immigration issue.

    Of course, the example was chosen to tug on heart strings, rather than being about a single man or something.

    But he seemed to be basically saying that if you are willing to go on a long walk, and pass some basic checks, that's enough evidence that you are the right person for the United States and in you come. No need to prove you are an actual objective refugee, e.g. under real persecution, rather than simply being unhappy with aspects of your life. 

    Immigration may be good for the economy as a whole in the long term - but it can be best for the wealthy who get cheap labour, rather than the average joe who has more competition for say jobs and housing, less wage growth, crowded built up cities when they build large apartment blocks to deal with the influx, huge initial costs to local government bodies etc. 

    You may say statistics don't bear this out - wage growth has been good for example - but the key point is this issue could easily lose the democrats the election. Trumps appalling rhetoric is simply reflecting the general feeling of unhappiness amongst a wide swathe of voters about the amount of immigrants at the southern border.

    Wake up Democrats. Concerns about immigration on quality of life is reasonable, and well meaning examples of mothers and kids isn't going to cut it, to win over the electorate.

    Concerns are not simply due to racism - which may play a part - but an honest, common sense, fair concern about the implications of not securing the border.  

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  19. 18 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Which age?

    It seems some people think 17 year old girls are underage, other think anybody below 20 is underage.

    And then there is of course "real" underage, below the age of consent in Thailand which, as far as I know, is 15.


    Personally, I think nobody of any age should be forced into prostitution and anybody who does that should be severely punished.

    But if a teenage girl wants to have sex, and she thinks about starting with a boy from her village for free, or collecting a 6-digit amount, I can understand that many girls will be ready to sell their service.


    Teenage years start at 13 of course.  It is not simply about being forced into prostitution - underage girls may on occasion be enticed by the dollars but do not have the maturity and sense to make such decisions, thus the laws to take action against predators and their go betweens, regardless of what might appear to be consent from the person. Stating the obvious but sometimes it appears some posters, not saying you, see it otherwise. 

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