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Resident Alien

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Everything posted by Resident Alien

  1. TM7 has a separate section: "This application is written by ...", who can be an agent. TM8 has not.
  3. 11 Jan 2023 May 5 approved as extra holiday. Four-day weekend to celebrate Coronation Day The country now has 24 public holidays in 2023, five of which are substitution holidays.
  4. They must be caught first.
  5. Sure. Nobody on the street ever asked me to show my visa/status here this century. But he can be in trouble when he ever has a disagreement with one of the people in his town. They can report him to the police who might surprise him with a visit.
  6. This occasion was very well documented before, as per your attached topic and in most newspapers.
  7. a Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days
  8. "Thailand to turn chilly" and at the same time pm 2.5 will increase to unhealthy.
  9. You think if immigration division 1 will be closed, the other division immigration offices might be open on a holiday.
  10. See the calendar on the right side of the page when the immigration office will be closed. Contact Us – Immigration Division1 | กองบังคับการตรวจคนเข้าเมือง 1 This link should be included with the yearly holiday calendar that is posted here by mods. Hope they will for 2023.
  11. Last year was worth 189k. Now it is worth even less. If old gf does not want to give you the register book, forget about it. This cheap car is not worth the trouble and money. Easiest solution, buy a new car in your name.
  12. [Official] Thailand E-Extension | Tourist eVisa (vfsevisa.com) Interesting ...
  13. 1. Your list is missing the special holidays when immigration will be closed 16, 17 and 18 November (APEC). 2. Think most, who have question about immigration closing, do not know to look at the general forum first. The calendar is updated automatically and specific about closing dates of the office. But, do what you thinks is best way to publish this info.
  14. This question is asked a lot during the year. Maybe possible mods can pin the calendar? Contact Us – Immigration Division1 | กองบังคับการตรวจคนเข้าเมือง 1
  15. It is on their website, and next time you enter the immigration office have a look at the entrance door when you enter the building.
  16. ตรวจคนเข้าเมืองจังหวัดนครราชสีมา (nakhonratchasima-imm.com) E-mail :[email protected]
  17. http://pathumthani.imm.police.go.th/ Email : [email protected]
  18. Racist comment does not belong at this forum !
  19. It will never happen, but it would be nice to hear the IO side of the story.
  20. Bangkok Bank: If you make another deposit on your fixed account, it will be treated as separate from your original deposit and will mature x months (12 or whatever you chosen) after your deposit. You can have several deposits on your fixed account with different interest due dates. They will not accumulate into one fixed amount for the interest to be calculated.
  21. Because it is not required to have a dedicated bank account for immigration purposes. Because you have does not mean everybody should follow your example. When you go shopping (weekly, monthly) most of the time there is a bank branch nearby and you update your bank book. If no bank branch nearby find one every 3 months. No big deal or time consuming.
  22. I'm not near Pattaya, but the average age of expats in Pattaya? Who cares? Do not judge someone by age or appearance. Young or old can enjoy them self wherever they want.
  23. Aug 15 The Energy Regulatory Commission has approved an 18% rise in the price of electricity for the September-December, to 4.72 baht per kilowatt hour. The increase comes from the fuel tariff component in the electricity tariff increasing to 0.9343 baht per KWh.
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