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Everything posted by Inala

  1. If they have a moral compass, no, they should not. Those in power contemplating this can turn on the TV at any time and see what Putin is doing to innocent men, women and children. There are other sources available where they do not need to compromise the values of Thailand in such a pathetic manner.
  2. Horrific. She had just one year of life and will never get to experience the wonder of life that we all have. It makes me eternally grateful that I have survived this long and had the opportunity to have led a full life. Life is not guaranteed. Death is.
  3. They're fine by me. Better than the mosquito bites that some girls have for boobs.
  4. She's lovely, although there is a hint of hardness in her face. Right age. I think she would probably make for an interesting life partner. Not boring like some typical 'good' Thai farm girls...
  5. Is there another forum other than Asean Now TV?? I wasn't aware of anything outside of Thai Visa. Can I join?
  6. Okay thanks, got it. I'm not a law man, so wasn't aware of that.
  7. Police later discovered the body cut into pieces, still wearing black stilettos, a black dress and underwear. Eight years for such an horrific crime is laughable. What a travesty of justice. It should be appealed by the family using the 12.5m baht he's ordered to pay, but I guess that's unlikely for a bunch of reasons. This crime highlights the risk these girls put themselves at when they are barfined out by strangers. Unfortunately, evil really does exist in this world and that night this girl's luck run out when she met evil personified in this man.
  8. He states he had a green light for going straight ahead and he proceeded to do so. Does that mean the lady cyclists rode out into the road when they should not have? But he admitted he was travelling at a high speed, so he must share in the culpability. I wonder what a high speed is in his mind? I feel very sorry for the deceased, what a disaster for a holiday.
  9. What nationality is the attacker? I could probably take a reasonable guess but don't want to jump the gun. Your average Pom/Yank/Aussie wouldn't do something unprovoked like this. We're not that short fused and are (mostly) taught to practice inner restraint and discipline.
  10. Bloody hell, that's savage, could've killed him with that dumbell. I don't understand people who can so easily act out this sort of violence. To think, he could've ended up doing a life sentence for murder, just over a stupid gym bench?? Why not wait a few minutes then it's all yours....this shows someone with an extremely low IQ who acts before they think with limited or no ability to reason. Just think, some poor unsuspecting bar girl is probably going to end up with this guy when he's out mongering...I really feel sorry for any girl that does, cos this guy is a moron, no doubt about it. She will for sure end up on the receiving end of his temper and violence. I really wish people with bad tempers like this didn't exist, but I guess it kind of explains why mankind is so willing to go to war with each other all through history and no doubt will continue to do so forever in the future.
  11. I did watch the video several times. Yeah sure, the helmet may have kept his head from more severe injury, but in this case his body was smashed into the pole so hard his internal organs would have been sheared from arteries and he would have bled out within seconds. Most of his mid & upper torso bones would most likely have been shattered as well. There's no surviving a direct hit like this into an immovable object at 50-60km/hr. It's not like a collision with another car where the force of impact is absorbed by equal and opposite reactions between the cars and by crumple zones built into the vehicles. Or even a pedestrian being run over where some impact forces are absorbed by him/her bouncing off. This was an immovable object, so all forces were transmitted directly into his body. He would have died instantly or within minutes.
  12. I saw that head nodding action also. He's definitely under the influence of something and falling asleep. Unbelievable really.
  13. Crikey, that was a savage impact. Wearing a helmet or not would have made no difference here. His body was smashed into that immovable pole so hard it would have shattered every bone in his core.....ribs, pelvis, sternum and spine etc all shattered into pieces. His organs would have detached themselves from their arteries and because of that he likely bled out within minutes. Reminds me years ago there was a picture on Thai visa of a farang and his passenger who wrapped themselves around a pole on that pedestrian crossing up the top of 2nd road near Big C. There was bits of brain matter all over the road, which the photographer took close ups of. Pictures back then were so graphic, it turned my stomach reading that article.
  14. Thanks. But can I ask, what is a PCT?
  15. Is it a problem if one is taking a testosterone supplement regularly for say 6 months and then all of a sudden you can't buy it anymore in Thailand and you're forced to stop using it cold turkey? Does this mess with your system or do you just start producing it naturally again?
  16. Why do (some) grown and otherwise masculine men follow the feminine trait of wearing necklaces anyway? Do they somehow think it makes them look more sexy or attractive? I see quite a few guys getting around with the heavy gold necklaces, gold rings on the finger, covered in tatts and wearing a blue wife beater. Talk about stereotyping yourself as a redneck/bogan! And making yourself an easy target.
  17. Might keep some of the poorer riff raff out. Won't stop the two week millionaires though.
  18. Yeah, very funny reality TV show starring mostly 2 week millionaires and their girl problems. Surprising just how many sex starved emasculated Aussie guys get off the plane in BKK on a Friday night, meet a beautiful young brown skinned girl in a Soi Cowboy gogo on Saturday night, in at the Embassy on Monday morning to arrange their marriage cos they're in love ????. But, he's back a couple months later, alone of course, trying to get the Au Embassy's help in locating this girl who conned him into buying a 5m baht house up in Issan and then buggered off with her brother ???? and the house title leaving him broke.... Of course this can happen to the best of us, when you come from the west and have been shouted at and had your nuts squeezed for decades by some wrinkly hag who's ar$e is wider than you are tall, well of course you do lose those nuts over the first girl you meet. Especially when she's 47kg, smooth as silk and 30 years younger than you!
  19. Not everything in life can be, or needs to be fixed! Just leave it alone for f$#ks' sake. Us sterile westerners with our rigid mindset love the chaos and the noise and the cute girls, that's the charm for us and a big part of why we come here.
  20. Mate, that wasn't sarcasm. It was just a stupid, insensitive comment to make and it is only now, after such a negative backlash, that you've come to your senses and realized it as such. But instead of just copping it and saying "yeah, you know what, it was a really dumb thing to say", you're now trying to walk it back and cloak it as sarcasm. Well sorry, I'm afraid this won't work and you're just digging a deeper hole for yourself now.
  21. Informative article, for a minute there I thought it was going to be another of those alarmist left-wing articles promoting anthropological climate change which right now is the least of the world's problems.
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