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About Utalk2mutt

  • Birthday July 4

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    Ban Khok Lam

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    Si Bun Rueang, Nong Bua

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  1. Lived here nearly 8 years same rhetoric every year and not one thing changes. Same old lip service and zero action. Forgive me if I don’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth Anutin.
  2. About 10 years ago I got friendly with a teacher, very pretty lady too. Met her a couple of times and she started referring to us as a couple. Got into the conversation about how I would be expected to take care of her if things went too much further. I listened and then switched off when she said her monetary expectation per month was 30K. Turns out she had debts in excess of 5M and I was expected to help her with that…exit stage left for a lucky escape.
  3. You’re absolutely bang on with your comment. I have never met a more discipled group of people in my life. They are focused totally on how they conduct themselves both physically and mentally. They go about their business quietly and with the utmost discretion and that doesn’t leave them when they leave the military. In the case of @Mr Meeseeks he is good mates with a couple and has seen their credentials as he puts it so that’s highly believable but generally their military lives are not up for discussion.
  4. Ex serviceman here and whilst I worked closely with them throughout my career mainly from a logistics perspective if someone claims they were SAS it is highly unlikely they ever were. These guys are the crème del la crème, highly disciplined and will not discuss their careers in any way. Lots of BS spread around by wannabes.
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 79 seconds  
  6. Really!! Yet another idiotic comment from someone who has nothing to offer. Do you have any kind of compassion? Disgusting comment.
  7. I most certainly did. I read on forums like this one all the tales of woe and what to be careful of. To balance that out I also read a lot about the good Farang-Thai relationships and formed my own opinions. Like many I did the bar girl thing, banged as many as I wanted and honestly got bored of it. Even then I still made mistakes but to be honest they were small ones in comparison to some. Before I retired from the military I did about 13 trips to Thailand and travelled well. I saw everything I wanted to see and still left myself plenty to see/do. Just before I actually retired I did a basic two week language course in BKK as I knew for certain I was going to retire here. Whilst on that course I met a lady in a furniture store of all places took her out for dinner and we have been together ever since (almost 8 years) and I married her in May last year. So what did I actually learn? Well I learnt to take my time with Thai women and really get to know them. There are so many beauties here it can be really overwhelming to get so much attention. I learnt to carefully control the flow of money and not be taken for a mug. What I get from my military pension and what I had saved are not things that women ( my now wife included) need to know. I learnt and this is a biggie only spend what you can afford to lose for example my wife had some land and I decided rather than renting I would build a house for us. It’s not a sprawling mansion but something that is perfectly adequate for two people to live in. I offered her 1M baht and let her get on with it( she got the price in at 965,000 baht in the end). I learnt to not show the builder that I am a foreigner ( I never went near the house during the build everything was handled by my wife). No money was given to any Thai except the Mrs when buying materials for said property and I learnt not to let family (hers) be involved in any part of the building process. Forums like this, in my opinion putting all the BS aside can be a wealth of information but you have to balance out the good with the bad and it’s not just with relationships it’s on any topic really. I’m sure there are many more examples out there but for sure I have definately learnt stuff.
  8. I wonder if the foreigner actually knew about the woman’s two husbands before he got involved with her. If he did he’s nuts to be anywhere near her. Retribution towards him is highly likely as we all know loss of face and jealousy here are serious problems. He needs to get the hell out of dodge and leave her well alone or he might not be around much longer.
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 78 seconds  
  10. 1. Stay in good health. 2. Manage my time better, be more active, exercise daily. 3. Learn how to draw properly (get arty). 4. Learn to play the Saxaphone.
  11. Why would the gender make any difference? It’s the service given not gender related. So to answer your question yes I would tip the same.
  12. Exactly. The 4 ladies in the Amazon I use have been hard at it all year. Yes that’s what they are paid to do but I get on really well with them all and thought they deserved a reasonable tip. They were all surprised and really thankful. Those cheap Charlie’s as they are often referred to on here can do one, I do what I want with my money. I don’t tip every where I go only when in my view it’s warranted in this case it’s definately warranted.
  13. Quite clearly you love trolling. I am no one special but you think you know me. Your assumptions are so out of line it’s unbelievable and all based on the fact I left a yearly tip for the ladies in my local coffee shop. Right now is the season of the grinch why not apply? Personally I couldn’t give a rats ass what you are sick of you are the epitome of a sad grumpy old man. I seriously pity people like you it must be very hard having nothing to look forward to in life. Now do us all a favour and bore off.
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