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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. That was Richard Lindzer. One of the leading denialists. In general, their predictions have not aged well. That anomalously hot year of 1998, which was a year with a powerful El Nino, the hottest then on record, now doesn't even make the top 10. Not even as hot as some years with no El Nino.
  2. It's comments like this that reveal the ethically challenged mentality of Trump. To his way of thinking, laws aren't primarily about the public good. They're about personal benefit. His motto should be I scratch your back, you scratch mine On top of that, his claim is nonsense. The bill passed with the almost unanimous votes of both Republicans and Democrats.
  3. Given that no actual knowledge of the situation is necessary according to your way of looking at the situation, maybe next time they should Taylor Swift. I suspect she's got a lot more fans even than Carlson which, by your lights, would make her vastly more qualified.
  4. Why should Carlson have bothered attending the interview at all? He could have just sent Putin a list of questions.
  5. This is so unfair "The White House has said on multiple occasions in recent days that it does not support Mr. Netanyahu’s likely invasion of Rafah, which sits on the border with Egypt. More than half of Gaza’s 2.2 million people are now sheltering in the city, many of them displaced after the Israeli military told them to flee south to avoid the war in the north. Mr. Biden on Sunday “reaffirmed his view that a military operation in Rafah should not proceed without a credible and executable plan for ensuring the safety of and support for the more than one million people sheltering there,” according to the White House." https://archive.ph/RUuPd https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/11/us/politics/biden-netanyahu-israel.html What's worse, in the wake of this criticism and that from other quarters, it looks like Israel is knuckling under to the bullying and is working on such a plan. Don't these critics understand that even if Israel were to go ahead and attack Rafah without a credible and executable plan in place, it wouldn't be Israel's fault? That even if thousands of civilians were to die as a result, no culpability would accrue to Israel? As many members of aseannow.com have steadfastly insisted while the civilian death toll mounted elsewhere, It would be Hamas' fault for not surrendering. Why isn't these members' clear moral vision not acceptable to all right thinking people everywhere? So sad.
  6. More information supporting the futility of the kind of responses the US and others are currently executing: Former Houthi Reveals Secret U.S. Blind Spots in Red Sea Crisis Instead of leaving the Houthis interested in halting their attacks, the Biden administration’s actions have likely inspired the Houthis to double down, Albukhaiti told The Daily Beast in an exclusive interview through a translator. “The Houthis, first of all, they’re energized by the whole idea now that they’re fighting the United States,” Albukhaiti, a former spokesperson for the Houthis, said. “The current approach will likely end with… they’re able to mobilize more people.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/former-yemeni-houthi-reveals-secret-us-blind-spots-in-red-sea-crisis
  7. OK. So your position is that as a possible unhappy outcome becomes more likely, fear levels remain the same. Maybe if the Egyptians are all taking meds, otherwise not so much.
  8. I'm guessing that you think for some reason that I'm disagreeng with you. I could be wrong about that.. I'm pointing out that it isn't only Jewish people who are supporting Israel. That, in fact, there are a lot more Evangelicals than Jews in the US and they are far more uncritical in their support of Israel. Which tends to shoot down the kind of disguised anti-Semitism sometimes exemplified by the use of phrases such as "Israeli-occupied territories" to describe Washington, D.C.
  9. You might try reading that Times of Israel article before pronouncing what I posted to be a meme. And the nytimes article, too.
  10. Instead of addressing the argument, go to intent. Mind-reading much?
  11. What's your point? What you outlined is not a question.
  12. So what exactlyl does unsatisfactory mean? What plans has Israel offered that could make a significant difference and not force the Palestinians to flee South. You're right. Israel doesn't need to control the border to push them out. But it help them to avoid a confrontation with Egyptian forces. I was afraid for a moment that you wouldn't explain why the issue of settling Palestinians in Egypt has been laid to rest. Egypt doesn't think so. And why, even if it isn't called "settling" but something like "sheltering", why it wouldn't turn into "settling". It's a good thing for your argument that it's just me criticizing Israeli strategy & tactics and not, among others, the US government. Because if that were the case, it would invalidate your critique. As for denying the return of Palestinians. Egypt has built 3 lines of berms and a wall. And done a quite thorough job on tunnels. And doesn't Israel have such things as robotic machine guns at its disposal? I seem to recall something about that.
  13. I already replied to both you and Morch about his. Here's my reply to you: And for a lagniappe, here's my reply to Morch:
  14. Why is that obvious? The claim is that weapons are still getting through the border. The evidence is....? As the Times of Israel article pointed out, Egypt has taken even stronger measures to stop smuggling. The NY Times article also addressed that issue.
  15. And you think Egypt's level of concern hasn't changed from almost 4 months ago now that there are 1.45 million Palestinians living on the border and actually under threat? That Israel has put increasing pressure on Egypt to take over the Philadelphi border?
  16. Apart from the fact that the most uncritical supporters of Israel are Evangelicals who comprise a big portion of the Republican base.
  17. Well, for one thing..;. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/egypt-reportedly-steps-up-security-on-border-as-idf-offensive-in-rafah-nears/ For another... Gaza has a border on the Mediterranean. For another, it gets some of them delivered by air from a surprising source Where Is Hamas Getting Its Weapons? Increasingly, From Israel. The very weapons that Israeli forces have used to enforce a blockade of Gaza are now being used against them. https://archive.ph/ipeKM#selection-4215.0-4219.109
  18. I did enjoy your comment that none of the options offered by the IDF seemed "fully satisfactory". This looks like an officialese way of saying that the are impracticable. But if not, please explain not "fully satisfactory" means. If it was just me citing what Egypt believes, you might have a point. But it isn't. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/10/world/middleeast/egypt-gaza-israel-war.html And someone would have to be living in a denial of reality to doubt that given the assault on Rafah and Israel pressuring to take over the southern border, Egypt wouldn't feel alarmed. There is this from that article: Mr. Netanyahu has said that Israel must control the zone, known as the Philadelphi Corridor, and analysts say Egypt is worried that Israel wants to seize it as a means to push Gazans into Sinai. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/10/world/middleeast/egypt-gaza-israel-war.html And there is an article from Reuters datelined February 9th that says Egyptian fears of a cross border incursion have been sharpened by the refugee crisis in Southern Israel: I can't quote or link to Reuters but since you have the dateline and if you string together the words Egypt Security Israeli Offensive Gaza Reuters together (feel free to copy and paste) that article will pop up. Instead you just assert that the issue of settling Palestinians in Egypt has been settled and laid to rest. As for my response to that, see above. And, of course I argued no arguments absolving Hamas. I criticized Israeli strategy and tactics. A critique hardly offered by me alone. But thanks for setting up the straw man. Any more arguments you would care to falsely ascribe to me? As for the last point that you called nonsense. Do you honestly have no idea what Facts On The Ground Means. I guess I'll have to spell out the obvious to you. If Palestinians do cross the border into Egypt and are settled in refugee camps there, why wouldn't it be a legitimate fear that Israel won't let them back in? That it won't take advantage of this exodus? Because it's unprecedented in Israel's short history?
  19. What has this got to do with the Egypt's increasing fear of a Gazan refugees flooding into Egypt due to the current Israeli assault on Rafah?
  20. There's no evidence that Israel is using cluster bombs in Gaza. They are using bombs that do weigh a ton or more. But they are not cluster bombs.
  21. Really, you discussed what effect the assault on Rafah is having on Egypt's fears about the border? Of course it stands to reason that they are more fearful now. And do you realize that by asking that question you undermine your point?
  22. About that claim that Hamas is using tunnels between it and Egypt to transport weapons: Not only has Egypt for its own reason been very diligent about patrolling the zone, but even smugglers says that smuggling has stopped thanks to Egypt's strict enforcement. You can read about it in the article I linked to above. In fact, Egypt and Israel have been cooperating very closely on enforcement of the Gaza Egypt border.
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