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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Well, Israel is the ultimate authority in most of Gaza right now. The Israelis certainly claim to be in control of most of Gaza. And they certainly deny that Hamas is still in power. As for who distributes the stuff? That's mostly the province of various UN agencies. This is basic knowledge.
  2. You're using an article that's over 4 years old to back up your claim that current high black employment is due to Trump? And it's mostly more of post hoc ergo propter hoc. As for those opportunity zones touted in the article: How Opportunity Zones Launched a ‘Gold Rush’ for Wealthy Investors The place-based tax break program launched in 2017 as a means of revitalizing impoverished local economies. That’s not what happened, says author David Wessel. https://archive.ph/QQMEr#selection-3121.0-3127.160
  3. Can you share with me the glass half full aspect of mercury poisoning. But it is a good thing that Trump supporters for yourself do give Biden lots for credit for how well the economy is now performing. Thanks for that.
  4. Can you explain exactly what Trump did to create this employment boom for Black Americans? I'm going to go out on a limb and say you can't. Prove me wrong.
  5. This is nonsense. No, Hamas is not in charge of all UN food parcels entering Gaza or distribution of fuel, water, medical supplies etc. You think Israel is just going to watch as members of Hamas performs these functions? You clearly don't have a clue about what war is like. Now, in a few places, they are trying to make a comeback but nothing to do with the distribution to the populace of supplies. Who is making a fool of one's self? "Meanwhile, Hamas has begun to resurface in areas where Israel withdrew the bulk of its forces a month ago, deploying police officers and making salary payments to some of its civil servants in Gaza City in recent days, four residents and a senior official in the militant group said Saturday. Israel says it is determined to crush Hamas and prevent it from returning to power in the enclave it has governed since 2007." https://www.voanews.com/a/fears-of-israeli-push-to-rafah-last-haven-for-gaza-refugees/7469797.html How could Israel be determined to keep Hamas from returning to power if it still is in power?
  6. I already provided a link to an extensive article that discusses the issue of what are the criteria that need to be met to be considered an occupying power. You might try reading it or people will suspect that you suffer from dyslexia.
  7. Looks like you missed the part about right wing extremists in Israel preferring Trump. And why not? Didn't he move the US embassy to Jerusalem and got nothing in return?
  8. Another case of post hoc ergo propter hoc. After this therefore because of this. But if you insist on going that route: Black workers are enjoying a jobs boom in America https://archive.ph/vPduM
  9. He appointed right wing judges who overthrew not only Roe v wade but hurt workers. https://www.epi.org/blog/the-supreme-court-sided-with-corporations-over-workers-again/ His EPA sided with polluters again and again https://www.thechemicalengineer.com/news/trump-administration-says-mercury-regulations-not-appropriate-or-necessary/
  10. Looks like you're the one believing in an apocalyptic conclusion to the investigation. Reminds me of those sects that confidently predict the end of the world. And when that doesn't happen, they find some way to cling to their belief. Sad.
  11. I'm sure this makes sense to you. But to reasonably rational thinkers, not so much.
  12. That was a wall street journal survey of professional economic forecasters. Those kind of economists work for private businesses. Not exactly an impartial bunch. And those economists predicted a long term boost to GDP for several years from the tax cuts. That never happened. GDP rose 2.2% in 2017, 2.9% in 2018 and 2.3% in 2019. And as one economist remarkked: “We have to be cautious about giving Trump too much credit for the economy’s strength,” said Bernard Baumohl of the Economic Outlook Group. “Job creation and business capital spending were on the rise prior to his presidency. The jury is still out how much more his actions moved the economy forward.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/economists-credit-trump-as-tailwind-for-u-s-growth-hiring-and-stocks-1515682893
  13. Actually, even the Tory led government acknowledged in 2018 that a free trade deal with the US would have negligible effects on the UK economy Britain to set out mandate for post-Brexit US deal "Striking a free-trade agreement with the US is seen as a great prize by Brexit advocates, increasing economic and trading ties between both countries. But the government’s economic analysis suggested any economic gains would be negligible. A cross-Whitehall analysis from 2018 suggested that a US free-trade deal would only increase UK GDP by 0.2 per cent over 15 years." https://archive.ph/hcqlL#selection-1847.0-1855.93 https://www.ft.com/content/9a08c37a-5be6-11ea-b0ab-339c2307bcd4
  14. Clearly, you are not familiar with this rule for this forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ It's there to stop those who make claims with nothing to back them up. Like, ummm...you, for instance.
  15. Just not sure you would know when a thread went off topic. And if it depends on your judgement that I am in the running for that award, that would automatically disqualify me.
  16. Did you actually read the entirety of what you posted? If you had you would have noticed that according to this website the most recent of Hamas attacks on Israel took place in 2022. Since you apparently haven't bothered to look up what "de facto" means,here's a definition with an apt example: "in fact, or in effect, whether by right or not." "the island has been de facto divided into two countries" https://www.google.com/search?q=de+facto&oq=de+facto&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRhBMgYIAhBFGDzSAQg3MDE3ajBqNKgCALACAA&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  17. "Official defacto"? It is to laugh. I think you need to look up what de facto means. In fact, because Israel exerted so much control over Gaza even when the Hamas government was in power, Israel was widely held to be the occupying power of Gaza.
  18. You seem to believe that unless Hamas officially abandoned it's claim to governance, then it is still the government of Gaza. As far as the determination of an occupying power is concerned, this is false. Which you would know if you had read the link I posted. Determining who who is in charge of a war zone is ultimately based on reality. Who is effectively in charge.
  19. I provided you a link to an extensive article that discusses the issue of what are the criteria that need to be met to be considered an occupying power. If that article is your idea of incoherence, I'm not surprised at all by your characterization.
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