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  1. Comments like this one definitely confirm your earlier one about how you "not understand all that stuff you go on about."
  2. The person who composed the report was one of the people ex-President Trump read to from a document he acknowledged was classified.
  3. I have disappointing news for those of you misguided souls who think that Trump is going to be convicted. Trump vows to release ‘irrefutable’ report exonerating him in Georgia election-tampering case Donald Trump claimed Tuesday he will share an “irrefutable” report next week proving there was 2020 presidential election fraud after being indicted for allegedly tampering with the race’s results in Georgia. The former president announced on Truth Social that he will present the “CONCLUSIVE Report” to the media at a press event Monday in Bedminster, NJ, where his Trump National Golf Club just hosted a Saudi-backed LIV golf tournament over the weekend. “A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week,” the current leading 2024 GOP presidential contender wrote. https://nypost.com/2023/08/15/trump-vows-to-release-irrefutable-report-exonerating-him-in-georgia-election-tampering-case/ So, despite the fact the the Georgia vote was counted, not once, not twice, but 3 times, including once by hand, and that 2 forensic teams hired by the Trump campaign, found no significant evidence of fraud, this time it's for real. MAGA!
  4. what is so hard to understand about this from the State Constitution? The Montana case revolved around language in the state Constitution that guarantees residents “the right to a clean and healthful environment,” and stipulates that the state and individuals are responsible for maintaining and improving the environment “for present and future generations.”
  5. You mean like the Hedge fund managers, bankers, and big real estate interests who all benefited hugely from the Trump tax cuts? Apparently you don't believe in "follow the money."
  6. No they did not all predict remain. And in fact as the referendum day approached the polls got tighter and tighter. At the end a 2 point spread separated them. Within the margin of error. https://ig.ft.com/sites/brexit-polling/
  7. Thank goodness indeed! "A survey by pollsters Survation found that 59 per cent of voters think the government’s “high priority” lane for friends and associates is corrupt, while just 16 per cent think it is not. In November the National Audit Office revealed that Boris Johnson’s government had set up the fast-track lane “to assess and process potential PPE leads from government officials, ministers’ offices, MPs and lords”. For those on the list, the chances of success when bidding for a government contract were one in 10, compared to just one in a hundred for other suppliers." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/government-s-coronavirus-contract-awards-to-tory-friends-are-corruption-public-believe-b1776319.html "The procurement system was cobbled together during a meeting of anxious bureaucrats in late March, and a wealthy former investment banker and Conservative Party grandee, Paul Deighton, who sits in the House of Lords, was later tapped to act as the government’s czar for personal protective equipment. Eight months on, Lord Deighton has helped the government award billions of dollars in contracts –– including hundreds of millions to several companies where he has financial interests or personal connections. The contracts that have been made public are only a part of the total." https://archive.ph/Lei0Z https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/12/17/world/europe/britain-covid-contracts.html The UK is well on its way to becoming a banana republic...rather....make that banana parliamentary democracy.
  8. My mistake. I quoted it in a different thread. Here it is: "President Biden’s family and their allies brought in at least $20 million from foreign sources, including first son Hunter Biden’s business associates in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine — some of whom dined with the current commander-in-chief, the House Oversight Committee revealed Wednesday." https://nypost.com/2023/08/09/hunter-biden-linked-foreign-haul-at-20m-with-russia-ukraine-kazak-transfers-comer/
  9. That a judge thinks it's so, is serious proof enough.
  10. Well, maybe you think it's just as likely that remain supporters think that things will get better as Brexit progresses as it will get worse. Given other polling, that seems like a very very dubious assumption. Especially given that at this point polls consistently show far more voters think it was a mistake than not. Is it likely that those who think Brexit was a mistake think the outcome will turn out to be better than remaining would have been?
  11. If you look more closely at the graph, you'll see that a far higher percentage of Remain voters than Leave voter think Brexit isn't done. Given the increasingly negative evaluation of Brexit by UK citizens, the opinion that Brexit isn't done doesn't exactly look like a vote of confidence.
  12. I noticed somebody put a "confused" emoji on my previous comment. I agree. They definitely are.
  13. Judge Rules in Favor of Montana Youths in a Landmark Climate Case The Montana case revolved around language in the state Constitution that guarantees residents “the right to a clean and healthful environment,” and stipulates that the state and individuals are responsible for maintaining and improving the environment “for present and future generations.” https://archive.ph/He43f https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/14/us/montana-youth-climate-ruling.html
  14. A landmark judgement in the US state of Montana has seen its Environmental Policy Act ruled unconstitutional because it does not consider the climate impacts of fossil fuel projects, setting an important precedent for similar cases nationwide. After three years in the courts, the case brought by 16 youth, each of whom described the impacts of climate change on their lives, said the law violated their state constitutional rights to a clean and healthy environment. "This court ruling is a step toward climate justice," said Delta Merner, lead scientist at the Science Hub for Climate Litigation at the Union of Concerned Scientists, in a statement on Monday. https://www.dw.com/en/historic-montana-climate-ruling-rides-wave-of-litigation/a-66227163
  15. Here's a record of the results fram Jan 26, 2020 through Jul 20, 2023 of various polls asking "In hindsight, do you think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the European Union? https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/
  16. I don't know what you mean by the "newspapers", the year was 2016, not 1916, but fivethirtyeight, the leading prediction site at the time, gave Trump a 28.6% chance of winning https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/ .To take your last assertion first. It's false. 20 million went to Hunter Biden and business associates including Devon Archer. President Biden’s family and their allies brought in at least $20 million from foreign sources, including first son Hunter Biden’s business associates in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine — some of whom dined with the current commander-in-chief, the House Oversight Committee revealed Wednesday. https://nypost.com/2023/07/31/ex-hunter-biden-partner-devon-archer-arrives-for-house-deposition/ what does "and their allies: mean to you? As for the laptop, yes ex-National Security officials got it wrong. But the fact is that the NYPost published it without any vetting at all. In fact, the seasoned reporter that they assigned to write up the story refused on those grounds. Moreover, Giuliani refused to share date with other media that could have helped confirm its validity. Here's what happened when NBC News tried to report on the alleged Hunter Biden emails Analysis: Trump complains the media isn't reporting on Hunter Biden's emails. But NBC News met obstacles, including Rudy Giuliani, when it tried. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/here-s-what-happened-when-nbc-news-tried-report-alleged-n1245533 As for your claim about the WHO, given the low value of your other claims, I'm not going to bother to track thata one down.
  17. Since Kushner was a government official when the Qataris helped at least partly to bail his family out of a disastrous investment made by Jared, I think it would be legitimate for Congress to investigate that investment. According to people who know about such things, the investment made no financial sense for the investors. It looked like money was just throw away. Who apart from a cash-rich government would make such an investment?
  18. Are these people lying, too? .Daily attendance numbers for the 2023 Iowa State Fair Day 3 of the 2023 Iowa State Fair drew 118,286 people to the fairgrounds in east Des Moines. That's 5,274 more people than Day 3 last year, when a total of 1,118,763 people went through the gates over the fair's 11 days. The record for Day 3 attendance is 127,277 in 1991, and the all-time attendance mark is 1,170,375 in 2019. https://www.kcci.com/article/daily-attendance-numbers-for-the-2023-iowa-state-fair/44796130# That last number is for the grand total of all the days of the fair.
  19. As for those fearless IRS investigators. Why is it that Gary Shapley refused to testify before the Senate Finance Committee? IRS ‘whistleblower’ who claimed Hunter Biden case was mishandled won’t cooperate with Senate probe An Internal Revenue Service criminal investigator who has accused Justice Department officials of slow-walking a long-running probe into President Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s tax affairs has cut off communication with a key congressional committee amid questions about the veracity of his claims and his motivations for coming forward. The special agent, Gary Shapley, is a veteran of the IRS criminal investigations department who on Thursday revealed his identity in an interview with CBS News. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/irs-whistleblower-gary-shapley-hunter-biden-b2346365.html He had no problem testifying before a committee run by Republicans but not one run by Democrats. Hmmm...
  20. I guess in your world death threats aren't a kind of harassment.
  21. Again, perjury is about lying. Being mistaken is not perjury. Expressing an opinion is not perjury. Why is this so hard for you to understand? And taking reports from 2 highly biased sources is not convincing. Here's a link to an article that's far more objective Five takeaways from Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower hearing https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4106883-five-takeaways-from-hunter-biden-irs-whistleblower-hearing/ As for this: "If you read IRS testimony on the the pages I listed previously and quit tying to change the topic and create childish distractions about your inherent self serving bias and confusion tactic you will see witness testimony giving evidence of FBI refusing to provide access to the laptop evidence to the IRS for their examination based on the FBI informing them there is :likely evidence of tax crimes..." it's always revealing when someone engages in personal insults. Revealing about the person who makes them. You actually offered no specifics to back up your claims about my "childish distractions". What "confusion tactic" did I employ?" It looks to me like anyone throwing our accusations without specifics to back them up is the one engaging in a "confusion taxtic". You still haven't offered any evidence of the FBI denying IRS investigators access to the laptop. Where's your evidence? Why would it even be necessary given that its contents have been widely disseminated and are in the public domain?
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