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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Nonsense. The issue is whether this party threatened the FBI agents with a weapon? Do you know for a fact that he didn't?
  2. Sure. Keep on defending the ridiculous proposition that batteries and motors were better over a hundred years ago then they are today.
  3. Looks to me that you, like lots of other right-wingers, got suckered by the gutter right wing media. Here's a link to the Comer Committee's memoranda. From what I can construe, it doesn't look as though the Biden family got anywhere close to the 20 million or so that they want you to believe they did. If the real numbers are so damning then why did they choose to mislead? And once again, the question of why Hunter Biden got paid so much (although a pittance to oligarchs) was, as Devon Archer testified, because he sold the impression that he had pull with his father. Hunter Biden explicitly told Devon Archer that this was not the case. The VP's action were not due to the influence of his son.son.
  4. "President Biden’s family and their allies brought in at least $20 million from foreign sources, including first son Hunter Biden’s business associates in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine — some of whom dined with the current commander-in-chief, the House Oversight Committee revealed Wednesday." What does "and their allies" mean to you? Nothing?
  5. What don't you understand about the fact that the skills of sniper aren't necessary to hit a target close range? I think investigation of their conduct is definitely called for. But I certainly wouldn't invoke the someone needed the skills of a sniper in this case. Why do you feel the need to exaggerate to such an extent?
  6. Your claim was 20 million. That's false. As for why, what don't you understand about Devon Archer's testimony that Hunter Biden acknowledged that he was selling the impression that he had pull with his father, but that he didn't actually have it.
  7. Snipers are the guys who shoot at targets a long way away. What has that got to do with claims here.? Did this guy live on an estate? Or were they at close range where he could do a lot of damage? And what has his weight got to do with his trigger finger?
  8. Exaggerating much? Show where the Biden family got in excess of 20 million from eastern european oligarchs? As Devon Archer repeatedly said, Hunter Biden was selling the impression that he had influence with his father. Hunter Biden explicitly told Archer this wasn't the case. Republicans repeatedly tried to get Archer to say that Hunter Biden had brought his father over to Ukraine. Archer also said that members of the firm said that it was actually bad news for the company when Shokin got fired. That the CEO of Burisma had Shokin under control. This actually comports with what is known about Shokin's inaction in prosecuting oligarchs. And, apparently, to your way of thinking, if your last name is Biden then you are linked in some kind of criminal conspiracy theory. I got news for you: it's not a crime to have Biden as your last name.
  9. From the descriptions of their job titles, it's clear that none of the signatories were climatologists, and it looks like many of them weren't even scientists.
  10. Anyone who knows anything about the law would know that in the case of such an event, the government's case would be dismissed with prejudice. So dream on. It's not going to happen.
  11. As for this: “President Biden’s defenders purport a weak defense by asserting the Committee must show payments directly to the President to show corruption,” the memo said. “This is a hollow claim no other American would be afforded if their family members accepted foreign payments or bribes. Indeed, the law recognizes payments to family members to corruptly influence others can constitute a bribe.” More B.S. The law that is referred to is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Here's a link to a document from the Justice Dept. that exhaustively explains the law. https://www.justice.gov/criminal-fraud/file/1292051/download And here's a brief explanation of why the Committee's claim about the law is nonsense The "it" in the following quote refers to the linked-to document: It offers examples of family members receiving payments, gifts and jobs in exchange for having work steered to their benefactors. What Comer’s evidence shows, though, so far extends no further than Hunter Biden giving the impression that he might be able to influence his father. The other half of the FCPA equation cited by Comer is simply missing. https://archive.ph/Sg4ny https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/09/comer-biden-analysis/
  12. In normal times, that's true. But not when economic upheaval occurs. Still, not solely on the President but Congress, too. Which is why Biden wisely went big on his budget plans when he had a Democratic Congress. He saw what happened when the Republicans took Congress in 2010. They actually pushed for austerity in the wake of the greatest global economic downturn since the Great Depression. That delayed recovery for years.
  13. George H.W. Bush pardoned Casper Weinberger for any crimes he may have committed in respect to the Iran Contra case. It's not unlikely that Bush was also protecting himself.
  14. What are these more and bigger problems that Biden's alleged lying is now making for the country?
  15. So maybe the right wingers were correct? There was corrupt collusion in the Justice Dept. The only small difference being that it wasn't with a deep state cabal, but rather with the Russians?
  16. Jimmy Dore? When I saw his name mentioned in your comment I asked myself "Who the hell is Jimmy Dore?" Whereas very few people who follow the American political scene would have to ask themselves "Who the hell is Hunter Carlson?" And that, I think, tells us more about the difference between the right and the left in America than do any faults shared by those two gentlemen. That is assuming that your characterization of Jimmy Dore is accurate. I mean, after all, why the hell should I care about what Jimmy Dore says?
  17. Are you referring to the 19th century? Or even the 20th century. Are you actually contending that motors and batteries were better back then than they are now? What exactly are your criteria? As for defending your quote...that doesn't mean it wasn't misleading. And there's nothing stopping you from using your own words to acknowledge how your quotation was undercut by what followed, But given that it was undercut by what followed, who bother to cite it in the first place? Now it stands exposed as, at best, misleading.
  18. Thank you for your explanation of why Biden would be a worse choice. So very eloquent.
  19. Still touting the same old tired jibe? As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, and to no avail, there is a huge installed base of fossil fuels power the world economy, So it will take time. Unless, of course, you possess a magic wand that will replace polluting forms of power the cleaner ones. Alreadym solar and wind are far cheaper to use for generating power than is coal and are also outcompeting gas peaker plants. And this before the cost of externalities generated by fossil fuel. Now with low cost storage batteries coming on line, their edge will be even greater.
  20. Not so long ago she was a full scale denier. A very dishonest person, actually. She claimed that temperatures were going down and to prove it she started with the year 1998.That thing is, that was the year of a massive El Nino, so temperatures were abnormally high that year. Starting with an anomalous baseline instead of a previous trendline is very dishonest. So for several years temperatures were lower than that one year although higher on average than the years that preceded it. And by the time 2022 was over, that anomalous year doesn't even rank in the top 10 hottest years. She was also endorsing the claims of some who said back then that the earth would be undergoing global cooling starting around 2005. That didn't exactly pan out.
  21. Well, you may consider yourself entitled to generalize from a few comments. But all I know is that in this particular case, based on the evidence, the classification was well deserved.
  22. And please share with us the figures on how much money is pushing against Little Oil, Tiny Gas, and Miniscule Coal. Not so long ago you challenged the assertion that billions were being spent by the fossil fuel industry. Not only that but the IMF report that assessed the fossil fuel industry was being subsidized yearly to the tune of 5 trillion plus dollars. A few of us came up with evidence that proved that billions were spent and that the fossil fuel industry was being massively subsidized.. Now where is your proof about the extent of funding against the fossil fuel industry? How much money does that amount to?
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