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  1. William Barr deployed his bulldog, John Durham, to prove that the Justice Dept had been weaponized against Donald Trump. Durham failed utterly.
  2. From an article you linked to in the Financial Times. And thank you for that. UK-German trade falls sharply since Brexit vote, data show. Figures highlight gradual decoupling of British manufacturing from EU’s biggest economy The weakening of bilateral trade is mirrored in the UK’s official statistics. British goods exports to Germany were down 10 per cent last year compared with 2020, while overall UK exports were up 9 per cent. UK goods imports from Germany were also down in 2021, although overall imports were up. Services, which account for just over one-third of UK exports to Germany, and about 14 per cent of imports, were also down last year. https://www.ft.com/content/913c7e84-fd2d-4cb5-be0c-8cd865f37462 So that is down from what was already the low level of the heart of the covid pandemic. So much faulty reasoning in your statement. You are really likening the percentage of the British economy that consists of manufacturing to the ratio of the cost of a pair of flip-flops to annual household expenditures? I realize that manufacturing in the UK has seen better days, but do you really believe it constitutes a fraction of a percent of the UK economy? Or were those flip-flops made of solid gold? And it proves nothing to say that the impact of Brexit was negligible because the largest EU economy declined. Apparently, you believe the composition of each nation's economy is identical or similar enough so that the differences are irrelevant.
  3. I wasn't the one who began the finger pointing. So, if you're looking to assign blame for partiality, you should look elsewhere.
  4. I think if you want a more significant example, someone who commanded the majority of Tory MP votes, why not refer to the previous PM? I believe the name of that laughingstock is Liz Truss.
  5. Right. Before Brexit, Britons enjoyed no more freedom of expression than did citizens of North Korea. At least, not in the alternative universe you hail from.
  6. Next thing you know, those Marxists will propose increasing support for the NH.
  7. What don't you understand about this statement of mine? The UK economy has been been hurt by events outside of its contral and by the self-inflicted damage which is the result of Brexit.
  8. I couldn't believe that anyone could say such a stupid thing about prices. But here it is. Shops must drop prices now inflation has fallen, orders Jeremy Hunt https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1793014/jeremy-hunt-prices-drop-inflation-falls
  9. You know that when it comes to UK politics, if someone brings up Diane Abbott, that means they've got nothing.
  10. First off, there's a difference between unavoidable damage and self-inflicted damage. Germany has an economy highly dependent on exports. The sharp rise in energy costs in Europe badly damaged their competitiveness. What's more, after Covid, there was a worldwide drop in demand for goods as opposed to services. What you are also forgetting in that FT article you linked to, the major point was how Brexit had damaged the UK industrial sector. In other words, were there no Brexit, the UK would be in positive territory now. So, to repeat, the German economy has been hurt by events outside of its control. The UK economy has been been hurt by events outside of its contral and by the self-inflicted damage which is the result of Brexit.
  11. As soon as they knew thew would get caught more like. No one was searching for anything until Biden's lawyers found documents at this University office and informed the Justice Dept. Still, I'm sure you wouldn't make such a claim without providing some evidence. Got any? This is evidence for Biden. Both his homes and his university office were searched by the Justice Dept. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/21/1150617734/the-doj-searched-bidens-home-and-found-more-classified-documents https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64488011 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/16/fbi-university-of-delaware-biden-documents
  12. Once again, you fail to note that it's only illegal if one knowingly violated the rules. No evidence that Biden purposely kept the documents in violation of the rules. Whereas there's a huge amount of evidence that Trump did just that. Including an audio of himself confessing as much!
  13. Well, to be fair, if Trump's lawyers hadn't brought up all sorts of baseless motions that were mostly overruled, the investigation would have been concluded a lot more quickly.
  14. Empty allegations like yours are made all the time. For instance about the Russian-Trump campaign investigation.. William Barr dispatched his boy John Durham to prove that the FBI behaved corruptly. Durham came up empty.
  15. Well, the fact is that the GDP reports for 2023 show that the UK economy is currently stagnating. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1175538/monthly-gdp-uk/
  16. That was a projection and it was a bit off. UK GDP did match. not exceed, pre pandemic levels briefly for Feb and Apr of 2023. But in May it was slightly lower again. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1175538/monthly-gdp-uk/
  17. On no! I've been rumbled! Busted! I just want to say that my efforts here were worth every penny that George (Soros) pays me. But if he finds out you've exposed my subterfuge, he's going to cut me off. Please, keep this to yourself. I notice you don't offer any specifics to justify your opposite stances. Just generalities. You've got nothing.
  18. If the UK economy is doing so well, why is it that it hasn't yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels?
  19. Readers of the above post should keep in mind that its author condemned the Biden administration for high interest rates and praised the right wing Sunak administration for exactly the same thing. It's abundantly clear where you stand politically and how double are your standards.
  20. The reason right wing supporters of Trump keep on citing this incident, is that they have so little else to point to. Whereas their guy has a consistent record of indulging in public displays of infantile behavior.
  21. It's not like the right to a speedy trial is guaranteed in the Constitution...oh wait a minute... The Speedy Trial Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides, "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial...".[1] The Clause protects the defendant from delay between the presentation of the indictment or similar charging instrument and the beginning of trial. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedy_Trial_Clause#:~:text=The Speedy Trial Clause of,public trial...".
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