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  1. Here's a link: https://archive.ph/KM5dM https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/19/upshot/trump-complete-insult-list.html
  2. All people who are right wing and have political motives for making such allegations. Josh Hawlely is the party who raised his fist to Capitol Hill protestors just before they turned into Capitol Hill invaders.
  3. And I have pointed out to out that there are different kinds of of allegations. Apparently, you believe that an allegation from Joe Rogan (Joe Rogan!) is to be seriously.
  4. A little more about Joe Rogan: “The January 6 thing is bad, but also, the intelligence agencies were involved in provoking people into the Capitol Building,” Rogan insisted on Saturday. “That’s a fact.” The 55-year-old comedian-turned-Spotify podcast host then suggested that the infamous January 6 protestor Ray Epps was a federal agent placed amongst Trump’s supporters on the day of the insurrection to “instigate” those trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election. https://radaronline.com/p/joe-rogan-january-6-false-flag-attack-take-down-donald-trump-fact/
  5. Joe Rogan? As I noted above, anyone can allege anything. Joe Rogan certainly qualifes as an "anyone".Or maybe you're referring to another Joe Rogan? One who is an investigative reporter or a legal scholar? It is to laugh.
  6. And who knows, maybe somewhere once you signified that you believed Trump there is serious evidence against him of criminality. As far as I can recall, you occasionally indulge in comments about his character. But not about the serious stuff.
  7. First off, the source you cited never claimed there was criminal activity. As for it being "alleged". So what. The validity of such allegations depends on the source. Anyone can allege anything. And anyone can make silly comments like "Indeed, Pelosi's alleged insider trading will hopefully be proven beyond a doubt."
  8. Because your criticism of Trump has been a consistent and enduring feature of your comments? It is to laugh.
  9. I agree. And it's a good thing Republicans weren't blaming Biden for the inflation that afflicted all the major western economies in the wake of covid. I'm sure you would never countenance such blaming.
  10. Democrats are overperforming in 2023's special elections. Is it a clue for Biden vs. Trump? An analysis from FiveThirtyEight found that in 38 special elections held so far this year, Democrats have outperformed the partisan lean -- or the relative liberal or conservative history -- of the areas where the races were held by an average of 10%, both romping in parts of the country that typically support the party while cutting down on GOP margins in red cities and counties, too. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/democrats-overperforming-2023-special-elections-clue-biden-trump/story?id=101850305
  11. And it's a good thing that the UK is headed by a basically honest govt. Even the UK branch of Transparency International gives them high marks on...Oh, wait a minute... COVID, CONTRACTS, AND CONFLICT: THE YEAR CORRUPTION TOOK CENTRE STAGE https://www.transparency.org.uk/COVID-contracts-conflict-2020-2021-year-corruption-took-centre-stage
  12. The great thing about alleging motivesis that such allegations can't be disproven. Of course, they can't be proven either.
  13. Why Are Hurricanes Moving Slower and Why is This So Difficult to Forecast? Research shows that stalling has become more common for tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic since the mid-20th century and that their average forward speed has also slowed. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/why-are-hurricanes-moving-slower-and-why-so-difficult-forecast-169513
  14. While the mean intensity of hurricanes has not changed significantly in the past, warmer oceans raise the ceiling for intensity. A larger proportion of storms have reached major hurricane (Category 3-5) strength in recent years, along with an increase in rapid intensification events. https://climatecenter.fsu.edu/topics/hurricanes#:~:text=While the mean intensity of,increase in rapid intensification events. And the people who have to put their money at risk, disagree with your assessment.
  15. Another case of persistent refusal to acknowledge the fact that the law specifies the the holder of the classified documents had to be willingly in possession of them. The evidence is overwhelming that such is the case for Trump. Not really any evidence that Biden or Pence willfully violated the rules.
  16. And does the Daily Mail article tell us who was making these allegations? Any evidence provided of an ongoing investigation? There is nothing in that article that even hints at a criminal investigation.
  17. When you make such statements, do you ask yourself if it makes sense? It's nonsense. You really believe that the President can't designate who has access to classified information and who doesn't? Trump overruled security officials to demand Jared Kushner get top-secret clearance, report says https://www.nbcnews.com/news/all/report-says-trump-demanded-jared-kushner-be-given-security-clearance-n977941 And there's this: The claim: Biden did not have the authority to declassify documents as vice president https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/01/17/fact-check-biden-had-authority-declassify-vice-president/11065345002/
  18. If the EU wanted to make it as problematic as possible, for one thing, they would have imposed tariffs on trade. So stop with that nonsense, already. What Brexiters seem to want is to enjoy the benefits of being adjacent to the 2nd largest trading bloc in the world (in financial terms), but to suffer few of the drawbacks incurred by being outside of it.
  19. Not mere uncorroborated allegations though, are they? This particular class of allegation is called an indictment.
  20. As has been repeatedly explained and repeatedly ignored by Trump supportes, it would have to be proven that Biden willfully violated the law. A difficult thing to prove. Where'as in Trump's case, even though he was asked by the National Archives to return the documents immediately, as specified by the law, he refused. The National Archive would have been well with its right to call on the Justice Dept at that juncture. Instead, though, they negotiated for months with Trump. When the documents were finally returned, Trump's attorney attested that all the documents were returned. It was only when the National Archives received informatio that this was a lie and that Trump had actually retained possession of classified documents, that they called in the Justice Dept. Does that clear things up for you?
  21. Did you actually read the article. Even the right wing daily mail noted that:: "There's no suggestion that Paul broke the law - but some have questioned whether he may have additional information as to how the upcoming Senate vote will go."
  22. Part of the problem is the high fraud rate in Florida. But the other part is the increasing strength of hurricanes and the damage they cause. Ya know, climate change. The insurance market is voting with its feet, so to speak, and maybe that will convince Americans from elsewhere not to move there.
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