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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Did the weather report say it wasn't going to be cold? Even if it did, how is that relevant to the issue of climate? Your comment once again calls into question your understanding of the difference between weather and climate.
  2. Nice try. It has nothing to do with the reduction of deaths from natural disasters. Reduction of deaths is a different matter. And once again you make a conspiracy allegation. You've got nothing.
  3. Cherry picking much? Can you explain to me why you failed to include the this following sentence in your quote: "In the early 20th century, the high cost, low top speed, and short-range of battery electric vehicles, compared to internal combustion engine vehicles, led to a worldwide decline in their use as private motor vehicles." Yours is a very sad attempt at subterfuge.
  4. Whatever "activisists" may allegedly say, and what could be more vague than the term "activists", I only care about what scientists and other researchers say. What you have offered here is just a typical "straw man" argument. And it's clear you have no salient counterargument to my explicit rebuttal that pointed out why the reduction in deaths is irrelevant to the issue of climate change..
  5. Really? Can you provide any objective evidence to support your claim that everyone has seen through the charade?
  6. Why continue being disingenuous? You could only be fooling the simple-minded.
  7. To draw conclusions, you first have to provide evidence. Climatologists overwhelmingly disagree with your propositions 1 &3, and 2 &4 are irrelevant. Which leaves us with #5 which is relevant insofar as new technologies are coming online that reduce greenhouse gases. Since I haven't addressed claim #2 recently in this thread. let me reiterate that it isn't disputed that climate always changes. The issue is the rate of change. If a bank offers 2 risk free accounts one that offers a 1% interest rate and the other that offers 10%, would you say that there is no significant difference between the 2? Rate matters. A lot.
  8. Out of all previous administrations the Biden administration has taken by far the toughest actions against China. of
  9. Someone else who confuses weather with climate. By the numbers: Australia’s climate has warmed by an average of 1.47 degrees Celsius (2.6 degrees Fahrenheit) since national records began in 1910, per the report. Sea surface temperatures have increased by an average of almost 1.89°F since 1900, which has led to an increase in the frequency of extreme heat events over land and sea, according to the report. https://www.axios.com/2022/11/24/australia-climate-report-extreme-weather
  10. The reason for that is obvious. Or should be. It used to be that people didn't know that these disasters were coming. As predictive abilities improved. deaths have drastically declined. This has nothing to do with the harmful environmental effects of climate change. Weather-related disasters increase over past 50 years, causing more damage but fewer deaths A disaster related to a weather, climate or water hazard occurred every day on average over the past 50 years – killing 115 people and causing US$ 202 million in losses daily, according to a comprehensive new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The number of disasters has increased by a factor of five over the 50-year period, driven by climate change, more extreme weather and improved reporting. But, thanks to improved early warnings and disaster management, the number of deaths decreased almost three-fold. https://public.wmo.int/en/media/press-release/weather-related-disasters-increase-over-past-50-years-causing-more-damage-fewer
  11. This is an article about anthropogenic climate change. You have just expressed a belief that it's a hoax. Now you're asking anyone to believe that you're just making an irrelevant observation about the current weather in the UK? it is to laugh.
  12. Someone else who believes that the UK covers most of planet Earth.
  13. The Supreme Court's gift to the Democrats is a gift that keeps on giving. Ohio Issue 1 takeaways: Abortion still a winning issue for Democrats The failure of Issue 1 in Ohio is another swing election win for Democrats supporting abortion rights in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned last year — and another loss for Republicans who are pushing anti-transgender talking points. Republicans in the Ohio Legislature spent $20 million on the first statewide election to be held in August since 1926 to have voters decide a single issue: Should it be harder for citizen-led initiatives to amend the state constitution via ballot measure? The vote was a de facto referendum on abortion, held in advance of a second ballot measure in November that will decide whether or not to establish protections for reproductive rights into the state constitution. Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine signed a law banning almost all abortions in 2019, but that measure is currently tied up in court. https://news.yahoo.com/ohio-issue-1-special-election-takeaways-abortion-wins-anti-trans-message-loses-143306723.html
  14. And more fact-free claims from you. I think you need a refresher course in what is and what isn't evidence: Here's a few examples of what is evidence from the UK: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/wellbeing/articles/worriesaboutclimatechangegreatbritain/septembertooctober2022 https://news.sky.com/story/climate-change-majority-believe-government-doing-too-little-to-combat-global-warming-poll-suggests-12735688 https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2022/11/22/most-people-are-worried-about-climate-change-what-
  15. Maybe, just maybe, the reason that Baturina was left off the sanctions list is this: Russia's second wealthiest woman, Elena Baturina, was married to Yury Luzkhkov, who was the mayor of Moscow for years. In 2010, Luzhkov was removed from the mayor's post; Baturina and their daughters left the country. Baturina soon sold almost all of her assets in Russia including a construction company called Inteko and a cement factories. https://www.forbes.com/profile/elena-baturina/?sh=206eddee3c29 The article goes on to say that she unsuccessfully sued the Russian govt for seizing land in Moscow that was owned by her. So, she doesn't exactly qualify as a friend to the the Putin regime, does she?
  16. Thank you for your in-depth analysis of the scientific basis of the climate change issue that in no way resembles a politically driven conspiracy theory rant devoid of any actual evidence.
  17. Right. It's the fault of the murder victims. Maybe they should be prosecuted.
  18. Please advise JonnyF of that fact. He definitely disagrees with you.
  19. How many times do you have to be told this? it is only illegal if the person is willfully in possession of the documents. You don't seem to understand the difference between rules and laws. The rules do say you have to go through a procedure to keep documents in your possession. But you have to willfully violate those rules for possession to be a crime. So, Biden's possession of those documents may have violated the rules, but there is no evidence that he willfully violated them. Whereas in Trump's case, there is a superabundance of evidence.
  20. I'm not surprised that you would think a euphemism for F*** Y** Biden is an explanation.
  21. I wonder if those who have had the misfortune to need the services of the NH would agree with your assertion that there is no difference between Red and Blue. I kind of doubt it.
  22. If you're referring to the comparison of the UK economy to the EU economy, why direct your criticism at me? It's JonnyF who cleaves to that nonsense. If your assertion is about another issue, you'll have to state what it is you find fault with and folljow that up with something called a rationale or an argument to back up whatever it is I've said that you're criticizing. Without that, you've got nothing.
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