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  1. False, The Democrats did not claim that the Russians rigged the elections. They did claim, which is the truth, that Russia spearheaded a massive disinformation campaign and broke into the servers of the Democratic party. Four things to know about Russia's 2016 misinformation campaign https://www.politifact.com/article/2017/apr/04/four-things-know-about-russias-2016-misinformation/
  2. False. "President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030. https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2020/02/01/trumps-deficits-are-racing-past-obamas/?sh=3b3d7b814819
  3. He didn't inherit a rebound. What he inherited was the big spending program from Trump and the Democrats.. Which was necessary and excellent but not an indication of a well economy.
  4. So it's wrong to ignore the first covid year but it's okay say to compare Trump to Obama who inherited the worst financial disaster since the Great depression?.Or to ignore the fact that Biden inherited an economy disrupted by covid? Double standards much?
  5. According to Devon Archer, your characterization of those conversations as having nothing to do with business is correct. Or maybe Devon Archer is a daredevil who volunteered to testify for the House Committee because he wanted to commit perjury, a crime, and see if he could get away with it. Or maybe he's telling the truth.
  6. There's a myth among the right that it was Trump who enabled, as you put it, the push for the vaccines. Actually, one of the 2 successful mRNA companies, Moderna, is German. It ultimately licensed its vaccine to Pfizer, but owes nothing to Trump for its development. As for the other mRNA vaccine, intensive work on that began as soon as scientists got hold of its RNA analysis in January of 2020. It wasn't until months later, that operation warp speed was launched.
  7. How did Sweden do compared to its Scandinavian neighbors?
  8. Cute. Biden has been pilloried by the right for the sharp post pandemic rise in inflation.
  9. Really? 8 trillion dollars divided by 4 is 1 T/yr? To be fair, it was actually 7.8 trillion. So it was really only 1.95 trillion per year.
  10. One additional benefit not mentioned in the article is that the water in the canal will keep the solar panels cooler. They function better when it's not too hot.
  11. California is covering irrigation canals with solar panels to combat severe droughts while creating cleaner, cheaper energy for the state. The $20 million smart solar panel project, dubbed Project Nexus, is being built over three sections of Turlock Irrigation District (TID) canals, located about 90 miles southeast of Sacramento. The project is being spearheaded by Solar AquaGrid, which has partnered with Citizen Group and TID. https://news.yahoo.com/state-using-revolutionary-solution-protect-113000609.html
  12. More nonsense from you. I just noted that Biden would be well able to avoid such discussions and, also, Hunter might be well understood to want to avoid such discussions. And yet, here you are spouting more foolishness about psychological control. As I have pointed out, Biden knew that his son was working for Burisma. In fact, as I noted above, he is reported to have said after he learned of it "I hope you know what you're doing". Will you ever stop inventing puerile dialogue? If you had bothered to read the transcript you will find that Devon Archer noted that Hunter Biden actually took great pains not to be legally liable to accusations of access by hiring a major lobbying firm which would keep him out of the loop.
  13. Here's that image again that was provided by Walker88. This time with a link: https://archive.ph/wWjsP https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/02/opinion/sunday/democrats-economy.html
  14. Thank you, spokesperson for the world. How much does the world pay you for your services?
  15. That's true. But why would he volunteer to expose himself to a criminal charge of perjury?
  16. Apparently this is your bizarre idea of what constitutes slam-dunk evidence.
  17. Devon Archer stated quite clearly over and over again that Hunter Biden was trying to make it appear as though he had influence with his father. What don't you understand about that?
  18. Because Biden would have no say in what they talked about? 20 phone calls over a space of 10 years. And we have witness in Devon archer who said business wasn't discussed over the phone calls at all and the same for the dinners at Cafe Milano. We know that Biden said to his son after he learned of Hunter Biden's business relationship with Burisma, "I hope you know what you're doing". You think Biden doesn't know how to be avoid business discussions? As for coffee meetings, why the plural?. There was one possible coffee meeting but Archer wasn't sure about that and it was reported elsewhere that it was just a handshake.. As Devon Archer repeatedly said, despite his Republican interrogator's attempts to make him say otherwise, Hunter Biden wanted to make people think he had juice with his father. Not that he actually had it.
  19. What's special about his comment? Anyone, attorney or not who claims otherwise is obviously incorrect.
  20. It's actually worse than that. By continuing to starve the IRS of funds for enforcement, the government was deprived of revenue it was due.
  21. 20 phone calls over 3650 days. And no evidence so far that these calls were preplanned. Given that Biden spoke to his son every day, a very strong case could be made that it just so happened that a few of these 3000+ phone calls occurred during business meetings. Joe Biden attended "numerous dinners"? nu·mer·ous adjective great in number; many.
  22. More about this CBS reporter, Catherine Herridge CBS correspondent amplifies — and manipulates — bogus Senate GOP report against Joe Biden CBS News senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge on Wednesday amplified a politically motivated report by Senate Republicans aiming to dredge up allegations against Hunter Biden’s business involvement in Ukraine. And Herridge, a former Fox News correspondent, has even further embellished the report through a key omission of wording. This story had become the center of President Donald Trump’s efforts to pressure that country into announcing an investigation against the Biden family in 2019 — and thus to damage his likely election opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden — which led to Trump’s impeachment. https://www.mediamatters.org/catherine-herridge/cbs-correspondent-amplifies-and-manipulates-bogus-senate-gop-report-against-joe
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