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  1. Why direct your comments at me? It was JonnyF who made the original claim. Why don't you criticize him for that?
  2. Spin away. Your claim about American unpopularity was B.S. Of course, had levelled the same charge at the previous administration you would have been correct.
  3. Not surprising that Catherine Herridge, an alumna of Fox News, would have this take on what was in the transcript https://www.thedailybeast.com/new-cbs-reporter-catherine-herridge-is-driving-democratsand-some-of-her-own-colleaguescrazy In fact I've read the transcript and she is clearly distorting what was said. She claimed that Archer said it was about the Biden brand. But what she didn't say was that it was Hunter Biden pushing this brand and exploiting the fact that Joe Biden was his father. No evidence that his father was complicit in this. For instance, she said a signal was sent. What she didn't say was that Archer repeatedly said, despite 'Republican pressure, that it was Hunter Biden exploiting his connection to his father to send those signals. Also she tried to undercut Goldman's reference to "an illusion of access" because those were the word of his question, not Devon Archer's answer.. But over and over again, Archer was saying that Hunter Biden tried to make it appear as though he had some sort of influence over what his father did, but in fact this wasn't the case. As for her allegations about the meals, there was one meal which was held for some world food charity. Archer testified that Biden just exchanged pleasantries. Also, Herridge reference's "Biden Family Businesses". There's no fiscal evidence that Joe Biden was in business with his son. But this is the phrase constantly used by right wingers or "Biden Crime Family."
  4. You sure about that? Biden Scores Higher Approval Abroad Than at Home Majorities in all but one country included in a recent survey have a favorable opinion of the United States, according to the Pew Research Center. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2023-06-27/survey-finds-positive-international-opinion-of-the-u-s-biden
  5. What Pence says may be valid. It's just that Pence is not a recognized authority on legal matters. I don't think he's going to have the opportunity to offer his opinion of the validity of the case on the witness stand. The prosecution would surely object to that and I don't see how a judge wouldn't support that objection.
  6. I'm surprised that neither the Republicans or the Democrats asked Archer if there any indication that any of the calls from Joe Biden to Hunter Biden were actually pre-arranged or not. We know from Archer's testimony that Joe Biden spoke to his son every day. We also know from his testimony that the number of calls Archer witnessed was 20 over the space of 10 years. That's about 3650 days. So it doesn't seem unlikely that these phone calls simply occurred occasionally when Hunter Biden was in a meeting. And Hunter Biden took advantage of that by putting his father on speaker and engaging with him in conversations with unremarkable content.
  7. No one has ever denied that in the case of Burisma, Joe Biden was unaware that his son was working for Burisma. It's on the record that he was told this by the State Department back in 2014.
  8. I looked in this thread for evidence the Biden supporters were calling Archer a fraudster. The only person who apparently claimed that was heybruce. What the rest of those who might conceivably be called Bidenites were saying is that the Republicans were releasing cherry-picked bits of testimony from Archer and spinning it. Now that the transcripts have been released, that's clearly been shown to be the case.
  9. Nowhere in this thread have you posted any doubts about what Archer said. Until now...hmmmm...
  10. Another question might be do New York Post reporters ever read what they write?
  11. Many posters here were saying how Archer's testimony would reveal the corruption of Joe Biden. He didn't throw Biden under the bus so now he's untrustworthy?
  12. It's bizarre how Trump defenders rightly cite the economic consequences of the covid pandemic when it comes to Trump, but when it comes to Biden it doesn't count.
  13. Anway, I've been reading the transcript of the Devon Archer hearing. What I'm about to quote came from the Republicans who got to question Archer first. FYI Mykola is Mykola Zlochevsky, the CEO of Burisma. "So -- yes. I was -- the narrative that was spun to me, quite frankly, just to 14 be -- and I remember this because, obviously, it's -- the narrative that was spun to me was 15 that Shokin was under control and that whoever the next person that was brought in 16 was -- you know, the fact that he was -- this is the total, this is the narrative spun to me, 17 that Shokin being fired was a -- was not good, because he was like under control as 18 relates to Mykola." https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4135288-read-devon-archer-interview-transcript-released-by-house-oversight-panel/ And this testimony was really not good for the Republicans on the Committee.
  14. In the note Biden apologizes for not talking to him. And even if he had talked to him, why would that mean they would talk business? Edit: There was a P.S. in which Biden writes "Happy you guys are together". And this is reckoned to be discussing the business? It is to laugh.
  15. I lost my liking for her after she defended the brutality of the government and Buddhist extremists against the Royinga. Aung San Suu Kyi defends Myanmar against genocide allegations In unprecedented move, former human rights icon defends Myanmar generals at ICJ over killings, rape and displacement. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/12/11/aung-san-suu-kyi-defends-myanmar-against-genocide-allegations Aung San Suu Kyi Appears in Hague to Defend Myanmar Against Genocide Charge https://www.voanews.com/a/east-asia-pacific_aung-san-suu-kyi-appears-hague-defend-myanmar-against-genocide-charges/6180891.html
  16. Really? Here's the link again. Please share with me what you find faulty and why. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/tax-cuts-are-primarily-responsible-for-the-increasing-debt-ratio/
  17. Thanks you for your rebuttal. Now can you link to some credible source to actually support what you are saying? I won't hold my breath.
  18. Funny. I thought he was the guy who launched Brexit and was the most prominent leader of the movement, and after Johnson entered the fray, the second most prominent. My mistake.
  19. Aren't you the same person who denounced Biden for the high interest rates in the USA because they would stop people from buying homes? Double standards much?
  20. I wasn't aware this fellow was a remainer: Nigel Farage: Narrow Remain win may lead to second referendum "The question of a second referendum was raised by Mr Farage in an interview with the Mirror in which he said: "In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the Remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it." https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36306681
  21. Thank you for sharing with us more evidence of how strong the economy is under Joe Biden. People who would ordinarily have a hard time finding employment are now in demand. Go Bidenomics!
  22. Actually Democrats did get some tax increases enacted in their budget when they controlled both houses. They would have gotten a lot more had either Manchin or Sinema supported them. Sinema balked because she wanted to protect hedge fund managers.
  23. Even Comer concedes he has no criminal evidence against Joe Biden "Asked whether he would be able to prove the outrageous claim about the president, Mr Comer hesitated. Pressed further by Hannity, he finally replied: “I sure hope so. And I do believe that there’s a lot of smoke and when there’s smoke, there’s fire”." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/james-comer-biden-bribe-accusation-fox-news-b2386040.html
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