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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I wasn't aware the aliens were the ones pumping chlorofluorocarbon gases into the atmosphere. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Have you considered that if more precipitation is falling in some regions that might not preclude that less is falling in others? How does "And yet other parts of the world are drought stricken" contradict that? Have you considered that the precipitation that once fell in regions that are now drought stricken is now falling in other regions instead?
  3. "Climate change is already altering the location, frequency and severity of flooding. Close to the coasts, rising sea levels increasingly cause more frequent and severe coastal flooding, and the severity of these floods is exacerbated when combined with heavy rainfall. The heavy and sustained rainfall events responsible for most inland flooding are becoming more intense in many areas as the climate warms because air near Earth’s surface can carry around 7% more water in its gas phase (vapour) for each 1°C of warming." https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/downloads/faqs/IPCC_AR6_WGI_FAQ_Chapter_08.pdf
  4. Or maybe it's like saying that on average temperatures are rising? Or like saying that on average that flooding is more widespread or more frequent or both?
  5. Did you look sideways too? How about back and forth? Such sophisticated methods you use. Clearly, you are way in advance of those who systematically compile and analyze vast amounts of data using such nonsense as algorithms, regression analysis and the like.
  6. Are you under the impression that speeding on a highway is a Federal offense?
  7. Momentarily distracted and then signed it without a reminder from anyone else. Another nothingburger.
  8. "Was it a hoax like the left claimed that the bidens were receiving huge amounts of money from Burisma that they could not account for, as Trump claimed?" False. Who denied that Hunter Biden was receiving huge amounts of money from Burisma? Another falsehood from you. There is no good evidence that "the Bidens" received huge amounts of money from Burisma. Only Hunter Biden. Another falsehood from you. As for the claim that the FBI had already verified the laptop? Even if true, and that would be odd given who was running the Justice Dept, there is nothing incriminating that has been found on that laptop. And the FD 1023 "evidence " is unconfirmed hearsay from a source who denied that he said that and is currently a fugitive from justice.
  9. The judge didn't get the phone calls, did she? And the outcome hasn't yet been decided.
  10. The right wing has been pushing for years that Biden fired Shokin to ward off an ongoing investigation of Burisma. It has been reported over and over again that the dismissal of Shokin was done at the behest of the State Dept and with the approval of President Obama. The EU was also in favor of it. Biden just delivered the message to the Ukrainian govt: if you don't fire Shokin, you don't get money. The problem with Shokin wasn't that he was investigating Burisma, the problem was that he wasn't. Or any of the other corrupt oligarchs. His own staff has testified to that.
  11. Yes, you're free to believe as you wish. Those of us who understand that there is such a thing as scientific expertise understand that, just because we wish something to be so, that doesn't mean it is so.
  12. I have repeatedly linked to research from climatologists. When are you ever going to learn that your words should link to reality and not repeated denials of it?
  13. Why don't you understand that there's a difference between climate and weather? Why don't you understand that wherever you're located is only a very small portion of the globe?
  14. You make empty claims without citing any authority. All you use is conspiratorial goggledook to support your claims. For them to be true, there would have to be a massive conspiracy among paleoclimatologists. Stop making things up.
  15. You shouldn't. You should care what the overwhelming majority of climatologists say, though. That's why I repeatedly link to climatological research and don't just offer empty allegations..
  16. And how many of these people are actually climatologists? Why should we care about what they say?
  17. Trying to blame your ridiculous characterization by citing the practice of unspecified Democrats? Even the Republicans acknowledge the transcript exists. A very lame deflection on your part.
  18. From "maybe it doesn't exist" to "it doesn't formally exist"? What lame nonsense.
  19. You may think it's enough simply to deny something is relevant without explaining why it is irrelevant. In other words, you're being irrational.
  20. "Tuesday, in an interview with E&E News, Bates himself downplayed any suggestion of misconduct. "The issue here is not an issue of tampering with data, but rather really of timing of a release of a paper that had not properly disclosed everything it was," he told reporter Scott Waldman. And Bates told ScienceInsider that he is wary of his critique becoming a talking point for those skeptical of human-caused climate change. " https://www.science.org/content/article/how-culture-clash-noaa-led-flap-over-high-profile-warming-pause-study
  21. The six sigma standard was considered stringent enough in the scientific community to justify the claim that they had proved the existence of the Higgs Boson. In other words, the odds that they had gotten it were were infinitesimal. Six standard deviations are very small odds indeed.
  22. As has previously been pointed out, the Berkeley Earth organization sliced and diced weather monitoring stations several ways and invariably warming was proved. Not that it needed it, since, as Richard Muller conceded, climatologists had gotten it right all along.
  23. Well, I've read lots of nonsensical statements from climate denialists but none beats this one:" It’s irrelevant whether humans have a major influence on climate, because it’s a political issue, therefore the human cause defaults to null." Because it has become a political issue, it can't be a scientific issue as well? Care to share any more nonsense with us?
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