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  1. In the informal economy. Service workers. Italy is a rapidly aging country and actually needs workers In the news: Italy to grant undocumented migrants work permits Up to 560,000 migrants live without papers in Italy, but only those working as labourers or carers will be eligible. https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news/2020/05/14/Italy-undocumented-migrants-work-permits Regularization of Undocumented Workers https://www.italianvisa.it/regularization-of-undocumented-workers/
  2. I linked to an article about hunger in Pakistan. They may get free food, but even if they do, depending on those agencies for free food is an insecure way to live. And, as I noticed there is also the issue of violence and conflict in those nations.
  3. Do you think that because they chose Libya as a jumping off point that they weren't trying to escape hunger? Are you assuming that they lived in Libya? And if they did... Under strategic outcome 1, WFP provided life-saving food and nutrition-sensitive assistance to 222,620 food-insecure Libyans and non-Libyan populations, including schoolchildren, through in-kind and cash-based transfers (CBTs). During the first half of the year, WFP faced funding and accessibility constraints resulting in food supply disruption and a reduction of in-kind rations for Libyans and non-Libyan beneficiaries by almost 50 percent between January through April. In response, WFP conducted a prioritization exercise in May to provide full rations of unconditional food assistance to the most vulnerable Libyan population. https://www.wfp.org/operations/annual-country-report?operation_id=LY01&year=2022#/24751
  4. First off, the consensus of experts is that the appeal has little chance of succeeding. But if this is the tack they take, even less of one.
  5. Are you aware of what the situation is like in Syria? Is it even possible to get a boat from Syria to Europe?
  6. Actually, if you consider the conduct of negotiators such as David Davis, it could be that some of these folks actually believed that they had the upper hand, or at least were meeting on the basis of equal strengths, and were expecting the EU to back down.
  7. You sure about that? Syria now has the sixth highest number of food insecure people in the world, with 2.5 million people who are severely food insecure, and their lives are at risk without food assistance. Child and maternal malnutrition are increasing at a speed never seen before – not even during over a decade of war https://www.wfp.org/news/hunger-soars-12-year-high-syria-wfp-chief-calls-urgent-action#:~:text=Syria now has the sixth,over a decade of war. Now, the World Food Programme expects that 5.1 million people are likely to be a step away from famine-levels of hunger by the end of March – an increase of 1.1 million people from the previous quarter. "That number is frightening," says Chris Kaye, the Pakistan country director of the WFP. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/03/01/1160297867/food-and-fuel-are-out-of-reach-for-many-pakistanis-because-of-the-economic-crisi In COP27 host Egypt, hunger mounts amid soaring import costs and weather extremes https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/analysis/2022/10/19/hunger-food-Egypt-wheat-climate-change-Ukraine And what about murderous governments and violent conflicts in those nations?
  8. The jury system exists in criminal cases to protect the individual against the enormous powers of the government including the power to derive a defendant of their liberty. No rational system of government can investigate by adopting such stringent criteria. Johnson isn't being packed off to prison. Essentially, all that happened is he got dismissed.
  9. Could you share with us the details of what those conditions are that they don't like? Let's say they face the prospect of starvation if they stay. If that's the condition they don't like is that an inadequate reason for leaving?
  10. The lie being told here is that Democrats are claiming that the record originated with Guiliani. That's not what's claimed. What the Democrats do claim is that Giuliani was on a fishing expedition to Ukraine looking for evidence to incriminate Joe Biden. He was assisted in his efforts by 2 con men who were minions of a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch by the name of Dmitro Firtash. Both of them were convicted of illegally funneling money from Firtash into various Republican political campaigns.
  11. The fact that there is a trusted informant has no bearing on the reliability of the party who claimed that the bribed the 2 Bidens and has recordings to prove it. What we do know is that the US govt doesn't have possession of these alleged recordings. There is no prove that the recordings even exist. And the last time contact was made with this informant was 3 years ago.
  12. More evidence of Trump's wise decision making: Donald Trump Just Got Dumped by His Lawyer Again Donald Trump is bleeding lawyers as quickly as he needs them, with Jim Trusty—once representing the former president in both his criminal documents case and a defamation lawsuit—motioning to end his relationship with Trump altogether on Friday. Trusty wrote in a motion that he was dropping Trump as a client in his defamation suit against CNN because of “irreconcilable differences” that made it impossible for him to “effectively and properly represent” him. https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-just-got-dumped-by-his-lawyer-jim-trusty-again
  13. First off, using the Baht as any kind of measuring stick is kind of bizarre. What's even more bizarre is that you forecast the pound falling if the UK rejoins the EU? Why do you think that the currency markets would look unfavorably on such a development?
  14. It's taking them a lot less time to learn it wasn't a mistake after all. Reality is an excellent teacher.
  15. Once again you're sighting report on William Barr's take on the issue for which he was castigated severely by a federal judge. Barr lied up and down about the conscience and conclusions of Mueller'sreport.
  16. Support for waging the war on drugs is overwhelming a right-wing phenomenon. So I guess you're claiming that rightists are the elite? And somehow they're showing their support for the "lowest 10%" by putting them in prison? Confused much?
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_the_United_Kingdom_rejoining_the_European_Union_(2020–present)
  18. Another member who's a Brexit supporter recently claimed that we would have to wait 50 years to know whether it was a success or not!
  19. Well, since the trend of public opinion seems to be heading towards rejoining the EU, why not wait and let it gather more strength?
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