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  1. Well, if weakening the Chinese economy is a good thing, then Xi is definitely your man.
  2. Won't do him much good. The odds are overwhelming that he's going to lose to Jim Justice, be it in the primary or general election.
  3. Well, one of the most important steps Trump took was to make the rich and powerful richer and more powerful via tax cuts. He also followed that up by appointing Supreme Court Justices who overwhelmingly back corporations at the expense of workers. If only he had a won a second term, just think of how much more damage he could have inflicted on corporate interests
  4. You sure about that? I think this article from the Wall Street Journal shows how much Xi had to swallow his pride in the wake of strong American actions against Chinese expansionism: China Accepts the New Indo-Pacific Reality "While Mr. Xi’s decision to re-engage with the U.S. doesn’t mean he is abandoning his long-term goal of reasserting Chinese primacy in the region and beyond, it is significant. Mr. Blinken hasn’t backed away from such Biden administration policies as imposing controls over tech exports and outbound investment or strengthening defense ties with countries in China’s front yard. Mr. Xi’s meeting with Mr. Blinken indicates that the Communist Party is reluctantly accepting the new status quo rather than freezing relations and confronting the U.S. at every turn to force the Biden administration to change course. https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-accepts-the-new-indo-pacific-reality-blinken-xi-jinping-defense-spending-a9a9065d?mod=Searchresults_pos2&page=1 bypass pay wall: https://archive.ph/2yyC7
  5. This is from factcheck.org. It's a nice splash of cold reality re the allegations in the NY Post article: Republican Claims About Hunter Biden Offenses "Andrew Weissmann, a former federal prosecutor and FBI general counsel, said that first-time tax offenders “rarely get prosecuted” and it’s “even rarer” for them to be jailed. “And false gun applications sadly also almost never get prosecuted or jail time. So this is if anything harsh, not lenient,” he wrote in a June 20 tweet. Renato Mariotti, another former federal prosecutor, also tweeted that “[m]isdemeanor tax charges are rarely charged on their own, without felony tax counts.” https://www.factcheck.org/2023/06/republican-claims-about-hunter-biden-offenses/
  6. Good news! You don't have to believe that tax fraud over a million dollars is a misdemeanour. The actual amount was a bit over $200000. And there's more good news. It wasn't tax fraud. He didn't pay the money he owed but there's no evidence to tried to conceal his earning. He just failed to pay.
  7. Is there any evidence at all that Biden was money laundering? Did he lobby for foreign interests before the U.S. government? More empty accusations.
  8. Actually there's a pretty good case to be made that it did hurt him. It's very rare for the justice department the prosecute someone simply for not paying their taxes. It's almost always settled with an agreement to pay what's owed including penalties. And it's very rare that the feds prosecuting someone simply for lying on a gun license application.
  9. No, actually not normal in cases where income taxes aren't paid. Nor in cases where applicants for a gun permit lie on the application.
  10. For starters, it's a good thing those glaciers are infinitely large, otherwise they might disappear some day. Secondly, do the people who draw water that ultimately comes from these glaciers actually need more water?
  11. Actually, given the general way that most people who commit the same infractions that Hunter Biden did, it could be much more successfully argued that it hurt to have the integrity of the judicial process be a factor in this investigation. But, of course, if you are resistant to facts and how these matters are actually processed for most of those so engaged, then a convenient and self-serving disbelief will insulate you from the facts quite successfully.
  12. You got any actual facts to back up your claims? "Tax fraud as a general matter is very difficult for the government to prove because they have the burden to show the court that the taxpayer has intentionally defrauded the government out of tax revenue. Proving that a taxpayer knowingly violated the highly complicated Internal Revenue Code is a very difficult task, so the government often chooses to pursue the taxpayer civilly for simply underpaying tax, which does not require proving that the taxpayer intentionally underpaid their taxes. As a practical matter, if the taxpayer has any reasonable legal argument for why they did not pay the tax due they will usually beat a criminal charge." https://www.tax-whistleblower.com/tax-fraud/#:~:text=Tax fraud as a general,government out of tax revenue. And what about Hunter Biden's gun offense? "As for the gun offense: in cases where the gun was not used to help commit a crime, prosecution is rare. Especially in cases were the person in possession of the weapon has voluntarily turned himself in for treatment. The FBI, in reviewing instant background checks for firearm purchases, detected 112,000 lie-and-try crimes in fiscal 2017 alone, and federal investigators had names and addresses on the filled-out forms. How many were prosecuted? Twelve, according to a recent Government Accountability Office report." https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/09/19/gun-buyers-lie-and-try-only-12-prosecuted-editorials-debates/1288699002/ Few Individuals Denied Firearms Purchases Are Prosecuted and ATF Should Assess Use of Warning Notices in Lieu of Prosecutions https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-18-440.pdf
  13. I think those parties can all be lumped together into something called "The Creep State".
  14. I think there should be a meta-Olympics wherein all the various Olympics held over the years compete to see which one was the most corrupt.
  15. It's sweet and heartening to see such childlike ingenuousness on display. I hope you get a pony next Xmas.
  16. Another few things that couldn't happen was that a President's business accepted payments from governments which had urgent business with the US Govt. Or that the family of a top government official got bailed out of a terrible investment by another country. A deal which made no financial sense. A country that was within the purview of that government official. A country he had extensive dealings with. A govt official married to a daughter of that President. A daughter who was also a government official at the time that deal was concluded.
  17. Actuallyi, that's the line that Trump is pursuing. And, as even most conservative legal experts have pointed out, it's ridiculous. The documents are not his property and never were his property. Given that they are not personal in nature, they never will be his property. That's the law.
  18. Yes. All America should be ashamed because the President has a son who's a drug addict and is going to plead guilty to 2 misdemeanors. This leaves the country only one course: Hunter Biden must be impeached and removed from non-office! Only then will the stain be removed from the nation.
  19. Maybe because he loves his son and he knows what a hard time he has had? And I don't know by what authority you claim to speak for most. More inflamed nonsense from you. It is to laugh.
  20. But you did make the ridiculous claim that the First Family not private. Really, so the public is entitled to know everything that goes on inside the family of the President? Once again, what's your point? So, he's going to plead to 2 misdemeanors. Is there anything in those pleas that implicates a government official? As I have repeatedly noted, when it comes to evidence incriminating Joe Biden, you and the rest of the True Believers have got nothing.
  21. Your position is very confusing. Just before you posted a letter signed by virtually all Republican Senators asking that David Weiss be given the status of Special Counsel to conduct his investigation. So, it seems that Republican Senators were okay with him and you were okay with that letter. On the other hand, both here and before you call his probity into question. Confused much?
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