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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. So you think the CNN reporter violated the terms of the agreement with the Trump team? Can you share with us what those terms were?
  2. And what would those grounds be if not their political and social views? An explicit promise to find for or against the defendant no matter what evidence or arguments are brought to the case? Good luck with that.
  3. I forgot to check how my voice-to-text funcion interpreted voir-dire. I am so irate about it's misinterpretation that, as far as I'm concerned, this means "war, dear".
  4. The appeal based on the alleged prejudice of a juror is an obvious non-starter, since both sides during war dear get to eliminate potential jurors. As for alleging prejudice on the part of the judge, you might try changing your information diet.
  5. The format is whatever was agreed upon by the Trump team & CNN. But given the softball nature of the questions posed by this audience of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, it's not surprising that you would attempt to invoke some convenient definition of what rules this interview was supposed to follow.
  6. So what you cite as the apparent contradictions in the jury's decision probably won't play a role in an appeals court judge's decisions.
  7. As has been pointed out already, appeals courts rarely overturn verdicts on the basis of the jurors' verdict.
  8. One of the things that puzzled me throughout the topics about the trial, was how some members were insisting that the case against Trump wasn't going well. Most of the commentators I read, left, right and center, were claiming it was going very badly for Trump. Anyway, here's a link to an article that explains not only why it went badly for Trump, but why future trials will do so as well. Trump’s Biggest Blunder in the E. Jean Carroll Trial Will Probably Doom Him in Court Again and Again The former president shot himself in the foot. He’s got more rounds in the chamber. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/05/trump-verdict-carroll-trial-takeaways-georgia-doj-ny.html
  9. So we agree. There are recent reports of Ukrainian advances and encirclement but none claiming the same for Russian forces.
  10. Bidien had been a remarkably effective President. He helped get passed major legislative initiatives with a bare majority in the Senate and a narrow one in the House.
  11. If this is true, then Putin has decided that it's worth weakening the Russian position in Ukraine in order to deal with Prigozhin.
  12. 7 out of 10 think the 1998 Agreement remains good for Northern Ireland https://www.qub.ac.uk/News/Allnews/featured-research/7outof10thinkthe1998AgreementremainsgoodforNorthernIrelandthougha.html As for drug gangs, it seems the loyalist ones are fighting each other. Police search property as part of probe into feuding loyalist drugs gangs https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/police-search-property-as-part-of-probe-into-feuding-drugs-gangs-1456970.html
  13. Funny how lots of Brexiters had an opposite reaction to the comments of another President.
  14. Strange. I did a search for reports of encirclement activity subsequent to that Russian retreat. The only report about encirclement that I could find was this: Prigozhin warns of risk of encirclement of Wagnerites in Bakhmut https://finance.yahoo.com/news/prigozhin-warns-risk-encirclement-wagnerites-152732892.html
  15. True. But there was no good reason for Biden to speak the quiet part out loud. Still, without seeing the context of the comment in this speech, it's hard to know if you meant it seriously or not.
  16. Gee, any other ex-Presidents you can think of who display rude and childish comments and do so far more frequently.
  17. Thanks for not appreciating the point of the joke which of course undermines your baseless point about the CBO being biased. Even Fox News recognizes that isn't the case.
  18. The only agency reporting on this is Reuters which we can't link to. But the essence of the story is that the Wagner chief says that defense on their flanks is bad and all the territory they gained in all those months is now being lost.
  19. *Deleted post edited out* What makes your comment so ridiculous is that you refer to something called the "Biden Family". So if someone is born into the Biden family or marries into it, they are willy-nilly part of a criminal enterprise? And as has been pointed out, the informant files are kept confidential to protect the informant from having their identity exposed. What's more, informant files are unvetted. Also, this file was in the possession of the Justice Dept during the Trump administration. Remember the Durham investigation? Despite it having the strong backing of the Attorney General, it found no conspiracy or deep state plottings in the Justice Dept to prosecute. You've got nothing.
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