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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. So, you cite Norm Eisen who says that Trump's filing is without merit and, apparently, you believe that Willis won't file her reply on time. And all you can say in support of your contention is "Stay tuned.". You've got nothing.
  2. What makes you think that's likely to happen? The DA asked for an extension because Lathan submitted a filing of her own and Willis asked for an extension so she could answer both.
  3. Megyn Kelly made the fatal mistake of criticizing Trump publicly and gaining employment from the enemy. Carlson is a lot smarter than that.
  4. Given Trump's track record in the courts, what do you think the odds are that the motion will be decided in his (and Lathan's) favor?
  5. William Barr appointed John Durham as special prosecutor to ferret out "collusion and interference" from govt. agents. Even going to the improper length of having weekly meetings with him. Even going to the extent of travelling to Europe to pressure allies into disclosing non-existent intelligence to support his belief. How did that turn out?
  6. In this case your opinion is clearly worthless. The signers were no longer government employees. They were entitled to the same 1st Amendment rights as any other citizen. You got a problem with the 1st Amendment?
  7. A lot of commentators are claiming that Carlson doesn't have a chance of success without Fox's backing because of what happened in the past. But streaming and alternate networks mean the situation is very different now from what it was just a few years ago. It just depends on how long Carlson's contract has to run or if he can sue his way out of it.
  8. Wagner Chief Prigozhin Ditches Plans To Withdraw Russian Forces From Ukraine's Bakhmut https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/russia-ukraine-crisis/wagner-chief-prigozhin-ditches-plans-to-withdraw-russian-forces-from-ukraines-bakhmut-articleshow.html
  9. As long as the government is looking over the shoulders of doctors and threatening them with the possibility severe penalties including imprisonment, the situation will never be resolved.
  10. You missed the point. Are you an agent for the government now? Neither were they. So there's nothing inappropriate about them voicing their opinions.
  11. And when the issue is about a Democratic lawyer making such statements, then your comment will be relevant, and not, as it is now, entirely reflexive and irrelevant.
  12. Here's what you wrote that a forum is for: "To express an opinion on a range of reports and subjects, while not attempting to change anyone's mind, or win a debate. " You're the one who defined the limitations.
  13. Funny how the Saudis decided to go big with golf. Something that Trump happens to be deeply invested in.
  14. This comment of yours was directed at this: Apparently, you misread "Disneyworld" to be "Disneyland" and were trying to take some sort of sad and cheap shot at what I wrote. Even if I had written Disneyland, so what? That would have changed the point of the sentence or its relevance to the issue? I guess when you've got nothing, all you can do is go for the picayune.
  15. What has this had to do with your false assertion that agents signed on to this?
  16. Well, I guess we could take their attorneys' word for it that they believe that they did nothing wrong. And that they are offering to cooperate in exchange for something that they believe has no value. But most likely, this is just an attorney putting a spin on the matter.
  17. It wasn't "easy" before the Florida legislature changed the rules. Now they've made it next to impossible. You think it's okay to make it next to impossible to submit an issue for a referendum? As anyone who looks at the history knows, the Florida legislature acted after it was clear that the citizens of Florida wanted was going to keep on approving referenda that they didn't like. Like raising the minimum wage. Florida is famous for its sunshine, its beaches, Disneyworld, and its low wages.
  18. I'm wondering why you apparently don't understand the distinction between agents and former agents.
  19. I'm sure all patriotic Americans will be delighted by this piece of good news. And given America's importance in the world economy, sensible people throughout the world will be delighted as well. Well, except maybe lots of Russians.
  20. Did you notice that these statements use verbs like "it seems", "it appears", "have suggested", 'may be"?
  21. Still not addressing the merits or demerits of what was actually said.
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