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  1. Here are some past links about ICU's being full up or being reduced to triage conditions. I guess the governors and administrators' in these Republican states were lying? https://www.foxnews.com/health/arkansas-runs-out-intensive-care-beds-covid-patients-critical https://www.fox9.com/news/alabama-runs-out-of-icu-beds-as-southern-states-slammed-with-covid-19-cases https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2021/09/21/idaho-hospitals-covid-surge
  2. What we do know is that Fox News has a bias towards minimizing the harms caused by Covid-19. So, if anything, if they were reporting on this back in August, that makes it more likely to be true.
  3. Did you bother to look up what kind of hospital NHS Sequoyah is? If you had looked it up, you would know that it has a total of 41 beds and is definitely not a full service hospital. It's a small local community hospital specializing in family medicine and emergency medicine. https://www.vitals.com/hospital/3kkmgz/sequoyah-memorial-hospital-sallisaw https://www.healthgrades.com/group-directory/ok-oklahoma/sallisaw/sequoyah-memorial-hospital-oo3y63g
  4. Did you read this part of the article? The doctors and nurses, Puget said, "called all the hospitals in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Colorado and couldn’t get him a bed." "Every minute that he was refused an ICU bed he was dying. The doctors said that his organs were already starting to shut down," Puget said. https://www.foxnews.com/us/houston-afghanistan-veteran-dies-treatable-illness-wait-icu-bed And definitely an excellent idea to have unvaccinated staff in hospitals that have ill and immunocompromised people currently not afflicted with covid.
  5. And if you bang up your body big time in a motorcycle accident, you'd better hope that there's an open ICU bed waiting for you.
  6. Yellow is moderate, not severe. But moderate apparently means lung problems. According to the article, these patients need oxygen and regular xrays. Also staffing requirements are a lot more demanding. Roughly 25 times as many doctors and nurses.
  7. Central and Eastern Europe recently opened up and relaxed rules despite mostly low vaccination rates. Rates that in some countries are similar to Thailand's. Even in those that are quite a bit higher than Thailand's currently are, It hasn't gone well. I don't see why the same thing won't happen in Thailand.
  8. According to an article in the Bangkok Post, yellow cases (moderate to severe symtpms are on the rise and being moved out of standard hospitals and into field hospitals. Green patients are being sent home to quarantine. No mention is made of ICU occupancy rates. I assume they're rising. Does anyone have any other solid information to contribute?
  9. Rose's really does make an excellent ny pizza. The quality went down when Patrick opened a 2nd branch and wasn't there to supervise. But now he's back and it's excellent again.
  10. A little bit early to be calling covid cases in China a resurgence. So far they're scattered and few. As for Russia, it's not a resurgence. Covid never went away. In one of the few cases where Russians should trust their govt they don't. The Russia govt has been lying about the extent of the govt. While they report something over 200,000 cases of death by Covid, the actual number is probably somewhat in excess of 700,000. At least that's the excess mortality figure. Excess mortality being, in this case, the the number of deaths in excess of what statisticians had predicted before covid came on the scene. The UK is the only one of the 3 countries cited that actually is experiencing a resurgence. The probably cause is excessive relaxation of mask wearing and social distancing measures. But there is also a new subvariant of D circulating that is a bit more transmissible.
  11. If not a conspiracy , maybe there's some other reason that public health services have overwhelmingly endorsed strict measures? Like prudence, for example.
  12. Yes, this secret cabal wanted to badly damage the economy worldwide in order to increase their power and make unsuspecting citizens their serfs. And the various public health services worldwise have been their accomplices in this nefarious scheme. It's a shame that Daniel Craig is retiring from the Bond franchise now when we need him the most. Anyway, I hear that they serve absolutely exquisite peanut butter & jelly sandwiches at their functions. Apparently, they're literally to die for. That is, if you're not a member.
  13. This is what has happened to Novavax... Novavax stock tanks on report of COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing troubles Novavax has reportedly been unable to produce a COVID-19 vaccine that meets the FDA's purity standards https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/novavax-stock-tanks-covid-19-vaccine-manufacturing-troubles
  14. Using recycled cathodes makes better lithium batteries, study finds The materials create a more porous structure for the ions to negotiate. https://arstechnica.com/cars/2021/10/using-recycled-cathodes-makes-better-lithium-batteries-study-finds/
  15. "Separate PHE research found that AstraZeneca's efficacy against hospitalization from Delta slipped from just above 90% to just under 80% after 140 days, while its efficacy against death remained close to 90%. Pfizer remained above 90% in both metrics." https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/20/uk/uk-europe-covid-infections-cmd-gbr-intl/index.html https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1017309/S1362_PHE_duration_of_protection_of_COVID-19_vaccines_against_clinical_disease.pdf
  16. Well given that large numbers of people are still being infected, I'd say the answer is yes even given the existence of that anomaly. Even if people in those age cohorts are getting infected less, they're getting seriously ill and dying a lot more.
  17. Problem solved! Australian 'super seaweed' supplement to reduce cattle gas emissions wins $1m international prize https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-12-18/csiro-super-seaweed-cattle-supplement-wins-$1m-prize/12992888
  18. No, it's not mandatory. But they do state that their policies include text that exlicitly state that they will cover u to 3.5 million baht for any expenses incurred for covid care. To get the COE, that was necessary. I found that insurance policies' from elsewhere weren't clear about that.
  19. Clearly you didn't read the link to the scientific American article that references the US Geological Survey's report that lhuman activity generates over 100 times more CO2 than do volcanoes. As for oil being needed everywhere, there's a difference between burning it and using it as an ingredient.
  20. Thanks for your correction. It turns out that. at least in this case, I'm the numerically illiterate party. For what it's worth I misread the last 2 columns as being gross totals rather than rates. I was wrong. Absolutely wrong. Here is a link to an article about the anomaly with suggestions as to why this might be the case. https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2021-09-11/COVID-19-vaccines-are-working-but-there-s-one-anomaly-in-UK-data-13rScGoGaxG/index.html That said, obviously this statistic is far less important than hospitalization rates and mortality rates among the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated. And there, the differences are stark and clear.: it is far more perilous to be unvaccinated than to be vaccinated.
  21. You might at least acknowledge that what you claimed is wrong "60% or 70% people vaccinated (maximum that they can reach everywhere it seems?)" And I never claimed that 100% vaccination rate would be achieved. Stop setting up straw men.
  22. More nonsense. Who cares what the greenies believe or don't believe? . It's what climatologists believe that counts, And as the latest IPCC report shows, they overwhelmingly believe that anthropogenic climate change is a huge and increasing threat to humans and the environment. Yours is just a feeble attempt to distract attention away from the people whose opinions count. Such an obvious ploy. I'm guessing your reference to volcanoes is a way of attributing the rise in CO2 to them. Any evidence that there's been more volcanic activity in the last 200 years than before. Are Volcanoes or Humans Harder on the Atmosphere? According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world’s volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide. Despite the arguments to the contrary, the facts speak for themselves: Greenhouse gas emissions from volcanoes comprise less than one percent of those generated by today’s human endeavors. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earthtalks-volcanoes-or-humans/#:~:text=According to the U.S. Geological,CO2 emissions every year worldwide.
  23. Can you share the source of these nonsensical assertions. Let's start out with the percentage of CO2 contributed by humans. Before the industrial revolution, CO2 levels were about 278 ppm. Now they're about 50% higher. What's more the source of this CO2 can be proven thanks to isotope rations. Carbon 14 is consistently being created from nitrogen thanks to cosmic rays. Carbon 14 decays over time. So fossil fuel sources have virtually no Carbon 14. By measuring the ratio of carbon 14 dioxide/ carbon 12 dioxide comared to what would be expected were it all from non fossil fuel sources, it's easy to compute that fossil fuels are responsible for most of the increase. ".In addition, fossil fuels are the only source of carbon consistent with the isotopic fingerprint of the carbon present in today’s atmosphere. That analysis indicates it must be coming from terrestrial plant matter, and it must be very, very old. These and other lines of evidence leave no doubt that fossil fuels are the primary source of the carbon dioxide building up in Earth’s atmosphere." https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/how-do-we-know-build-carbon-dioxide-atmosphere-caused-humans As for the CO2's contribution to the greenhouse effect. This is old established science. It was all the way back in 1858 that John Tyndall, the great Irish physicist, measured the greenhouse effect of CO2. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsnr.2018.0066 Do try and catch up. At least to the 20th century. Anyway, apart from these 2 minor points, thanks for your contributions.
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