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  1. In fact, the CBO's estimate of how much income for how much income the IRS funding can raise is less than the Biden administration's. CBO Estimates $120 Billion from IRS Funding Boost Today, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) published an estimate of the revenue effects of President Biden’s proposal to increase Internal Revenue Service (IRS) funding by $80 billion over ten years in an attempt to reduce the tax gap and improve tax compliance. According to CBO, the President’s proposed $80 billion increase in IRS funding (with roughly $60 billion for tax enforcement) would yield approximately $200 billion of additional revenue over a decade, or $120 billion of net savings. This is about half the $240 billion of savings estimated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in the President’s budget, which projected $320 billion in additional revenue. https://www.crfb.org/blogs/cbo-estimates-120-billion-irs-funding-boost And there's this from the Marxists at Fox News: Biden touted CBO as 'gold standard' – now his White House is trying to undermine it Nonpartisan CBO impartially studies economic impact of legislation https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-touted-cbo-as-gold-standard-now-his-white-house-is-trying-to-undermine-it This is your idea of bias? Until you can provide evidence that the CBO is biased, you've got nothing.
  2. It's also going to finance a foundation created to safeguard the name of her lowlife husband. And it really doesn't address the issue of how much her fortune ultimately derived from those properties owned by Jews.
  3. Given that Comer believes that Suspicious Activity Reports from banks are significant evidence, why would anyone looking for a valid answer consult him?
  4. . Are the payments what you see as the incriminating evidence or is it fear of "entities", the kind that Stephen King writes about?
  5. You aren't familiar with that old saying? Namely "Yeah and verily the minnows were under the boot" But clearly Transam is unaware that there's more..."And the minnows thought unto themselves if that boot were a net then yea and verily should we be fearful. But as it is only a boot, let us wriggle through the mud and swim away and party until dawn to celebrate our deliverance. And so they did. And the wearer of the boot cursed unto himself. For he had destroyed his costly footwear and it was all for naught."
  6. On the other hand, he did very kindly point out to her that she is a "nasty person".
  7. Really, what evidence was there in that report that any of the Bidens behaved illegally. And why should people care about what relatives of Biden did? Did they abuse the office of private citizen?
  8. This is like claiming that minimum wage laws interfere with the rights of citizens to work for as little as they please. Such statements do not acknowledge the reality of the unequal standings of workers and corporations.
  9. False: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/glossary/withdrawal-from-the-european-union.html#:~:text=Article 50 of the Treaty,its intention to do so.
  10. So far it looks like those walls are made of cardboard. Comer admitted that he had no proof of President Biden's involvement. Just his belief.
  11. Right. And the English of Shakespeare is pretty much the same as it is today? Was it used in a political context back then? US a weak or servile man (often used as a contemptuous term for a man with moderate or progressive political views). https://www.google.com/search?q=cuck&oq=cuck&aqs=chrome..69i57.1855j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 "an insulting word for a weak man, used especially by people on the extreme right of politics to refer to men with politically liberal views:" https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cuck
  12. And when was that house purchased? You'r'e not taking into account how much the cost of housing has risen.
  13. Not surprised you find it funny. As I recall, you once used the word "cuck" in one of your comments. It's clear to see where you're coming from.
  14. Were the protesters in Austin rioting, burning businesses or assaulting people with impunity? If not, why even bring it up?
  15. Nonsense. The kind of information that is provided can indicate who is likely to be the source of the information.
  16. Does he do that for all people conviced of homicide or only for racists who explicitly express a desire to kill protesters?
  17. It turns out that this criminal actually discussed his desire to kil lthe demonstrators and confessed he is a racist. Records reveal racist comments, threats of violence convicted killer Gov. Abbott wants to pardon The man Texas Gov. Greg Abbott pledged to pardon for the murder of an Austin protester, often made racist comments and made clear his desire to kill protesters in the months leading up to Garrett Foster’s death, the Texas Tribune reported. The evidence pulled from Daniel Perry’s phone records and social media accounts is part of court documents unsealed Thursday.... In April 2020, he sent a meme, which included a photo of a woman holding her child’s head under water in the bath, with the text, “WHEN YOUR DAUGHTERS FIRST CRUSH IS A LITTLE NEGRO BOY,” according to the state’s filing. https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/texas/daniel-perry-racist-comments/285-bb3fe16f-b80e-425f-a52e-325f0ede6c69
  18. And who now holds the space formerly held by those Russians? I don't think the Ukrainians are likely to have let them remain vacant.
  19. Are there "financial records direcly linking foreign govts paying the Biden family?" There are records of private companies paying the Bidens, but foreign governments? Care to share a link to your evidence?
  20. I do but why should I care. The ukrainians are judging him on his performance now. When there was a need, he stepped up. And I don't see what Zelensky's popularity has to do with the current unpopularity of Russia in regions mostly populated by ethnic Russians.
  21. Given that the Tories don't support Truss's venture, it's not surprising that it can't be explained how being against Truss' trip to Taiwan is anti-Tory.
  22. What Next for Ukraine’s Formerly Pro-Russian Regions? Ironically, the regions that have borne the brunt of Russia’s invasion are those that were always most likely to vote for pro-Russian political parties... Russia’s invasion largely put an end to this pro-Russian sentiment: by May 2022, only 4 percent in Ukraine’s east and 1 percent in the south still had a positive view of Russia. Support for Ukraine joining NATO, on the other hand, had surged to record highs: 69 percent in the east and 81 percent in the south, up from 36 percent in the east and 48 percent in the south, according to a poll taken on February 16 and 17 of this year. https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/88542
  23. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1100076/volodymyr-zelensky-s-approval-rating-ukraine/ As for the unfounded aspersons you cast on Zelensky..do you have any evidence that he's profiting from the war? Put up or...
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