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  1. I think if you want to look for dishonesty by looking closer to home. For example, Twitter delayed reporting on the topic and discussion of the hunter Biden laptop for one day. So who was banned from the internet?
  2. The cocaine that Mexico exports is just transshipped cocaine that was extracted from Coca plants in South America. I doubt that cocaine is transshipped to the UK comes via Mexico. How the Albanian mafia conquered the cocaine market in UK The Albanian citizens at the top of the criminal landscape have managed to settle in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Panama. Those who can buy cocaine at 4 thousand dollars a kilo in South America then sell it for 30 thousand euros once it reaches European ports, helped by a dense network of corrupt port officials and operators in the most important maritime commercial hubs in Europe. https://irpimedia.irpi.eu/en-albanian-mafia-uk-cocaine-supply/
  3. No. To repeat what you wrote would not be a comment on what was actually said but merely about the person who said it.
  4. First off, your definition of ethnicity as depending on race is B.S. definition of ethnicity an ethnic group; a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like: And there's only one word for someone who believes say, that, if he's a White American, that he has more in common with a white person from, say, Greece, than he does with a Chinese American or an African American.
  5. It is when it's obvious that such a belief depends on the denigration of others. Claiming that fighting fair is a trait of white people is obviously denigratory to those who aren't. And given that Carlson is an American commentator it's clear what racial group or groups he must be referring to.
  6. Excellent piece of sleuthing from Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/05/06/unraveling-gop-mystery-allegation-against-biden/ alternative link: https://archive.ph/f0eeU It seems likely that the allegation against Biden is about Ukraine. Biden has repeatedly been accused by know-nothings of pursuing a policy to dismiss a prosecutor in Ukraine in order to protect Hunter Biden. The thing is that Biden was simply carrying out U.S. policy and delivering a message that was crafted by the State Dept. This was in no way his independent venture.
  7. Or it could be disinformation: Ukraine says no sign of Russia’s Wagner force Bakhmut withdrawal Ukraine military officials say Wagner fighters are being sent to Bakhmut to reinforce their positions, not withdraw. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/5/6/ukraine-says-no-sign-of-russias-wagner-force-bakhmut-withdrawal
  8. Here's entirely what you said: "To be fair, when I meet white people (irrespective of where they come from), I feel we are on a very similar cultural page. There's a reason for this - I'll bold it for you - we belong to the same ethnic group. I am sure Thais have more in common with Filipinos, Burmese, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Indonesians than other ethnicities." You made no mention of "England, America, and Australia." Rather you wrote "(irrespective of where they come from)." How is "(irrespective of where they come from)" the same thing as "England, America, and Australia (and so on)" And of course you only make it worse for yourself by claiming that "I am sure Thais have more in common with Filipinos, Burmese, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Indonesians than other ethnicities.". Because the relation between Thais who speak a different language and have very different customs from those other Asian ethnicities are somehow analogous to the relations among white English speaking people? I suggest you stop trying to backpedal.
  9. If he didn't clearly consider race relevant, you'd have a better point. But he did, so you don't.
  10. When you associate being white with a virtue that's lacking in other races then it's obviously racist.
  11. Feeling so sorry for yourself that you are pushed to the ridiculous heights of hyperbole? Tucker Carlson made a racist statement. He expects a higher standard of conduct from white people than he expects of at least one other race. And given that he's an American commentator, really no need to pretend what other other races he's referring to.
  12. Really? Here's what you just wrote in reference to a proposed referendum on abortion. "On the ballot as it should be." First off, it's actually not difficult to get referenda on the ballot. At least if the referenda are being proposed by the legislature. As for the rest, there are degrees of difficulty. The legislature made it so difficult that even a very well financed attempt by the casino industry to get legalization on the ballot failed. And keep in mind that even when a referendum did pass, the legislature saw to it that it was vitiated. The legislature has done its best to make it nearly impossible. Oh, and by the way, it's really not difficult to get something put up for a referendum. At least, if it's sponsored by the legislature. The highly gerrymandered legislature.
  13. Nonsense. Most Finns, most Australians, most Americans, most Afrikaaners, most Italians, most Germans, etc. share a common culture based on their whiteness?
  14. rac·ism noun prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. https://www.google.com/search?q=definition+of+racism&oq=definition+of+racism&aqs=chrome.0.69i59.6476j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  15. Not interchangeable. Culture is something acquired. Race not. Why even make the distinction about white people? Why is race even something to take into account? It only makes sense if the person saying it is a racist. If they believe that at least one other race is inclined to fight unfairly.
  16. Yes, that's what spokespeople are paid to do. You have anything to comment about what was actually said?
  17. So you think it should be on the ballot.? The republicans in the Florida legislature disagree with you. Once the people of Florida voted overwhelming in favor of raising the minimum wage, the Florida legislature made it far more difficult to get enough signatures to create a referendum. Not only that, they mandated that it would require 60% of citizens to vote in favor of such a referendum to have it pass. Also, the shrunk the amount of time petitioners would have to gather ballots. And even when a referendum does pass, the legislature has a history of vitiating the referendum. Floridians voted overwhelming to allow ex cons to vote after serving out their sentence. The Florida legislature made this virtually impossible by requiring that ex-cons pay a penalty to regain the right to vote.
  18. Even his lawyer acknowledges the unreliability of Trump's statements. And this underscores why E. Jean Carroll even has a case. Trump has a long history of lies and misleading statements. So the jury is going to have to reckon with who is more believable. Or, at least, if Trump is believable enough.
  19. When Amy Chua is talking about raising her kids the Chinese way she's talking about a method. She isn't claiming that ethnic chinese have morally higher standards,. Her husband is an American. The children are half white. (unless someone's standards are anti-semitic in which case they're half Jewish) She's promoting a method that anyone can adopt. She isn't claiming on the basis of race that Chinese kids are smarter or, for that matter, fight more honorably than do other races. Whereas, to Carlson, the salient point is race. Are you suggesting that race is a method? Something people have a choice about?
  20. You're the one who used the phrase "the biden cabal". "A cabal is a secret plot, or a small group of people who create such a plot. Some conspiracy theories are based on the idea that governments worldwide are in the hands of a powerful cabal." https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/cabal
  21. Apparently, he believes that other races have a lower standard for how they fight. Otherwise why invoke race at all? As for your reference to Thai men, I haven't heard such a thing but anyway that's about nationality not race. A comparable comment from Carlson would have been he didn't believe that Americans could fight like that. It might be just as tendentious, but it wouldn't be racist. It seems Carlson considers himself white first and, at best, an American second.
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