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  1. Thank you for asking me. Actually I did get it wrong. It's only 99.9% https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2021/10/more-999-studies-agree-humans-caused-climate-change
  2. Could you please share who those seafood exporters are? Because on balance, the results haven't been good UK fishing industry reports Brexit woes Brexit was welcomed by many in the UK fishing industry, but overwhelmingly it is now a cause for anger and disappointment. So says a report from the House of Commons All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Fisheries, which sets out the results of a survey of the sector... Exporters have routinely struggled to get their shipments through the border, resulting in loss of income or, in extreme cases, entire markets, while small-scale fishers have felt unable to compete with larger EU vessels which have retained some access to UK waters until at least 2026. https://www.fishfarmermagazine.com/news/uk-fishing-industry-reports-brexit-woes/ A story in 4 parts: Grimsby seafood factory blames Brexit as it’s forced to shut ISI is set to pull out of the UK to focus on its European operations - despite Brexit being heralded as the 'fishing industry's salvation' by a local MP. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/a-story-in-4-parts-grimsby-seafood-factory-blames-brexit-as-its-forced-to-shut-339157/ I don't think even the aquaculture industry has recovered. And for the wild catch industry, the part in which the workers are fishermen (and maybe some fisherwomen) the results have been far worse.
  3. It's called an analogy. analogy implies likeness or parallelism in relations rather than in appearance or qualities. pointed out analogies to past wars ... https://www.google.com/search?q=analogy&oq=analogy&aqs=edge..69i57j0i433i512l4j0i512l2j0i10i512.1961j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  4. Almost 4 times over the original estimation and 12 years late? That's quite an exceptional achievement in a negative way. Divers have established that the reason the Titanic sunk after hitting that iceberg was faulty riveting. I guess your exculpation for the builders of the Titanic would be "has no ship ever sunk before?"
  5. I remember when Brexiters were indignant about the share of catch that non UK members were taking and how vociferous they were about defending the fishermen. Brexit has been a disaster for them and not a peep of indignation from Brexiters.
  6. One with huge cost overruns and 12 years late. They actually canceled its sister facility and sued the company building the reactor.
  7. Really? What strong evidence is there on that laptop? I agree that the odds are strong that Hunter Biden was dealt with because some people hoped that his association with his father could help deliver them a deal? But what evidence is there that Joe Biden was involved? We've been over this territory before. The alleged meetings and other junk accusations. Not one dime of that money has been traced to Joe Biden. The US Attorney for Delaware who is a Trump appointee has been given carte blanche to investigate Hunter Biden. He gets final say in what gets investigated. So far, nothing. So far, you've got nothing. And has been pointed out to you many times the contents of the laptop were released by the NY Post without doing any investigative journalism first to establish its validity. The original reported assigned to the case refused to write it up because of that very reason. The people in possession of the information refused to release the metadata that could have confirmed its authenticity. Of course, you know all this and most likely will evaporate just the way you have in the past when confronted with this information.
  8. One of Hunter Biden's associates asked "10% for the big guy?" Even if that big guy turns out to be Joe Biden, it was a question. No evidence that Biden was actually involved in these dealing and very strong evidence that he wasn't. As Hunter Biden remarked, when he approached his father about getting involved he got an "emphatic no" in response. What makes this even more nuts is the Biden has been by far the President who has been the hardest on the Chinese. They're not getting much value for money if they actually did make some sort of payments to Joe Biden. And there is no evidence that the money received by the other Bidens came from the Chinese govt. In fact, the source of the money is now in prison because of allegations of corruption coming from the Chinese govt.
  9. Ever since my commenting debunking the significance of those SAR's, not post from the right wingers? They need to undergo a serious reassessment of their beliefs and standards of evidence.
  10. I think that the Germans should not have shut down their plants but let them die their unnatural death. As for burning coal by the boatloads, the consumption of coal temporarily increased due to the Ukraine War. But Germany has massively increased its use of wind and solar and has accelerated investment in these resources. Wind and solar constituted 37.3% of electric power used in 2022 The share of electricity generated from renewable energies increased in 2022 to reach 48.3% (42.7% in 2021). Wind (onshore and offshore) accounted for a share of 25.9%. Solar PV accounted for 11.4% and biomass for 8.2%. The remaining 2.8% was accounted for by hydropower and other renewables. https://www.enerdata.net/publications/daily-energy-news/germanys-power-consumption-falls-2022-generation-renewables-rises.html#:~:text=The share of electricity generated,by hydropower and other renewables. And it is also engaged in a massive conservation drive. One thing it is doing in that regard is promoting the use of heat pumps. https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/01/05/germany-launches-rebate-program-for-residential-heat-pumps/
  11. In fact this is a nothingburger as you should know from past refutations. Suspicious Activity Reports or SAR's for short, are documents required by the government to be filed by banks when a transfer of money looks like it might in some way be suspect. They are not the products of criminal investigations. How many of these SARs are really illegal activity versus false positives? Our data indicate that about 4 percent of SARs result in any follow-up from law enforcement. A tiny subset of these results in an arrest and ultimately a conviction. https://bpi.com/the-truth-about-suspicious-activity-reports/
  12. Update what figures? How does this change the fact that the project was completed 12 years late and almost quadrupled in cost? And if it's such a big success why did the Finnish govt cancel the construction of nuclear power plant #4 after seeing costs skyrocked and delays multiply? How does this justify Finland's slow pace in adopting much cheaper wind power?
  13. "The greenies are failing..."??? Really? Over 90% is your idea of failure? Renewable power’s growth is being turbocharged as countries seek to strengthen energy security "Global renewable power capacity is now expected to grow by 2 400 gigawatts (GW) over the 2022-2027 period, an amount equal to the entire power capacity of China today, according to Renewables 2022, the latest edition of the IEA’s annual report on the sector. This massive expected increase is 30% higher than the amount of growth that was forecast just a year ago, highlighting how quickly governments have thrown additional policy weight behind renewables. The report finds that renewables are set to account for over 90% of global electricity expansion over the next five years, overtaking coal to become the largest source of global electricity by early 2025." https://www.iea.org/news/renewable-power-s-growth-is-being-turbocharged-as-countries-seek-to-strengthen-energy-security
  14. It's like they're in an abusive relationship and the worse that nuclear power performs the more they love it. EDF posts record loss in France due to reactor outages 17 February 2023 France's EDF has reported record annual losses of EUR17.9 billion (USD19.0 billion) for 2022, largely due to nuclear power reactor outages in its French fleet for maintenance and repair work. https://world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/EDF-posts-record-loss-in-France-due-to-reactor-out#:~:text=In France%2C state-controlled EDF's,to the Covid-19 pandemic. France's new-generation nuclear plant delayed again Electricity giant EDF on Wednesday announced a further delay and cost overruns for France's flagship new-generation nuclear plant, in a blow to President Emmanuel Macron's strategy of making atomic power a cornerstone of energy policy... .Projected costs had increased by another 300 million euros ($340 million) to 12.7 billion euros, EDF said -- around four times more than the initial forecast of 3.3 billion euros. Construction on the new-generation EPR plant began in 2007, and was supposed to be finished in 2012 https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220112-france-s-new-generation-nuclear-plant-delayed-again
  15. If I got pinched I would plead I was confused by the government saying in respect to English it was as going "to fine use". I would claim instead that thought what they had said that English was "fine to use"
  16. Your comment only shows how limited some people are in their world view that they believe that whatever happens in the world happened because of some action or inaction on the part of the USA or its President. You should acquaint yourself with the logical fallacy known as "post hoc ergo propter hoc", after this, therefore because of this'.
  17. When denialists post their claim here, I counter with facts that can be backed up by science. Whereas, when denialists post their refutations here, they go with claiming motives. The convenient thing about that is that there's no factual way to counter claims based on mind reading.
  18. It was the Trump administration that negotiated the week-kneed agreement under which the US was required to pull out of Afghanistan. If anyone sent a message to the world, it was them.
  19. False, It is not natural for warming to be happening so rapidly. Unless you think humans pumping CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is natural and part of some natural inevitable cycle.
  20. I have asked you repeatedly why getting an abortion is not an example of someone taking responsibility. Your answer is simply to assert that people must take responsibility for their actions without explaining why getting an abortion isn't taking responsibility. So, once again, why is getting an abortion not taking responsibility for one's actions?
  21. Which is why I wrote the phrase that's now in boldface: If one bank offers you interest at 1 percent and another at 10 percent, then on the basis of that alone, would you claim it doesn't matter since both interest rates are positive? Because I figured that someone would attempt a deflection such as the one you just made. And deflection is necessary because the point is so obvious, there isn't a rational rejoinder. And once again, what does the behavior of VIPs taking flights have to do with the science? The fact that 99.99% of climatological research that addresses Anthropogenic Climate Change supports its existence.
  22. What you don't seem to get is that it's not just about change in climate, but the rate of change. The average global temperature is rising faster than it has been in at least the last 125000 years. So glaciers are melting at an increasingly rapid pace. It's the rate of change that counts. If one bank offers you interest at 1 percent and another at 10 percent, then on the basis of that alone, would you claim it doesn't matter since both interest rates are positive?
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