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  1. Remember John Cleese's letter to the local power company where he congratulated them on the excellence of their electricity? Maybe you think that electricity provided by nuclear power is so expensive because it's special? As though it were the champagne of power. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say most people don't feel that way and would rather pay less for their power.
  2. Germany wraps up large-scale PV tender with average price of €0.0703/kWh Germany’s first auction of the year for utility-scale solar concluded with prices ranging from €0.0529 ($0.059)/kWh to €0.0730/kWh. The procurement exercise was significantly oversubscribed. https://www.statista.com/outlook/io/energy/renewable-energy/germany#production
  3. First off, Merkel moved to shut nuclear power plants because it was a politically popular move in Germany. Second, these plants were nearing the end of their life anyway. Refurbishing to produce nuclear power again would be very costly. Wind and solar provide far cheaper electricity even when the cost of storage is included.
  4. What's that got to do with the fact that Russia is getting less than it otherwise would for its oil? Confused much?
  5. But the fact that they are making a lot less on that oil than they otherwise would, thanks to sanctions, is good, isn't it?
  6. Maybe you should consider what happened this winter. Perhaps you will learn something. And by the time next winter comes, Germany will have increased its continue to renewable resources. What's more, it has introduced the strictest program in the EU to mandate efficiency in energy consumption.
  7. Relying on volunteerism is one of the major talking points of the fossil fuel industry. And governments are promoting a kind of volunteerism by offering incentives to switch to renewables. Your argument is no more valid than saying if an enemy attacks your country, then the armed forces should only consist of volunteers. In democratic nations, voters overwhelmingly endorse government actions to promote renewables. You got a problem with that?
  8. You agreed to 300sd's contention that "sanctions never work". Clearly they are working.
  9. From a political standpoint, it looks like Ron DeSantis disagrees with you: DeSantis skipped talking about his 6-week abortion ban to an anti-abortion audience On Thursday night, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law a six-week abortion ban inside his state. On Friday morning, he barely mentioned it during an address at the preeminent religious conservative school in the country... During DeSantis’ 20-minute speech at the evangelical university he only had this to say about abortion: “We have elevated the importance of family and promoted the culture of life.” https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/14/desantis-signed-floridas-abortion-ban-but-avoids-talking-about-it-00092101
  10. What is so hard to understand about the fact that they have to sell it at a steep discount. And Russian oil is one of the most expensive to produce. Onshore oil was estimated to cost $42 per barrel, offshore $44 per barrel.
  11. Do you ever actually read the articles linked to. If you had, you would have learned that nuclear power provides 6% of total consumption.
  12. Did you actually read the article. Russia's volume has recovered because it it offering deep discounts on the price of its oil. Is that your idea of not working?
  13. I suspect you're preparing some sort of rhetorical nonsense since the meaning is obvious. But to gratify you, here it is: a pregnancy unwanted by a pregnant woman.
  14. As soon as this criminal was convicted, the Attorney General spoke out in favor of pardoning him. Subsequently he was joined in the face to the bottom by the governor. A pair of lowlifes.
  15. And the Gallup Poll HQ is located in Washington, D.C. Does that mean they're restricted to only polling people who live in Washington D.C.? Is UNF restricted only to polling folks who live in Jacksonville? Maybe you're trying to make some other point?
  16. Unless you believe that the man should have the final say, what's your point?
  17. Better than "Very Good!". Downright excellent for the political prospects of Democrats in the 2024 election. Just the ticket to bring out younger voters who vote overwhelmingly Democratic while the elderly, white, pro-Republican electorate is dying off.
  18. Maybe instead of using punishment as a way to discourage abortions, Florida could try promoting sex education. And instead of attempting to defund the largest provider of contraceptives in the state, it could increase funding for contraception. And as I have pointed out, Florida refuses to expand Medicaid which has been proven to improve the health of children already born. So how sincere are legislators and a governor who oppose this?
  19. This is B.S. most states already only paid for abortion where the life of the mother is endangered or rape or incest is involved. And that includes Florida. https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/abortion-under-medicaid/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel={"colId":"Location","sort":"asc"}
  20. How about instead of educating by punishment how about educating by education. Florida's latest legislation will make teaching sex ed in schools dangerous to a teacher's employment. And by trying to cut off funding to the largest contraceptive provider in the state, it's setting itself up for more unwanted pregnancies. The supposed reason for anti-abortion legislation is to protect children, not to punish women. But we can see by Florida's refusal to accept the expansion of Medicaid which would provide health care to children who are actually born, that Florida's laws are about being punitive. Concern for children clearly doesn't enter into it.
  21. That was the Fox Business. Not the main page of Fox News. Because apparently, in the opinion of Fox News, news of inflation's decline isn't of interest to the general public.
  22. Well, Kansas and Michican did just that by referendum. One reason why states with right wing government and anti-abortionists are trying to make lawmaking by referendum a lot more difficult.
  23. So, you think the male should have veto power over the woman? She's the one on whom the burden falls most heavily. So it's only fair that she gets final say. Anyway, the issue here isn't about men having the power to stop women, but rather the government.
  24. So you were not one of the many unfortunates who lost their jobs. Even during the Great Depression, more people kept their jobs than lost them. So what's your point?
  25. I think as far as inanity goes, not only do you easily beat Biden, but I think you would even give Trump a serious run for his money.
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