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  1. Thanks for the info. You should include a link otherwise if the mods see it, they will delete your post.
  2. Why isn't the MSM reporting on this? COVID Vaccine Recipients Also Less Likely to Die of Other Causes — Study found downstream health effect for vaccination https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19vaccine/95220?xid=nl_covidupdate_2021-10-25&eun=g1943859d0r&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=DailyUpdate_102521&utm_term=NL_Gen_Int_Daily_News_Update_active
  3. But when their lack of care and delight in their own stupidity affects public health, then they ought to lose that right to be left alone.
  4. Just found this article Thailand announces reopening rules for tourism reboot "The capital Bangkok and other top destinations like Pattaya, Hua Hin, Krabi and Chiang Mai, will reopen from Nov. 1 to vaccinated visitors from 45 nations, who must produce negative COVID-19 tests before and after arrival, plus COVID-19 insurance cover of at least $50,000. Nighttime curfews in those areas will also be lifted." https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-announces-reopening-rules-tourism-reboot-2021-10-22/
  5. Did you not notice the word "also". Anyway, I think I've given enough data so that finding the article via a search should be easy.
  6. Well, an article published on the 22nd of October in the Bangkok Post about curfews ending in 17 provinces including Chiang Mai says otherwise. It also said that the maximum number of people permitted to attend public gatherings would be 500. But it doesn't explain what that might encompass.Maybe this is for events like elephant shows and the night safari.
  7. Let's hope covid vaccinations work in subduing the flu. Tetanus/Diptheria vaccinations were found in a retrospective study also to correlate with reduced severity of covid 19 symptoms.
  8. To give an idea of how different the flu viruses are from the covid-19 viruses, transmission of the flu in the 2020-2021 flu season collapsed. The only rational explanation for this is that preventive measures taken for covid 19 are far more effective against the flu. Which demonstrates how much less transmissible the flu is. And to forestall the inevitable objections of denialists that flu cases are being mistakenly or purposely ascribed to Covid 19, in the USA the CDC routinely collects samples taken from patients with respiratory ailments to see if their illness is due to flu. That testing confirms that the flu is currently almost nonexistent. Although with the relaxation of rules, it is expected to rebound for the 2021-2022 flu season. Which, compounded with the continuing refusal of many to get vaccinated for Covid, should make for an interesting winter in the USA.
  9. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you wrote, but the reason the Thai govt is imposing a $50,000 requirement is that it will be guaranteed that the insurance company will pay for covid expenses. If you're getting a 300,000 baht deductible that is partially missing the point.
  10. And given that the mask will cover your eyes as well, you won't have to look at the food either. Win Win!
  11. I'm not an anatomist but I'm going to hazard an inexpert guess that the neck is probably a more convenient location for the mask to be slung around while one is eating rather than covering the mouth.
  12. This information from an article in today's bangkok post. That doesn't look real promising for a Nov 1, opening. It goes on to day that more than 51% have been partially vaccinated and over 35% have been fully vaccinated.. The authorities can vaccinate as many as 20000 people per day but given that the were only 7 days left in October when information was gathered, that's clearly not going to be enough time to put up a firewall against the virus. Phuket's experience in that regard provides a dismal proof. And that's with over 70% fully vaccinated.
  13. I just learned that now it's limited to countries not on the list of 46 nations. In today's Bangkok Post.
  14. I live in hope that someday, somehow, somewhere champions of freedom like yourself will acknowledge what a huge burden vaccine refuseniks imposed on the health system by refusing to get vaccinated. There's a reason why the unvaccinated are disproportionately getting very ill and/or dying and in so doing bringing normal hospital operations to a halt. Why the post vaccination phase of the pandemic is called a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And this was all easily avoidable. The only time freedom fighter ever answer this point is to lie and claim that it's fake news. Otherwise, they just evaporate.
  15. Since he made a point of specifying it wasn't mandates per see he had a problem with, but the the length the time the vaccine had been in use, I asked who gets to decide how long is enough. Eventually, his non-answer was "We the People." Basically, right wing relexive anti-government claptrap.
  16. When I purchased insurance, the policy had to specify it would cover Covid19. Back then the amount was $100000 now it's $50000. But I don't think that the rule that the insurance specify that it covers covid has changed.
  17. Adirak Pizza makes a first-rate Italian style . On weekends they also sell homemade mozzarella and ricotta.
  18. As part of the opening curfew rules will be relaxed in Chiang Mai. So it's not just about letting in foreign tourists.
  19. If you compare the performance of the UK, which has just about abolished all rules related to covid, you'll find that it's doing worse than other large European nations in respect to mortality which have been much more conservative re relaxing the rules.
  20. Actually, if you'd done your homework properly, you 'd know that it was more complicated than that. The rise in mutations is higher when both vaccination levels are high and measures to curb transmission are weak. Vaccine-resistant coronavirus 'mutants' are more likely when transmission is high, new model finds Vaccine-resistant coronavirus mutants are more likely to emerge when a large fraction of the population is vaccinated and viral transmission is high, and no steps are taken to stop the spread, a new model suggests. In other words, a situation that looks a lot like the current one in the U.S. https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-vaccine-resistance-mutation-model.html
  21. So the principle here is that freedom isn't jeopardized if the govt requires you to be vaccinated, if, a sufficiently long time has passed? And who gets to decide how long a period of time that should be?
  22. Governments routinely mandate that children be vaccinated and have done so for a hundred years or more. So, not to worry. Freedom is already long dead.
  23. Clearly you didn't even bother to read past the headline of the article, much less the body of it. After it was explicitly noted that potholes and uneven surfaces weren't solely to blame, this followed: "It was the geometric design of roads, poor bends and lack of visibility that contributed to the death toll. Roads were simply designed for cars. Thailand has to understand that bikes and cars are two very different beasts with different braking and cornering capabilities."
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