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  1. And punishing people is also a choice. And unforgiveable when it's so clearly hypocritical. These are the 10 states without expanded Medicaid: Wyoming, Kansas, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida All of them except Kansas, now have very harsh anti-abortion laws. And the only reason Kansas doesn't is because the citizens were allowed to vote on in a referendum to guarantee abortion rights.. (The Florida legislature has seen to it that referendums sponsored by citizens will be virtually impossible to get on the ballot. Not so for referendums authorized by the legislature) So, no, it's not about protecting children. It's about punishing women for having sex the way they choose to have it. Children Are Left Behind When States Fail to Expand Medicaid Growing numbers of uninsured children are concentrating in states that have not expanded Medicaid. While Medicaid expansion was designed to help uninsured adults who could not afford private insurance, the policy change also benefits children. Extending access to Medicaid coverage for adults benefits the whole family by providing continuous access to care and improving reproductive health https://ccf.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Kids-and-Medicaid-expansion_2-19.pdf
  2. Well, it does matter if you don't acknowledge, as you originally didn't, its effect on stock prices.
  3. What BS "Actions have consequences". Some of those consequences are imposed by punitive humans. And if you make a mistake in those places where such conditions are imposed, you should pay by being forced to endure your body going through huge changes for 9 months. But one thing you've revealed about yourself. Your claim to support a 15 week limit is obviously false. So, thanks for giving yourself away.
  4. But the only came to be used in a big way far more recently. And do I really have to explain to you why that is stock price manipulation? And why it used to be illegal?
  5. Sure. Just 7 months of an entirely joyful experience that you can't opt out of. And the post partum period is just one brief thrilling amusement park ride.
  6. What you don't seem to understand is that the price of gold was artificially fixed at $35 because of the gold standard until Nixon let it float. Actually a lot of the rises in stocks occurred because Republicans legalized stock buybacks which before than were rightfully considered price manipulation.
  7. Yet you managed not to mention the Constitution even once in your original post. And I would love for a new generation to run since poll after poll shows that they are far more progressive in their politics than older generations. I'm sure you are thrilled about that.
  8. Not only is your information outdated, but you managed not to provide a link. Maybe you should leave this kind of thing to people who don't trade in fiction.
  9. It's not about the risk of being pregnant. It's about being forced to stay pregnant.
  10. Maybe you wouldn't object, but clearly state legislatures do. There's been plenty of time for the same state legislatures that profess concern about unborn children to do something about the welfare of those already born. But as in the case of Medicaid expansion, , the states that are most protective of so-called unborn children, couldn't give a rat's @$$ about them once they are born.
  11. As the article points out, women often don't that that they are pregnant. And, of course, it's a lesson directed at poor women. Women who can afford the procedure will just travel elsewhere.
  12. It was a deposition, not a police interrogation. These usually take place in corporate offices and I believe that they even allow for bathroom breaks. And maybe even a crust of dry bread and a glass of tap water.
  13. Thank you for the stirring speech. Now let's get back to reality. You think the states are going to devote the huge sums it would take to enforce those laws? And this assumes that the fathers actually have the means to pay.
  14. So, to make them think about it, they get to be saddled with an unwanted pregnancy to take through to completion? What punitive SOBs the anti-abortionists are.
  15. Really? Maybe that would happen if the Beaver's and Wally's parents separated. Bur for single mother familes the father generally pays child support.? Only 1 in 4 Single-Mother Families Receive Child Support Accord­ing to 2019–2021 data in the KIDS COUNT® Data Cen­ter, just 24% of U.S. female-head­ed fam­i­lies report­ed receiv­ing any amount of child sup­port dur­ing the pre­vi­ous year. Female-head­ed fam­i­lies refer to unmar­ried women liv­ing with one or more of their own chil­dren under age 18, which may include stepchil­dren and adopt­ed children. One in three kids — near­ly 24 mil­lion — lives with sin­gle par­ents, most­ly sin­gle moms. In fact, accord­ing to 2022 Cen­sus Bureau data, of the 10.9 mil­lion one-par­ent fam­i­lies with chil­dren under age 18, 80% were head­ed by a moth­er. https://www.aecf.org/blog/only-1-in-4-single-mother-families-receive-child-support
  16. Nothing convoluted about Thomas not disclosing the $15,000 he received for selling the property. He apparently violated the law. And there's still the question of whether his mother had to pay rent which would be especially interesting if it turned out Thomas was helping to support her before the sale.
  17. Texas anti-masturbation bill moves closer to becoming law Under the Man’s Right to Know Act, Texan men would be fined $100 for every 'unregulated masturbatory emission' - although they may be reassured to learn this is a satirical bill highlighting how women have been targeted by anti-abortion laws. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/texas-antimasturbation-bill-fine-for-masturbating-illegal-jessica-farrar-house-bill-4260-man-s-right-to-know-act-abortion-laws-women-s-reproductive-rights-health-right-to-life-right-to-choose-a7669866.html
  18. Typical punitive attitude of the right when it comes to sex. And what this means for poor women in the region is particularly awful. They're going to have to travel farther and more expensively if they want to get an abortion. Already the costs are prohibitively high for many.
  19. That's not so surprising. But I wonder how it will affect the electability of DeSantis and the legislators who supported the bill. Of course, Florida is extremely gerrymandered so that does provide legislators a big measure of protection.
  20. I wonder how many of his answers were something to the effect that he didn't remember.
  21. I wonder if anyone has some polls planned to see how Desantis, approval ratings and that of the Legislature will fare once he signs the bill.
  22. Markets Jump as Wholesale Inflation Falls U.S. equities gained as a surprising decline in producer prices boosted optimism that the Federal Reserve might ease back on interest rate hikes to fight inflation. The Dow and S&P 500 were up more than 1%, and the Nasdaq added 2%. It was the first time in a week that all three rose on the same day. The possibility of lower borrowing costs benefits tech stocks, and they helped power the advance. https://www.investopedia.com/markets-jump-as-wholesale-inflation-falls-7480627
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