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  1. Thanks for the personal testimony. Even if it were possible to independently confirm it, what value would it have? I have attached a link to independently confirmable evidence so you'll know what it looks like. It's only for the individual market but it does give an idea of what effect covid could have on rates https://acasignups.net/rate-changes/2021
  2. You already did in effect reduce it to idiot drivers since you included no other factors.
  3. Really? Similar how? There's plenty of public health research showing that a very high level of vaccination is needed to thwart Covid 19? That 10's of thousands are dead because they didn't get vaccinated? What kind of research was there to support the contention that Trump was mentally unstable or that he was going to be convicted of crimes?
  4. Are you aware that just a few minutes ago you claimed that there was a consensus among psychiatrists that Trump was mentally unstable? Now you're questioning it?
  5. This is just one more example of the kind of one track thinking that has riddled this thread. It's actually possible, although it may not seem that way to you and others, that there can be more than one factor responsible for road fatalities.
  6. You really don't understand now science works do you? The CDC doesn't just make claims. It backs them up with an extraordinarily deep level of statistical research. That's how public health works. But I guess when you've got nothing, then claiming "fake science" is one way to go.
  7. Really, there was a consensus of attorneys that Trump would be in prison by now? You're probably closer to the truth when it comes to psychiatrists, but that is a ludicrously easy judgement to arrive at. Still, neither of these instances has anything to do with epidemiology. The consensus for epidemiologist is pretty easy to arrive at. We know that Delta has a high RO. So it's going to take a very high percentage of the population to thwart the spread of delta. At least 85%.
  8. Ya think these organization are acting in defiance of the consensus of public health researchers? Major Health Care Professional Organizations Call for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for All Health Workers Groups include American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, Association of American Medical Colleges, and National Association for Home Care and Hospice https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/press-releases/major-health-care-professional-organizations-call-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-all-health-workers Federal Research Bolsters the Case for Vaccine Mandates ust a day after President Biden issued broad mandates aimed at encouraging American workers to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, federal health officials released new data showing that unvaccinated Americans are 11 times as likely as vaccinated people to die of Covid-19. Three large studies, published on Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also highlighted the effectiveness of the shots at preventing infection and hospitalizations with the virus. The research underscored a deep conviction among scientists that vaccine hesitancy and refusal have prolonged the pandemic. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/10/health/coronavirus-vaccine-mandate.html
  9. Except that the theme of the overwhelming majority of criticisms from public health experts is that governments are relaxing their standards too quickly. Certainly that's the case in the UK. Why England’s COVID ‘freedom day’ alarms researchers In less than a week, the UK government plans to drop nearly all measures for mitigating the spread of COVID–19 across England — despite steeply rising infections in the partially vaccinated population. The decision, widely hailed by its advocates as heralding a ‘freedom day’, has been sharply criticized by many scientific and public-health experts in the United Kingdom and beyond. Some scientists call the relaxation an unprecedented public-health experiment that could result in large numbers of hospitalizations and deaths, and increase the chances of vaccine-resistant variants of SARS-CoV-2 emerging. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01938-4
  10. It's not that foreigners would pose a danger. Rather, it's the relaxation of rules in a population that still has low levels of vaccination.
  11. Apparently, then, there are a lot of idiots on aseannow.com who assign the blame solely to Thai drivers.
  12. Thanks to the internet, you could look this stuff up rather than using your imagination. In the USA the average median wage for pharmacists was $128, 700. So in this case your imagination definitely failed you. And you should stop generalizing about nurses' pay. Both the UK and New Zealand RNs earn a lot less than do American RNs. Finally, what makes you assume that someone who chooses to be a pharmacist would otherwise be considering nursing as a career?
  13. The base pay of registered nurses in Texas is about $73,000 US dollars per year. And that's before overtime kicks in. Unfortunately for those nurses and other healthcare workers there's been way too much overtime lately. And idoctors and nurses say the hardest thing for them is the fact the majority of these people are dying because of their ignorance and gullibility. Ignorance and gullibility that strongly align with their political beliefs.
  14. Crowe got to be an A-lister because of his brilliant performance in another great movie, L.A. Confidential.
  15. Here's a few lies and nonsense from Carlson https://news.yahoo.com/tucker-carlson-makes-totally-untrue-034841033.html https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/may/06/tucker-carlson/tucker-carlsons-misleading-claim-about-deaths-afte/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/09/21/tucker-carlson-outdoes-himself-vaccines-again/
  16. As soon as I saw that factoid about 27 ICU beds in the Greater Houston Area, my first thought was a very skeptical "really"? A huge metropolitan area like Houston, the center of the oil and gas industry, only has 27 ICU beds? But when I looked closer at that figure I was shocked to find....nah just kidding. Of course, that number is ludicrously wrong. It doesn't mean what you want it to mean. Let's take a look at the first 3 sentences of that article you linked to: "There are only 27 ICU beds available for 6.6 million people in the Greater Houston Area, according to the Texas Health Department, and only 329 in the entire state. That’s an all-time low and it couldn't come at a worse time with COVID cases running rampant. The DSHS tracks ICU beds and other important COVID data for Trauma Service Areas or TSAs across the state." https://www.khou.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/icu-beds-in-greater-houston-area/285-55d3100f-5a8e-4aac-abce-8065dbf60e84 This is about how many beds are left. Not the total number of ICU beds. And I know that because I did a search. The Texas Medical Center alone has over 2000 ICU beds. https://www.tmc.edu/coronavirus-updates/overview-of-tmc-icu-bed-capacity-and-occupancy/
  17. I asked the same question in the thai visa, work permit, etc. forum and there the consensus was that it need to be within 72 hours of when the test was taken not when the results were issued.
  18. What does "so many" mean in numerical terms? Got a percentage for that? And medical society isn't pushing vaccinations? You sure about that? AMA: Time to mandate COVID-19 vaccination is now https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/ama-time-mandate-covid-19-vaccination-now Audiey Kao, MD, PhD, on mandating vaccines for health care workers AMA's position is that nonmedical exemptions, such as religious or philosophic objections to vaccinations, endanger the health of the unvaccinated individual and those whom the individual comes in contact with, so the AMA supports legislation eliminating nonmedical exemptions from immunizations https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/audiey-kao-md-phd-mandating-vaccines-health-care-workers
  19. per patients. In other word for every 250 patients evaluated as green you would need the same number of doctors and nurses as you would need for 10 covid patients evaluated as yellow.
  20. Actually it's not about an empty generic icu ward, is it? it's about an empty covid ward, presumably ICU.. It says nothing about other ICU wards. And it's a truly ridiculous post. We know that at different times where covid was surging in different places.. It wasn't surging everywhere at once. So not surprising that in some parts of the country covid wards could be empty.
  21. I looked into this in september and upon closer inspection it turned out that those coming to Chiang Mai would have to remain in guided tours for the duration of their sandbox time before being set free.
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