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  1. Vague statement? Well, we know what the alternative to that allegedly vague statement is, don't we? Doctors who are afraid to perform therapeutic abortions because they risk fines and imprisonment. Anything other than the final decision resting with medical personnel authorized to perform the procedure is obviously going to discourage late term abortions performed for the health of the mother.
  2. As pointed out, the Chinese were so afraid of Trump that they reneged on a $200 billion commitment by a mere $200 billion.
  3. I see you have no answer to defend your unsupported and blatantly false belief that the Chinese feared doublecrossing Trump. But hey, falling short by $200 billlion on a $200 billion commitment, doesn't signify much in your view, does it? As for not supporting Taiwan. In fact, there's been a huge boost in aid to Taiwan. US lawmakers agree on bill to provide US$10 billion in military aid to Taiwan Bill provides US$2 billion in military assistance each year from 2023 to 2027 https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4743172 Also, Taiwan is a wealthy nation. It can afford to buy armaments. What the Biden administration has been doing is urging the Taiwanese govt to rethink their defense policy in light of lessons learned in both Iraq and now the Ukraine. Taiwan is never going to match in bulk the Chinese govts armed forces. In letters, U.S. tries to reshape Taiwan’s weapons requests The Biden administration is rebuffing some of Taiwan’s requests for big-ticket weapons, instead urging Taipei to buy other equipment the U.S. believes will better deter and defend against China, according to U.S. and Taiwanese officials and documents obtained by POLITICO. The Army told Taiwan in a March letter that it should buy an upgraded version of a mobile artillery system Taipei had requested years ago. In a separate March letter, the State Department told Taiwan that it would not respond to a request for a pricey helicopter designed for hunting submarines. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/10/u-s-taiwan-weapons-request-00031507
  4. America has become a nation of extreme leftists: Voters Support the Inflation Reduction Act https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2022/8/3/voters-support-the-inflation-reduction-act#:~:text=In a new poll%2C Data,clean energy enjoy bipartisan support. Fact-check: Would Democratic bill allow abortion up until delivery?.” PolitiFact's ruling: Mostly False Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022" and proposed by Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., says states would not be able to keep health care providers from offering abortions before fetal viability, which generally is around 24 weeks into pregnancy. It adds that states could restrict health care providers from providing abortions after fetal viability, but only "when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health." https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/08/08/fact-check-would-democratic-bill-allow-abortion-up-until-delivery/65393371007/ Do you have any use for facts at all?
  5. I can't believe that you're so ill-informed that you don't know about these things. A sea change’: Biden reverses decades of Chinese trade policy Forget tariffs. Biden’s actions to crack down on Beijing’s tech development will do more to hinder the Chinese economy — and divide the two nations — than Trump ever did. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/26/china-trade-tech-00072232 The Biden Administration’s China Policy: An Inventory of Actions to Address the Challenge https://www.justsecurity.org/82252/the-biden-administrations-china-policy-an-inventory-of-actions-to-address-the-challenge/ The Biden Administration’s Moves to Take on China https://www.bhfs.com/insights/alerts-articles/2022/the-biden-administration-s-moves-to-take-on-china
  6. Clearly, the Chinese were quaking in their boots at the thought of crossing Trump China bought none of the extra $200 billion of US exports in Trump's trade deal https://www.piie.com/blogs/realtime-economics/china-bought-none-extra-200-billion-us-exports-trumps-trade-deal#:~:text=In the end%2C China bought,exports Trump's deal had promised.
  7. They might think it's a good time. What with the US providing so much aid to Ukraine. I'm not saying it will happen. But I wouldn't rule it out, either. And I guess we should see if China is building up an invasion force on the mainland opposite Taiwan. If they were, I would expect the Biden administration to do what it so brilliantly in the case of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Long before Russia invaded, the Biden administration predicted it was going to invade.
  8. Not that it's really significant but he actually, he won 551 counties. How many counties did Biden win? Less than any other president — but he still received more votes than Trump Because small metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties are far less populous than large metropolitan areas, there are many more Trump-won counties than Biden-won counties (2,588 versus 551). Thus, a look at any national map of the 2020 voting results shows seas of red counties surrounding clusters of blue ones. Yet the reason that Biden counties house 67 million more people than Trump counties lies with the fact that the former dominate large urban core and suburban counties in major metropolitan areas. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/how-many-counties-did-biden-win-less-than-trump-fact-check-b1774513.html
  9. As much as I hate to agree with vandenventer about anything, i think there is a good chance that China will go ahead and do it. They see that the US is far more antagonistic to China than it was under the Trump administration. Trump may have talked big because he's a blowhard, but the steps he authorized didn't amount to much compared to what the Biden administration has done. And the Biden administration has committed itself to strengthening Taiwan. So the longer China waits the harder it's going to get to invade. I just hope the Taiwanese have their chip factories mined and ready to be blown up if China does go ahead with it.
  10. Really? What Trump did to oppose China is miniscule compared to what Biden has done. Do you really need for it to be spelled out to you? Because if you do, you must be living in a cave.
  11. According to the article, if Murdoch's titles were properly disclosed, Fox would have been liiable to submit a lot more documents.
  12. And will they be stopping and searching each container in a container vessel to find the fentanyl? https://www.fleetmon.com/vessels/apl-mexico-city_9632210_9085289/
  13. Here goes. And, I'm sure, that you as an honorable person, will acknowledge that you got this wrong once the facts are laid out before you: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/gdp-growth Jobs report: US economy adds 236,000 jobs in March, unemployment rate falls to 3.5% https://finance.yahoo.com/news/march-jobs-report-april-7-2023-123139159.html Inflation fell for the eighth-straight month in February https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/14/economy/cpi-inflation-february/index.html United States Exports https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/exports I look forward to your acknowledgement that you got it wrong.
  14. And once again: Not that it's really significant in any way except that it shows the unreliability of the sources you rely on, but that figure of 477 was a very preliminary one. The final number of counties won by Biden after all votes were tallied is 551. "Because small metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties are far less populous than large metropolitan areas, there are many more Trump-won counties than Biden-won counties (2,588 versus 551)." https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2021/01/21/a-demographic-contrast-biden-won-551-counties-home-to-67-million-more-americans-than-trumps-2588-counties/ Those of us who are interested in reality rather than factoids, know that Biden's victory was fueled by a big shift towards the Democratic nominee in large suburbs. It was only partially offset by a shift in small urban centers and rural counties towards Trump. Edited Sunday at 08:16 PM by placeholder
  15. You can't even get basic facts straight: Once again Biden-won counties are home to 67 million more Americans than Trump-won counties https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2021/01/21/a-demographic-contrast-biden-won-551-counties-home-to-67-million-more-americans-than-trumps-2588-counties/
  16. No one disputes that there is such a thing as Benford's law. But the fact is, that, not only was the issue of Benford's law raised only in relation to Pennsylvania, but according to an article in Chance, the magazine of the American Statistical Associations, it fails even in Pennsylavia to find fraud. Benford’s Law and County-Level Votes in US Presidential Elections "The argument that the failure of Biden’s county-level votes in Pennsylvania to follow Benford’s law is an indication of voter fraud is interesting and cannot be dismissed entirely. The argument rests on three premises, which we investigated using recent presidential election data. Unfortunately, for proponents of the argument, the premises went 0.5 out of 3 and the argument fails." https://chance.amstat.org/2022/04/benfords-law-votes/
  17. Trump's documents were not guarded by the Secret Service. Their job is to protect people. Also, it is only a crime if it can be shown that the the person in question knowingly had possession of the documents. It is also a crime to refuse to return documents once the National Archives requests their return. It is also a crime to lie about possession of documents. That would be called obstruction of justice. Apart from these few quibbles, thanks for the great post.
  18. Fox’s Murdoch Admits Some Fox Hosts ‘Endorsed’ False Election Claims in Dominion Deposition Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch said in a deposition in an already-explosive defamation case against his company’s top business, Fox News, that “some of our commentators were endorsing” a series of claims that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, the latest revelation that suggests Fox executives could have been aware that some of the company’s hosts were pushing baseless assertions... Murdoch was asked, for example, if Jeanine Pirro, an opinion host, endorsed the claims, and replied, “I think so.” He also said Lou Dobbs, a former Fox Business opinion host, endorsed the false claims “a lot,” and that veteran commentator Sean Hannity endorsed the claims “a bit.” https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/fox-pushes-back-against-dominion-voting-defamation-claims-1235537622/
  19. The scientists at the University of Birmingham, in collaboration with scientists at the University of Science and Technology in Beijing, have discovered that perovskites may have another important use — removing carbon dioxide emissions from mills that use blast furnaces to make steel... Ding tells Perovskite-Info, “Current proposals for decarbonizing the steel sector rely on phasing out existing plants and introducing electric arc furnaces powered by renewable electricity. However, an electric arc furnace plant can cost over £1 billion to build, which makes this switch economically unfeasible in the time remaining to meet the Paris Climate Agreement." https://cleantechnica.com/2023/04/11/perovskites-can-reduce-carbon-emissions-from-blast-furnaces/
  20. Hanaguma apparently is still spreading falsehoods about Fetterman. He cited as evidence an interview Fetterman recently gave to CBS. I looked at the video and it clearly showed that Fetterman was very very far from that. Subsequently I asked Hanaguma to show me where in that video did Fetterman correspond to his libel. No reply Here's a link to the interview. It's about 10 minutes long This is from the Chief of Neuropsychiatry at Walter Reed Hospital: "Over the subsequent weeks, Fetterman's mood steadily improved," Williamson said. "Sleep was restored, he ate well and hydrated, and he evidenced better mood, brighter affect and improved motivation, self-attitude, and engagement with others. His treatment gradually produced remission of his depression." https://www.newsweek.com/fettermans-doctor-details-senators-recovery-depression-1791941 It also turns out he needs hearing aids because of "mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss".
  21. I found this assertion about her appearance rather odd: "The presenter's blonde hair and light-coloured eyes reflect the country's diverse population of Kuwaitis and expatriates, Mr Boftain said." So if the average skin tone and eye color of a kuwaiti and that of an average expat were mixed it would come out blond and fair-skinned?
  22. But Mac MickManus wants to know if you'd be happy. Because isn't happiness the reason we all pay taxes? To tell you the truth, even paying the VAT at seven-eleven gives me a frisson of joy every time I do it.
  23. The question is, do I qualify as rich. And why would I pay the Thai govt at that rate? Does it provide services to anyone, thai citizen or not, that would justify that rate? Does the Thai govt charge anyone at that rate?
  24. Whatever it is you're proposing here, and it looks incoherent, it certainly doesn't resemble a genuine gold standard.
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