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  1. It's clear you've swallowed the nonsense perpetrated by some about what the 15 minute city means. It does not mean keeping people from traveling more than 15 minutes away from their homes.. But if you have evidence that proves otherwise, please share it with us. I don't think you're going to find it outside of sites created by conspiracy promoting trolls. And what is the doomsday cult I subscribe to? And thanks for the trolling meme. It says a lot about the quality of your thinking that you posted it and nothing at all about the issues at hand.
  2. You mean that there was no free market in the US? So, what elements made pricing not sensible? Were workers being paid too much?
  3. Can you please share with us the source of your claim that there is a plan to "keep us within 15 minutes of our home/place of work?" And your supposition that this finding will be used "to tax us more" is must another empty calumny from you. In other words put up or... Funny. There a topic about whether conspiracy trolls believe the nonsense they're spreading. Looks like you may be one of their victims.
  4. Definition of "playing games" to try to deceive someone: Don't play games with me! SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Cheating & tricking.Mar 29, 2566 BE PLAY GAMES | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary https://www.google.com/search?q=what+does+"playing+games"+mean&sxsrf=APwXEdcUamjIgMoNbHreLHk0rXkpAS34Ag%3A1681087193052&ei=2VozZMrjArGj5NoPw_ieyA0&ved=0ahUKEwiKtOnniZ7-AhWxEVkFHUO8B9kQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=what+does+"playing+games"+mean&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIGCAAQBxAeMgYIABAHEB4yCAgAEAcQHhAPMggIABAHEB4QDzIKCAAQBxAeEA8QCjIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgQIABAeMgYIABAeEA8yBggAEB4QDzoKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoKCAAQigUQsAMQQzoNCAAQ5AIQ1gQQsAMYAToPCC4QigUQyAMQsAMQQxgCOggIABAHEB4QCkoECEEYAFDACliEeGD6gAFoAXABeAGAAZwHiAGmGZIBBzQtMS4zLjGYAQCgAQHIARPAAQHaAQYIARABGAnaAQYIAhABGAg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  5. So, I'm sure you agree that it is equally illegitimate to be diagnosing Biden as suffering from dementia?
  6. Do you have similar problem with those diagnosing Biden as suffering from dementia?
  7. More nonsense about "settled science". I guess this kind of foolishness stems from the fact that even the most seemingly impregnable theories get overturned. Like Newton's theory of gravitation. The thing is that while relativity theory may have superseded Newton's, the fact is that Newton's theory is still good enough to for a spaceship to rendezvous with Pluto. And of course, modern technology depends on theories that are known to be imperfect in explaining the universe. As for conspiracy theories, they lie at the heart of ACC denialism. As the latest study uncovered, 99.9% of climatological research that in some way has to do with ACC, supports the theory. 4 studies out of 3000 didn't. Denialists repeatedly invoke the fact that either this is organized fakery or that there is worldwide suppression of research that doesn't agree with the consensus. Sounds like conspiracy theories to me.
  8. Well, it's true that water vapor is a very potent greenhouse gas. But what's also true is that the atmosphere is repeatedly purged of water vapor by something called precipitation, as part of the water cycle. As far as I'm aware, there have yet to be clouds that shower us with dry ice or frozen methane. At least on planet earth. I do believe that some of the moons of Jupiter might have methane rain storms. Perhaps those who believe that this happens on earth too are confused ex residents of those distant worlds.
  9. When the day comes that it starts raining CO2 and other greenhouse gases then you will have a point. Until then, you've got nothing.
  10. The conspiracy theory denialists, who comprise virtually all of the Anthropogenic Climate Change denialists, are going to have a hard time explaining how the alleged climate change conspirators let this one get past them.
  11. Biden can't dismiss the Fed Chairman arbitrarily, He can only do it "for cause". Anyway, I don't think Powell has done such a great job. It's bad enough that the previous administration relaxed the rules regulating banks. But the current Fed was very lax in supervising the banks. And I think he's now overreacting to the threat of inflation. The banking system's current distress, coupled with the rises already put in place should do the job. Some things, like oil prices are out of the Fed's control.
  12. How many dismissals by courts does it take to prove it to be false? How many recounts? Clearly proven beyond a reasonable doubt. But clearly not proven beyond an unreasonable doubt. But that's what unreasonable doubts are for, isn't it?
  13. The thing is, the Fed is doing it's level best to slow the growth of the economy by raising interest rates. It may well succeed in throwing the economy into a recession. And who is the chairman of the Fed? Jerome Powell. And who appointed him? Donald Trump.
  14. Well, there will apparently be financial consequences for this move inspired by right wing lunacy.
  15. It's funny. Not so long ago a member of aseannow.com blamed Biden for the poor performance of the economy in 2020. Ya know, when Trump was President. Now you're crediting Trump for the good performance of the economy in 2016. Ya know, when Obama was President.
  16. More comedy: With more costs to come, Shasta County will spend $950,000 on new voting system Shasta County officials on Thursday approved spending $950,000 to hire a company to provide the equipment needed to hand-count ballots, something that hasn't been done in California in decades, at least not on the scale proposed in the county. The Board of Supervisors' action comes even as elections officials try to develop a process that does away with machine counting and instead manually tallies ballots. County officials are also trying to figure out all of the costs associated with converting from machine counting. https://www.redding.com/story/news/local/2023/04/07/shasta-co-spends-950k-on-new-voting-system-after-hand-count-approval/70089936007/ What's that equipment to help the hand counting going to be? Extra fingers and toes?
  17. Anyway, as I guess I'm pointing out again, the judge already ruled that it has been established that the charges leveled at Dominion's voting machines were untrue. He stipulated that the issue for the jury is to decide whether Fox's coverage was due to malice or was just simply reporting. So there will be no evidence presented about the reliability of the Dominion machines. I don't understand why Longwood50 finds that point so difficult to grasp.
  18. Not that it's really significant in any way except that it shows the unreliability of the sources you rely on, but that figure of 477 was a very preliminary one. The final number of counties won by Biden after all votes were tallied is 551. "Because small metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties are far less populous than large metropolitan areas, there are many more Trump-won counties than Biden-won counties (2,588 versus 551)." https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2021/01/21/a-demographic-contrast-biden-won-551-counties-home-to-67-million-more-americans-than-trumps-2588-counties/ Those of us who are interested in reality rather than factoids, know that Biden's victory was fueled by a big shift towards the Democratic nominee in large suburbs. It was only partially offset by a shift in small urban centers and rural counties towards Trump.
  19. Biden-won counties are home to 67 million more Americans than Trump-won counties https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2021/01/21/a-demographic-contrast-biden-won-551-counties-home-to-67-million-more-americans-than-trumps-2588-counties/
  20. Which has nothing to do with the fact that you there is nothing in these documents to back up your uncertainty.
  21. Yes it is sad. Far too many people choose willful ignorance in order maintain their beliefs. There is noting in these documents that supports what your uncertainty.
  22. You believe factoids count as serious evidence? Get back to us with the total population of those counties, or the total number of registered voters in each of those counties, and compare that to the total populations of all the rest of the counties that went for Trump. Trump was strongest in rural areas which counties with a far lower population. Los Angeles county, which went overwhelmingly for Biden,, alone has a population of 10 million people. I honestly don't understand how anyone can have so little grasp of reality as not to account for this glaringly obvious factor.
  23. It's interesting to note how the Republicans are keeping quiet about this judge's decision. Top Republicans—Trump, McCarthy, DeSantis And Greene—All Keep Quiet On Abortion Drug Ban https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/04/08/top-republicans-trump-mccarthy-desantis-and-greene-all-keep-quiet-on-abortion-drug-ban/?sh=264730072683 I think the only Republican senator to vote against his appointment was Susan Collins. Should be a useful issue against some of those Republican senators come the next election.
  24. In his decision, this fanatical judge used the phrase "unborn person" instead of fetus. This notion that fetus is a person has no constitutional backing.
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